Michael Moore sets up website so liberals can put their money where their mouths are


You guys really just can't wrap your heads around the fact that not everyone in this country pisses their pants the second they see a Muslim, can you?

No, you piss your pants the second you see a Christian.

I understand though, those Christians don't cut heads off of innocent people or stone women to death - they are strange and have nothing in common with you leftists...


There's nothing funnier than literally watching you act out all the delusions that I've read in psychology textbooks.
You have psychology text books on people posting on message boards?

How weird.



It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.


Every major Christian organization in this country has come out in support of accepting and welcoming Syrian refugees at greater numbers than currently proposed.

If "Christians" don't agree with those organizations and are not "asking for them to be accepted , they should probably speak to their pastors about it, don't you think?
Which is why I recognize christianity and pretty much ALL forms of religion as genocidal,suicidal and deranged. Its goal is to destroy from within. Its working obviously.Funny how ALL these religious groups can bring in invaders and give them homes food jobs etc but can't do the same for AMERICAN homeless folks....

Right, which is why when the rulers of Western Europe faced the ravages of the Norse, the Arabs, the Magyars and plague and famine, they all turned to Christianity and Jehovah to save them. So for the first time, really, they began to implement many if not most of the old Judaic legal code and BOOM Europe began to thrive. They penned up the Viking raiders by militarizing the Dane land into a march (hence the name Denmark), they assisted the Spanish in controlling the Western Med and push back on the Muslims there, and they pacified the Magyars and other Eastern invaders as well. The invested once again into institutions of learning, mostly the monasteries at first but later they built colleges and universities, all under the leadership of religious people.

All because they were so weakened by Christianity.

Yeah right
turn the other cheek,give all wealth away,love thy enemy...awesome stuff! If you want to destroy your race and country by inviting every non white POS in.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.

As usual they want someone else to pay the bill.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Well if they are opening their mouths up on this then great for them. That does not obligate the whole country.
Nope. Last I checked people got to pick what charities they want to support.
Which is why I recognize christianity and pretty much ALL forms of religion as genocidal,suicidal and deranged. Its goal is to destroy from within. Its working obviously.Funny how ALL these religious groups can bring in invaders and give them homes food jobs etc but can't do the same for AMERICAN homeless folks....

Right, which is why when the rulers of Western Europe faced the ravages of the Norse, the Arabs, the Magyars and plague and famine, they all turned to Christianity and Jehovah to save them. So for the first time, really, they began to implement many if not most of the old Judaic legal code and BOOM Europe began to thrive. They penned up the Viking raiders by militarizing the Dane land into a march (hence the name Denmark), they assisted the Spanish in controlling the Western Med and push back on the Muslims there, and they pacified the Magyars and other Eastern invaders as well. The invested once again into institutions of learning, mostly the monasteries at first but later they built colleges and universities, all under the leadership of religious people.

All because they were so weakened by Christianity.

Yeah right
turn the other cheek,give all wealth away,love thy enemy...awesome stuff! If you want to destroy your race and country by inviting every non white POS in.
Dont confuse real authentic Christianity with the PC numb-nuts version of it we see so much among Christian clergy today. There are many who have not sold out to the corporate owned Literati, like Franklin Graham for example.

The corporate owned media simply ignores them and promotes the sell outs, of course, as they are owned by the corporations and not Jesus Christ.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.

As usual they want someone else to pay the bill.
"Socialism works until you run out of other people's money" said some wag some time ago.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.


Every major Christian organization in this country has come out in support of accepting and welcoming Syrian refugees at greater numbers than currently proposed.

If "Christians" don't agree with those organizations and are not "asking for them to be accepted , they should probably speak to their pastors about it, don't you think?
Well, maybe, but then maybe you could provide some support behind your "Every major Christian organization in this country" claim that I dont see any support for.

Oh, wait, your a libtard. My bad.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.


