Michael Savage meets with Trump......they talk "global warming"!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
So on the Savage radio show today, talk show host Michael Savage spoke of his 90 minute meeting with President Trump at Mia Largo on Saturday night. Mostly, they talked about the old neighborhoods they grew up in.....Queens New York.

Then......the only policy-like topic they spoke of was "global warming". Savage stated some background information to Trump and about the $$ being spent on interest groups related to phony science.......... then raised the specific topic of 5 ice ages that the earth has recovered from, only to go back into another again. Said, "Mr President....did we have Model T's back when those ice age's were going on?"

According to Savage.........Trump "put on a big grin and laughed!"


So I ask you............who's not winning?:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Whole new ballgame s0ns!!:fu:
Haha savage is cool. He did skip the battle though. That was pretty weak but given how much terror he was going to be put through if the GE lost, I understand.
Good one.

So on the Savage radio show today, talk show host Michael Savage spoke of his 90 minute meeting with President Trump at Mia Largo on Saturday night. Mostly, they talked about the old neighborhoods they grew up in.....Queens New York.

Then......the only policy-like topic they spoke of was "global warming". Savage stated some background information to Trump and about the $$ being spent on interest groups related to phony science.......... then raised the specific topic of 5 ice ages that the earth has recovered from, only to go back into another again. Said, "Mr President....did we have Model T's back when those ice age's were going on?"

According to Savage.........Trump "put on a big grin and laughed!"


Two clueless morons comparing their ignorance.....amounts to just more stupdity and reality denial.

Promoted on this forum by the forum's resident retard.
Eh, trump and savage? Yeah. I rather listen to charles manson on the topic of family values. He has at least some credibility.
A pair of really, really stupid fucks.

Think, it isn't illegal, yet.

Given the majority of the 'Conservatives' on this boards attitudes, I am sure that they wish it were illegal to think. The orange clown and his minions are some of the most foolish people in the world. AGW is recognized as real and a problem by every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world. The anti-science stance of this admin is clear to the whole world, and the whole world is laughing at what a bunch of knownothing hicks they present themselves to be.
Oh look, its' Global Warming right near San Jose Ca. 2017
huh? imagine that. same as the floods of the early 1980s'

Stop driving your cars. Run to work. Run down the side streets. Run!

right. watch how quick the "data" cleans up when funding dries up.
Really, Yellar, in a warming atmosphere that is one of the effects that are predicted.

National Climate Assessment

Heavy Downpours

Heavy downpours are increasing nationally, especially over the last three to five decades. The heaviest rainfall events have become heavier and more frequent, and the amount of rain falling on the heaviest rain days has also increased. Since 1991, the amount of rain falling in very heavy precipitation events has been significantly above average. This increase has been greatest in the Northeast, Midwest, and upper Great Plains – more than 30% above the 1901-1960 average. There has also been an increase in flooding events in the Midwest and Northeast, where the largest increases in heavy rain amounts have occurred.
r, one of the effects of a warmer atmosphere is that the atmosphere will carry more water vapor. Water vapor that will rain out in ten days or less. Your photo is in line with that.

Trump and Savage may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. Michael Savage was warning about the government-media complex long ago and he was dead on.
Really, Yellar, in a warming atmosphere that is one of the effects that are predicted.

National Climate Assessment

Heavy Downpours

Heavy downpours are increasing nationally, especially over the last three to five decades. The heaviest rainfall events have become heavier and more frequent, and the amount of rain falling on the heaviest rain days has also increased. Since 1991, the amount of rain falling in very heavy precipitation events has been significantly above average. This increase has been greatest in the Northeast, Midwest, and upper Great Plains – more than 30% above the 1901-1960 average. There has also been an increase in flooding events in the Midwest and Northeast, where the largest increases in heavy rain amounts have occurred.
r, one of the effects of a warmer atmosphere is that the atmosphere will carry more water vapor. Water vapor that will rain out in ten days or less. Your photo is in line with that.


CA just spent a bunch of years on water rationing? Reservoirs almost empty? That don't match up with your chart? Last big floods in the early 80s'?

don't wash your car....get a ticket. Sprinkler run in daylight....get at ticket. Water on sidewalk...get a ticket. Water use at home more than last year.....get a fine. Oh? that is USA total? WTH? vague much?
Trump and Savage may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. Michael Savage was warning about the government-media complex long ago and he was dead on.
You only think that because you are yourself way too stupid and incompetent to recognize how monumentally stupid and incompetent both Trump and Savage actually are.

In the real world, all around the world, pretty much everybody with an IQ higher than room temperature can clearly recognize their utter dumbassery. Only clueless rightwingnut retards like yourself are blind to it.
Really, Yellar, in a warming atmosphere that is one of the effects that are predicted.

National Climate Assessment

Heavy Downpours

Heavy downpours are increasing nationally, especially over the last three to five decades. The heaviest rainfall events have become heavier and more frequent, and the amount of rain falling on the heaviest rain days has also increased. Since 1991, the amount of rain falling in very heavy precipitation events has been significantly above average. This increase has been greatest in the Northeast, Midwest, and upper Great Plains – more than 30% above the 1901-1960 average. There has also been an increase in flooding events in the Midwest and Northeast, where the largest increases in heavy rain amounts have occurred.
r, one of the effects of a warmer atmosphere is that the atmosphere will carry more water vapor. Water vapor that will rain out in ten days or less. Your photo is in line with that.


