Michael Moore sets up website so liberals can put their money where their mouths are


You guys really just can't wrap your heads around the fact that not everyone in this country pisses their pants the second they see a Muslim, can you?

No, you piss your pants the second you see a Christian.

I understand though, those Christians don't cut heads off of innocent people or stone women to death - they are strange and have nothing in common with you leftists...


There's nothing funnier than literally watching you act out all the delusions that I've read in psychology textbooks.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Well if they are opening their mouths up on this then great for them. That does not obligate the whole country.

Nor does Michael Moore setting up a website "obligate" liberals to open their homes.
I didnt read that as an obligation, personally, but more of an encouragement.

But you know how you libtards are, obligated to do all these things that Salon demands just so you can prove you have your heart in the right place and are not a racist yourself, if you;re white, right? So that would be the only kind of 'obligation' any libtard would have, but usually with you guys thats more than enough to do the job.


It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...

Funny, I didn't see the thread by the OP complaining about this and going "Here's your chance Christians"
Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

Only thing he is good for is crab food. Why does anyone even listen to him?

a lot of democrats ignore him.
Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

Count me in!! - Rdean

Me too -- Guno

I only want young males predisposition to Jihad -- luddy

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...

Would be funny if I were a Christian. :laugh:
Guarantee you none of the USMB Assclown Brigade will do it. All a bunch of chickenshits.

Before reading the "christians" spewing their hate here (tis the season, right), I would have disagreed.

Turns out, those that thump the loudest also hate the most and for the least reason.


Why do you libtards make everything about Christians? It's stupid for anyone to welcome Muslims into their countries. Muslims have murdered countless Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, pagans, and atheists in addition to Christans. It has nothing to do with religion or what god anyone worships. It has everything to do with Islamists political agenda of destroying everything that isn't Islam.
Just like what went on in Africa, many children are trying to escape for the Taliban cannot draft them in.
The Refugee Crisis and Afghan Asylum-Seekers in Europe: Testimony of Youth | Foreign Policy Journal

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Which is why I recognize christianity and pretty much ALL forms of religion as genocidal,suicidal and deranged. Its goal is to destroy from within. Its working obviously.Funny how ALL these religious groups can bring in invaders and give them homes food jobs etc but can't do the same for AMERICAN homeless folks....

You guys really just can't wrap your heads around the fact that not everyone in this country pisses their pants the second they see a Muslim, can you?

No, you piss your pants the second you see a Christian.

I understand though, those Christians don't cut heads off of innocent people or stone women to death - they are strange and have nothing in common with you leftists...


There's nothing funnier than literally watching you act out all the delusions that I've read in psychology textbooks.
You have psychology text books on people posting on message boards?

How weird.
Which is why I recognize christianity and pretty much ALL forms of religion as genocidal,suicidal and deranged. Its goal is to destroy from within. Its working obviously.Funny how ALL these religious groups can bring in invaders and give them homes food jobs etc but can't do the same for AMERICAN homeless folks....

Right, which is why when the rulers of Western Europe faced the ravages of the Norse, the Arabs, the Magyars and plague and famine, they all turned to Christianity and Jehovah to save them. So for the first time, really, they began to implement many if not most of the old Judaic legal code and BOOM Europe began to thrive. They penned up the Viking raiders by militarizing the Dane land into a march (hence the name Denmark), they assisted the Spanish in controlling the Western Med and push back on the Muslims there, and they pacified the Magyars and other Eastern invaders as well. The invested once again into institutions of learning, mostly the monasteries at first but later they built colleges and universities, all under the leadership of religious people.

All because they were so weakened by Christianity.

Yeah right

You guys really just can't wrap your heads around the fact that not everyone in this country pisses their pants the second they see a Muslim, can you?

No, you piss your pants the second you see a Christian.

I understand though, those Christians don't cut heads off of innocent people or stone women to death - they are strange and have nothing in common with you leftists...


There's nothing funnier than literally watching you act out all the delusions that I've read in psychology textbooks.
You have psychology text books on people posting on message boards?

How weird.


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