Michael Steele-Vote Republican? “You Really Don't Have a Reason to, to Be Honest”

Michelle Malkin once said that it didn't bother her that other Republicans always ask what country she is from.
Steele reminds everyone how out of touch the Republican Party is.

Note to RNC: it's OK to fire a Negro if he's a complete and total fuck up like Steele. It's not going to cost you the "Black vote"

What Black Vote? Seriously.
Steele is a fucking moron.

He's just being honest. The Republican Party has made little to no effort at all to trying bring more black Americans in their party and try to explain to them why they their policies would be better than the Democrats. They just write them off.

But why? Because those who they have written off don't want what the right is offering: more freedom, yet more responsibility, thus, more consequences for failure. We are not, and have never pretended to be, the party of handouts.

And if the Republican Party keeps saying it's all about handouts as if all black voters are nothing but selfish, easily manipulated children, they won't bring more black Americans into their party.
The GOP would do much better reaching out to Hispanics, as Bush did in both elections, who actually are interested in working hard and getting ahead. Hispanics will outnumber blacks in a few years anyway.

Passing laws like they just did in Arizona isn't going to help.

Yea it will. It will help the Democrats.

Politicians might learn a lesson from Prop 187 in CA....that one pretty much destroyed Pete Wilson.
Face it. The GOP just isn't good at reaching out to black America. That's how they got Michael Steele.

What more proof do you need?

Seriously, the GOP has proven in the past it can win with only 10% support among black voters, why try to fix what aint broke?
Steele reminds everyone how out of touch the Republican Party is.

Note to RNC: it's OK to fire a Negro if he's a complete and total fuck up like Steele. It's not going to cost you the "Black vote"

Yes...RAM your dunce head through with force.

First step, totally and completely seal the deal with Black Americans that y DGAF about them.

Second step, work on chasing the remainder of the Latino vote from your quarters.

Lastly, about 5, 10 maybe 15 years down the road realize that whites are the minority and you just EFFED up!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V1YmiT8qKg]YouTube - U done fucked up[/ame]

Steele is a fucking moron.

He's just being honest. The Republican Party has made little to no effort at all to trying bring more black Americans in their party and try to explain to them why they their policies would be better than the Democrats. They just write them off.

Because it's hard to explain to the "gimme" crowd that by working harder they will get to keep more of what they earn, since they have no earnings.
The GOP would do much better reaching out to Hispanics, as Bush did in both elections, who actually are interested in working hard and getting ahead. Hispanics will outnumber blacks in a few years anyway.

Doing a good job in AZ.
Face it. The GOP just isn't good at reaching out to black America. That's how they got Michael Steele.

What more proof do you need?

Seriously, the GOP has proven in the past it can win with only 10% support among black voters, why try to fix what aint broke?

Wait...I thought it was only 5%. :eusa_eh:
Face it. The GOP just isn't good at reaching out to black America. That's how they got Michael Steele.

What more proof do you need?

Seriously, the GOP has proven in the past it can win with only 10% support among black voters, why try to fix what aint broke?

Wait...I thought it was only 5%. :eusa_eh:

Well, theoretically they can make that up by energizing turn out in the base.:lol:

Seriously, think of the GOP as a business selling a product. The fact that one demographic might want nothing to do with your product doesn't mean you can't be successful selling to others.
If you love public housing and public schools, keep voting Democrat. If you want choice and freedom, give us a try

Freedom to kill the gays. The choice to stay confederate.

LOL Freedom to kill gays? Seriously? That's all you got?

Who was behind Tuskegee? FDR and the Dems.

Who was against Civil Rights? LB "I'm against this anti-lynching law" Johnson, Cracker Gore Sr and Grand Kleagle Byrd and the Dems.

Who had ML King and Malcolm X whacked? LBJ

Clue: Get one today
Steele reminds everyone how out of touch the Republican Party is.

Note to RNC: it's OK to fire a Negro if he's a complete and total fuck up like Steele. It's not going to cost you the "Black vote"

Just supporting racist policies from the 60's on will. Kerry on. :thup:
He's just being honest. The Republican Party has made little to no effort at all to trying bring more black Americans in their party and try to explain to them why they their policies would be better than the Democrats. They just write them off.

Because it's hard to explain to the "gimme" crowd that by working harder they will get to keep more of what they earn, since they have no earnings.
The GOP would do much better reaching out to Hispanics, as Bush did in both elections, who actually are interested in working hard and getting ahead. Hispanics will outnumber blacks in a few years anyway.