CA just spent a bunch of years on water rationing? Reservoirs almost empty? That don't match up with your chart?
The chart is titled "Observed U.S. Trend in a heavy Percipitation", numbnuts.

California is only a small part of the United States, moron, so of course the "chart don't match".

California just came out of a long drought by getting the most winter rain the state has ever received in recorded history. That is part of what is called climate change, driven by the 45% increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere that mankind has created.

You seem to be extremely retarded, you poor deluded fool.
The chart is titled "Observed U.S. Trend in a heavy Percipitation", numbnuts.

California is only a small part of the United States, moron, so of course the "chart don't match".

California just came out of a long drought by getting the most winter rain the state has ever received in recorded history. That is part of what is called climate change, driven by the 45% increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere that mankind has created.

You seem to be extremely retarded, you poor deluded fool

Was your Grandpa spouting the same crap back in the 80s? During the floods on the Mississippi in the 90s'?

I know, if only that 2009 stimulus would have been bigger! Damn evil grandchildren wont accept that much debt.

ooooops, false alarm. I just looked out the window. I can see even farther than I could in the 90s. CO2 blew away. No more problem. don't have to run to work! whew, glad thats' over. They don't have a shower there anymore due to the drought.
The chart is titled "Observed U.S. Trend in a heavy Percipitation", numbnuts.

California is only a small part of the United States, moron, so of course the "chart don't match".

California just came out of a long drought by getting the most winter rain the state has ever received in recorded history. That is part of what is called climate change, driven by the 45% increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere that mankind has created.

You seem to be extremely retarded, you poor deluded fool

Was your Grandpa spouting the same crap back in the 80s? During the floods on the Mississippi in the 90s'?

I know, if only that 2009 stimulus would have been bigger! Damn evil grandchildren wont accept that much debt.

ooooops, false alarm. I just looked out the window. I can see even farther than I could in the 90s. CO2 blew away. No more problem. don't have to run to work! whew, glad thats' over. They don't have a shower there anymore due to the drought.

Wow! You are REALLY retarded!!! BIG TIME! How far up your ass did you manage to shove your head this time, Old Nutjob?
So on the Savage radio show today, talk show host Michael Savage spoke of his 90 minute meeting with President Trump at Mia Largo on Saturday night. Mostly, they talked about the old neighborhoods they grew up in.....Queens New York.

Then......the only policy-like topic they spoke of was "global warming". Savage stated some background information to Trump and about the $$ being spent on interest groups related to phony science.......... then raised the specific topic of 5 ice ages that the earth has recovered from, only to go back into another again. Said, "Mr President....did we have Model T's back when those ice age's were going on?"

According to Savage.........Trump "put on a big grin and laughed!"


Two clueless morons comparing their ignorance.....amounts to just more stupdity and reality denial.

Promoted on this forum by the forum's resident retard.

But winning!!:deal:

s0n......where the fcuk have you been? Stick round for awhile!:desk:
lmao.....Thunder is always having his head explode but from the looks of things, Trumps winning sent his ass right over the edge!! The anger and misery..........f'ing classic.

Looks like the k00ks need a translation on "Trumps smile" during the Savage presentation!:2up:
So on the Savage radio show today, talk show host Michael Savage spoke of his 90 minute meeting with President Trump at Mia Largo on Saturday night. Mostly, they talked about the old neighborhoods they grew up in.....Queens New York.

Then......the only policy-like topic they spoke of was "global warming". Savage stated some background information to Trump and about the $$ being spent on interest groups related to phony science.......... then raised the specific topic of 5 ice ages that the earth has recovered from, only to go back into another again. Said, "Mr President....did we have Model T's back when those ice age's were going on?"

According to Savage.........Trump "put on a big grin and laughed!"


Two clueless morons comparing their ignorance.....amounts to just more stupdity and reality denial.

Promoted on this forum by the forum's resident retard.

Savage may disagree on Man made global warming , but that hardly makes him a moron. He's got a pretty valid resume as well as a Doctorate I believe.
Really, Yellar, in a warming atmosphere that is one of the effects that are predicted.

National Climate Assessment

Heavy Downpours

Heavy downpours are increasing nationally, especially over the last three to five decades. The heaviest rainfall events have become heavier and more frequent, and the amount of rain falling on the heaviest rain days has also increased. Since 1991, the amount of rain falling in very heavy precipitation events has been significantly above average. This increase has been greatest in the Northeast, Midwest, and upper Great Plains – more than 30% above the 1901-1960 average. There has also been an increase in flooding events in the Midwest and Northeast, where the largest increases in heavy rain amounts have occurred.
r, one of the effects of a warmer atmosphere is that the atmosphere will carry more water vapor. Water vapor that will rain out in ten days or less. Your photo is in line with that.


CA just spent a bunch of years on water rationing? Reservoirs almost empty? That don't match up with your chart? Last big floods in the early 80s'?

don't wash your car....get a ticket. Sprinkler run in daylight....get at ticket. Water on sidewalk...get a ticket. Water use at home more than last year.....get a fine. Oh? that is USA total? WTH? vague much?
View attachment 113766

OMG.....that moving goalpost made me almost choke on my Diet Coke from laughing so hard!! It really is the prefect illustration for the arguments of any of these AGW obsessed.

Their whole spin is hoping nobody checks the record.:2up: As with any progressive argument.......when its compared to something, it goes right into the shitter.:boobies::boobies::popcorn:

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