Michael Savage thinks stock market plunge is a deep state plot to destroy Trump

Savage is one of my favorite personalities I listen to on the radio. He’s like a kooky Great Uncle that gets riled up very easy and then goes off on longwinded rants to anyone that will listen.

LOL yeah it is funny when he goes off.
Savage’s pop filter must look like a Pollock painting.
The stock market continues to plunge, but what is the cause? Michael Savage says the Federal Reserve could be running up interest rates to sabotage Trump. Also, military personnel have been deployed at the Pyeongchang Olympics in South Korea due to an outbreak of the Norovirus.

Savage is one of my favorite personalities I listen to on the radio. He’s like a kooky Great Uncle that gets riled up very easy and then goes off on longwinded rants to anyone that will listen.

LOL yeah it is funny when he goes off.

He’s certainly out there, but I loved listening to him in the car while driving back from university. Wildly entertaining.
We can be sure of one thing if they raise the interest rates it will be done to make Trump's plan not work so well. They are trying to use teh economy to SINK Trump and make it so he looks real bad. Pathetic they go after their own President like this. THose who aren't aware won't ever understand the game played behind closed doors.
Savage is one of my favorite personalities I listen to on the radio. He’s like a kooky Great Uncle that gets riled up very easy and then goes off on longwinded rants to anyone that will listen.

LOL yeah it is funny when he goes off.

He’s certainly out there, but I loved listening to him in the car while driving back from university. Wildly entertaining.

He is all I have found between commercials during long horrible slow commutes. Savage has great stories too about working for his father as a kid.
I have not found him flat-out wrong very often over ten years or more? I don't often disagree.

Sure this Fed thing is pure speculation. He is in the entertainment business. But the Dems are doing all they can to bring down Trump.

Look what they did before Trump even elected? Yet no one is in Jail.......over a year later?
Just saw these two a minute ago

That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.

So? A Dead-cat-bounce at the start. 2015-2016 were not great before the 2016 election. My 401K stalled out. She lost and went back to munching carpet.

Things shot up 35% on real hope & change. Leave Trump alone. Let him work his stuff. We had a very dead 8 years despite all the free money. Trump knows business.

If Trump wants to take personal credit for the uptick in the stock market, he's gotta take personal responsibility for the down.

If he wanted to be 'left alone', he shouldn't have spent so much time patting himself on the back and literally applauding himself.

By Trump's own logic......he's responsible for a 2000 point drop.

Yep, you’re spot on. He couldn’t keep his mouth, or Twitter thumbs quiet when the market was surging. He had to pat himself on the back, so he better be prepared to take some hits when it drops. The reality- he didn’t cause it to rise nor fall.
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.

So? A Dead-cat-bounce at the start. 2015-2016 were not great before the 2016 election. My 401K stalled out. She lost and went back to munching carpet.

Things shot up 35% on real hope & change. Leave Trump alone. Let him work his stuff. We had a very dead 8 years despite all the free money. Trump knows business.

If Trump wants to take personal credit for the uptick in the stock market, he's gotta take personal responsibility for the down.

If he wanted to be 'left alone', he shouldn't have spent so much time patting himself on the back and literally applauding himself.

By Trump's own logic......he's responsible for a 2000 point drop.

Yep, you’re spot on. He couldn’t keep his mouth, or Twitter thumbs quiet when the market was surging. He had to pat himself on the back, so he better be prepared to take some hits when it drops. The reality- he didn’t cause it to rise nor fall.

There are things he tweets on purpose he baits his traitors that way and it's worked over a dozen times. He plays the losers and they fall for it every single time. He is good at setting them up too. In multiple areas not just the economy.
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.

So? A Dead-cat-bounce at the start. 2015-2016 were not great before the 2016 election. My 401K stalled out. She lost and went back to munching carpet.

Things shot up 35% on real hope & change. Leave Trump alone. Let him work his stuff. We had a very dead 8 years despite all the free money. Trump knows business.

If Trump wants to take personal credit for the uptick in the stock market, he's gotta take personal responsibility for the down.

If he wanted to be 'left alone', he shouldn't have spent so much time patting himself on the back and literally applauding himself.

By Trump's own logic......he's responsible for a 2000 point drop.