Every major Christian organization in this country has come out in support of accepting and welcoming Syrian refugees at greater numbers than currently proposed.

If "Christians" don't agree with those organizations and are not "asking for them to be accepted , they should probably speak to their pastors about it, don't you think?

"Organizations" do, what about Christians themselves ? I would say since a majority of Americans overall are against allowing Syrian refugees in, and since we can exclude liberals from that majority, and since a large percentage of Americans identify as Christian then obviously millions of Christians don't want them here.
You guys really just can't wrap your heads around the fact that not everyone in this country pisses their pants the second they see a Muslim, can you?
Immigrating Muslims all want Shiria law. Are you ready for your wife and mother to wear burkas? Oh, btw, ISIS said they're going to exploit the Syrian migration. Your dismissal of legitimate concerns, and those of the democrat candidates, will be the chief reason a republican will be our next President. Hopefully it will be Trump or Cruz.

It's funny that you should mention this - all of the major Christian denominations have also set up websites for Christians to put their money where their mouths are and support Syrian refugess...
Dude....Christians aren't asking for them....you fuckers are.

So, put your mouth where your money is and invite some terrorists into your home.


Every major Christian organization in this country has come out in support of accepting and welcoming Syrian refugees at greater numbers than currently proposed.

If "Christians" don't agree with those organizations and are not "asking for them to be accepted , they should probably speak to their pastors about it, don't you think?
From what I've read, these so-called "Christian Organizations" that have been participating in this scam are really leftist groups that the Obama Administration has bribed into accepting these people. Most Christians believe in the good Sumerian story that we're all taught in Sunday school. It doesn't mean you try to help change the demographics of the electorate illegally by bringing in millions of foreigners, or transport terrorists into the United States because your president is a selfish prick who cares more about the citizens of other countries than his own country. Or is this really all about stealing elections? Who knows.

BTW, name a Christian nation that almost always ends up trying to kill humanitarian groups that are there simply to help them. Kuwait is an exception, but even in Kuwait there have been attacks by extremists. Why is it always the story in Muslim countries?

Why is it that these Muslim countries need our help and not Christian countries? If you can figure it out then maybe you can understand why it's a bad idea to bring these assholes here. This is why Palestinians don't have a place of their own. They're nothing but trouble, even to other Muslims. Syrians are becoming the same as Palestinians. Perhaps that's why Obama helped start that war. What is so amazing is you people on the left cannot bring yourselves to condemn the president for his actions that led us to this in the first place. Why is it Obama never pays a price for his negligence? You just rationalize away everything he does. It's either Bush, the GOP, or lack of funding.
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Just spare it to a regular homeless person. Geez.
Why help Americans when you can walk by them on the street and spit on them instead?

Besides we all know that those Syrians deserve help more than our own people
You nuts don't want to help Americans either.

Really? how much did you give to vets on veterans day?

How much this season have you put in the salvation army kettles?

How much have you given to your local food bank?
Which is why I recognize christianity and pretty much ALL forms of religion as genocidal,suicidal and deranged. Its goal is to destroy from within. Its working obviously.Funny how ALL these religious groups can bring in invaders and give them homes food jobs etc but can't do the same for AMERICAN homeless folks....

Yeah, all those Christians cutting the heads off infidels on Al Jazeera.

Oh wait, you're just lying to create a false equivalence.

Carry on..
Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment
The women can stay with me. The men have to go back. The kids, put them with all those South American kids that tried to slip across the border. What ever happened to them?

Ok board libs, here's your chance to open up your homes to "refugees". :clap2:

Moore created a hashtag, #MyHomeIsOpen, and a website for people to sign up to take in Syrian refugees after they arrive in the country. As of Monday afternoon, 1,485 people already offered up rooms in their homes.

"I'm asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they're being settled in the U.S.," he said.

Michael Moore Defies Governor's Ban On Syrian Refugees And Opens Up His Apartment

Thanks for the link. I just signed up.

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