michael moore warns democrats enthusiasm for Trump 2020 off charts.

Michael Moore Warns Democrats Enthusiasm for Trump 2020 ‘Off the Charts

More and more evidence that msm has got it wrong about Trump losing.

For once, Michael Moore is right about something.
Another time he is a lying piece of scum, my you do have strange bedfellows in politics...
What he did in his self serving films to people is a disgrace. The Charlton Heston fiasco is terrible. Heston has moved social justice more then Michael Moore will ever do. We have empowered the depraved and the vicious and they have not disappointed. As the quality of what we build declines or does not keep up with our foreign competitors, people like this are the reason.
I am not a fan of MM......but he is right.

michael moore warns democrats enthusiasm for Trump 2020 off charts.

Four years in Trump added credence BIGLY.

He sure makes a lot of enemies. Just a coincidence he's so accomplished I guess. Trump is everything "liberals" once claimed to desire. That's back in the day liberals more resembled liberalism. In comes Trump, works for the people, the country, gets shit done, shakes up DC, shakes everything up, but no, that's no good, Trump is racist. Actually, the current fallback is "he's divisive". Hopefully it's subjective enough to stick, cough!

My Seattle niece is in her 50s. Today she and her new BS degree say the unrest is because of Trump, on FACEBOOK. She's a school teacher, wholly fuck. Imagine if she was conservative and that was Obama. She's a sweetheart, but emotional since a little girl, tantrums were BIGLY, so easy bait for PROG-sway.

I wonder how our cousins feel about her opinion? Some of their Seattle businesses were destroyed. But you know, it's Trump's fault cuz he's divisive (i.e., doesn't breastfeed like we need him to).
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