Yep, you’re spot on. He couldn’t keep his mouth, or Twitter thumbs quiet when the market was surging. He had to pat himself on the back, so he better be prepared to take some hits when it drops. The reality- he didn’t cause it to rise nor fall.

Yup. The fall seems to be related to the potential for higher interest rates on a solidly performing economy. And the stock markets in general being overvalued. There are corrections occurring world wide. This isn't limited to the US.

But if Trump wants to claim ownership of the Stock market....he owns it when it goes down too.
During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.

So? A Dead-cat-bounce at the start. 2015-2016 were not great before the 2016 election. My 401K stalled out. She lost and went back to munching carpet.

Things shot up 35% on real hope & change. Leave Trump alone. Let him work his stuff. We had a very dead 8 years despite all the free money. Trump knows business.

If Trump wants to take personal credit for the uptick in the stock market, he's gotta take personal responsibility for the down.

If he wanted to be 'left alone', he shouldn't have spent so much time patting himself on the back and literally applauding himself.

By Trump's own logic......he's responsible for a 2000 point drop.

Yep, you’re spot on. He couldn’t keep his mouth, or Twitter thumbs quiet when the market was surging. He had to pat himself on the back, so he better be prepared to take some hits when it drops. The reality- he didn’t cause it to rise nor fall.

There are things he tweets on purpose he baits his traitors that way and it's worked over a dozen times. He plays the losers and they fall for it every single time. He is good at setting them up too. In multiple areas not just the economy.
"HIS traitors".....whoops! A slip of the truth there, MindWars?
The stock market continues to plunge, but what is the cause? Michael Savage says the Federal Reserve could be running up interest rates to sabotage Trump. Also, military personnel have been deployed at the Pyeongchang Olympics in South Korea due to an outbreak of the Norovirus.

Considering the Trump/GOP is increasing the deficit at neck breaking speed,in a already healthy economy, interest rates typically go up. Now consider that revenues are already starting to dwindle, thus increasing the deficit, plus the fact that the Trump/GOP budget and tax cuts have increased borrowing by 84%, America is in a fine financial mess.
The Deficit, Interest Rates, and Growth - Tax Foundation
After tax cuts, U.S. borrowing to spike 84% this year to nearly $1 trillion
That is definitely one of the dumbest and least informed assertions I have ever heard. As if the democrats can control the psychology of the stock market. Pleeeease child!

During Fed talks, big swings are often seen. Not far-fetched at all to see 8 years of near ZERO rates and now a drumbeat of raise raise raise......inflation. after each Trump win....."they" open up another can of take-down juice. Dems? Fed? Together again?

The market has gone up every years since Bush Jr crashed everything.
A career politician...
The market is based on speculation. No doubt the imminent downfall of the democratic party, along with most of the US intelligence agencies, is driving the plunge.
If more LEFTARDS took the time to LEARN the powers behind so many wouldn't be clueless as to the powers of money

Those who bother to watch this end up connecting the dots, sometimes it takes a few watchings, or other films but one would learn from this it's those who are to lazy to bother who remain clueless to the powers that RULE OUR NATION

And it is NOT ALL ABOUT OBAMA it's about the BANKING INDUSTRY etc...



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I haven't notices that it's only people on the left who know you're a deluded conspiracy freak. there seems to be bi-partisan agreement on that.

stop watching insane garbage, loon.
Getting old here and I have watched the stock market for decades. Someone always comes along with secret ways for speculation to make huge profits and everyone is looking for trade secrets to make as much in profits as possible. Someone comes up with a new trick and that secret gets passed around, then you have an investment frenzy. The next stage in the cycle is going too far.
Some more bs popping up.........


Last Friday, the Dow Jones industrial average plunged 666 points amid interest rate fears and news of the FISA memo’s release.

Ominous? Yes. Coincidence? Maybe not.

On Monday, the Dow dropped 1,175 points (4.6%), the biggest single day selloff in history.

Conservative radio host Michael Savage surmised the globalists were

Execute Order 666: Stock Market Plunge Globalist Signal To Trump?
They are coming for we the people by going after Trump. They would rather SINK this NATION using the economy don't you get this is an attack upon the American ppl and they don't care how they destroy us.

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