Michael Sam Kisses Off Trump: 'HE'S AN ASSHOLE'

With all due respect, Lakhota...are you going to spend the rest of the summer posting people who don't like Trump? Like that proves something?

Michael Sam is entitled to his opinion. Why you think it carries special weight you'll have to explain.

I don't know, Oldstyle....maybe we should pay heed to a 7th round draft pick that was cut in training camp and then couldn't cut it in the Canadian Football League either.... LOL!
With all due respect, Lakhota...are you going to spend the rest of the summer posting people who don't like Trump? Like that proves something?

Michael Sam is entitled to his opinion. Why you think it carries special weight you'll have to explain.

Until November 8.
Well, knock yourself out! I don't know why a fairly competent college linebacker's opinion on politics should sway anyone. I played college hockey and had quite a few friends that played football. They were probably the most "uninformed" people that I knew in college. Not to stereotype but they didn't really care about much else except playing football, lifting weights, eating and chasing girls...not necessarily in that order! Just saying...
Well, knock yourself out! I don't know why a fairly competent college linebacker's opinion on politics should sway anyone. I played college hockey and had quite a few friends that played football. They were probably the most "uninformed" people that I knew in college. Not to stereotype but they didn't really care about much else except playing football, lifting weights, eating and chasing girls...not necessarily in that order! Just saying...

Well, if their right to chase girls had been taken away from them - they probably would have paid closer attention to their political surroundings. Just saying...
I just did a Google search of Sam, Lakhota...I'm baffled by what you think makes his opinion so important. He doesn't seem to have done anything except play football and do Dancing With the Stars. So why am I paying attention to him again?
I just did a Google search of Sam, Lakhota...I'm baffled by what you think makes his opinion so important. He doesn't seem to have done anything except play football and do Dancing With the Stars. So why am I paying attention to him again?

I don't know. Why are you?
...and he WAS a really shitty player, hence being unemployed
I just did a Google search of Sam, Lakhota...I'm baffled by what you think makes his opinion so important. He doesn't seem to have done anything except play football and do Dancing With the Stars. So why am I paying attention to him again?

I don't know. Why are you?

So you don't know either? Talk about a waste of a thread! LOL

I know, but I don't know why you don't know.
Why is this in politics? It's getting really tiresome having a quizzillion threads on <fill in the blank liberal celebrity> doesn't like Trump.
Talking in circles isn't going to save this string, Lakhota. I know you feel it's your duty to "get" Trump but this was a waste.
Michelle Sam seems to be defined by his sexual proclivities....most queers seem to be that way. Their homosexuality defines who and what they are....very sad.

Ironically, you seem to be defined by your inability to obtain your sexual proclivities. So stop being such a homophobe.

Go fuck yourself...I'll post any fucking thing I want and when I want, ass-wipe. I have grown more than tired of LGBTQ agenda to the point that I no longer support it. At one time I had no problem with queers entering into civil unions and having their relationship recognized by admiralty thus making "da gubermint" a third party entity....but now they just sicken me.

Stop hiding and come on out.
At last, some proof that homophobia is not something driven by the Church, its actually driven by the same group of people claiming its being driven by others.
This pretty much clears the christians.
Well, knock yourself out! I don't know why a fairly competent college linebacker's opinion on politics should sway anyone. I played college hockey and had quite a few friends that played football. They were probably the most "uninformed" people that I knew in college. Not to stereotype but they didn't really care about much else except playing football, lifting weights, eating and chasing girls...not necessarily in that order! Just saying...
LOL, you said eating and chasing girls, Does the eating girls part not define your sexuality?
Hillary is so genuine...oh wait "Hillary Clinton during a campaign stop in North Carolina last week, read “sigh” off the teleprompter rather than actually sighing." :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
One of the reasons Sam gave for walking away from the Canadian team, twice, was mental and emotional issues. He must still have them.

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