So African Americans are the "gimme" crowd huh? That's not racist or anything. :eusa_eh:
LOL Freedom to kill gays? Seriously? That's all you got?

Who was behind Tuskegee? FDR and the Dems.

Who was against Civil Rights? LB "I'm against this anti-lynching law" Johnson, Cracker Gore Sr and Grand Kleagle Byrd and the Dems.

Who had ML King and Malcolm X whacked? LBJ

Clue: Get one today

Except the majority of Democratic politicians who were against civil rights and were racist either died out or became Republicans because of the southern strategy. That was Steele's whole point. Bone up on your history. :thup:
Further evidence that Steele needs to go.

An excellent strategery...slap down anyone who tries to outreach to black voters. An excellent strategery! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Except he wasn't engaging in outreach to black voters. He was engaging in reach around to black voters, telling them to go elsewhere and the GOP didnt have anything for them.

That was dead wrong. The GOP is the party of people who want to work hard, get ahead, and be independent. If black people want to do those things, they need to start voting GOP. If they want to sit around and talk about how they're kept down by racism, they need to stay with the Democrats, the party of victim politics.
But the question he should have asked his audience is, What has voting Democratic for 40 years gotten the black community? All their demographics are worse now than they were 40 years ago.
That was dead wrong. The GOP is the party of people who want to work hard, get ahead, and be independent. If black people want to do those things, they need to start voting GOP. If they want to sit around and talk about how they're kept down by racism, they need to stay with the Democrats, the party of victim politics.

So wait, if African Americans don't vote for the GOP, they are not hard workers who are trying to get ahead and be independent? Plus, any who don't vote GOP are whiners who say they are being kept down by racism?

That's 2 for 2 in the racism department. Gonna go 3 for 3?
LOL Freedom to kill gays? Seriously? That's all you got?

Who was behind Tuskegee? FDR and the Dems.

Who was against Civil Rights? LB "I'm against this anti-lynching law" Johnson, Cracker Gore Sr and Grand Kleagle Byrd and the Dems.

Who had ML King and Malcolm X whacked? LBJ

Clue: Get one today

Except the majority of Democratic politicians who were against civil rights and were racist either died out or became Republicans because of the southern strategy. That was Steele's whole point. Bone up on your history. :thup:

Hey Bonehead, was LBJ a Republican or a Democrat?
Hey Bonehead, was LBJ a Republican or a Democrat?

Democrat. I don't get where you're going with the racism argument, do you think that republican politicians at the time weren't racist or anything either partly?

Lyndon B. Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Time of his death in November 1963, but it was Johnson who pushed it through the Senate and signed it into law on July 2, 1964. Legend has it that, as he put down his pen, Johnson told an aide, "We have lost the South for a generation", anticipating a coming backlash from Southern whites against Johnson's Democratic Party.[37]

In 1965, he achieved passage of a second civil rights bill, the Voting Rights Act, which outlawed discrimination in voting, thus allowing millions of southern blacks to vote for the first time.

After the murder of civil rights worker Viola Liuzzo, Johnson went on television to announce the arrest of four Ku Klux Klansmen implicated in her death. He angrily denounced the Klan as a "hooded society of bigots," and warned them to "return to a decent society before it's too late." Johnson was the first President to arrest and prosecute[citation needed] members of the Klan since Ulysses S. Grant about 93 years earlier.

In 1967, Johnson nominated civil rights attorney Thurgood Marshall to be the first African American Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

History speaks for itself. All you have is a quote by a Conservative writer who got his information from a third hand source.

In an article for Newsmax, on March 16, 2008, Kessler incorrectly reported, based on a previous Newsmax story by a freelance writer, that Senator Barack Obama attended a service at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ on July 22, 2007, during which Rev. Jeremiah Wright gave a sermon that blamed world suffering on "white arrogance."[19] The Obama campaign denied that Obama had attended the church on the day that sermon was delivered and other reporters discovered that Obama was in fact in transit to Miami, Florida on that day.[20] Newsmax posted a "clarification" while standing by the story, suggesting that perhaps the sermon occurred on a different day in July.[19] Shortly after the controversy broke, Kessler confirmed to TPM that he attempted to remove information documenting it from his Wikipedia biography.[21] More recently, Kessler wrote Obama Was Born in the United States, exposing mythology about whether Obama is a U.S. citizen. He also wrote Obama is Quick Study in Intelligence Briefings, reporting that intelligence officials are impressed by how Obama takes intelligence briefings, and Obama Understands Washington 101, contrasting Obama's approach to cultivating Washington with George Bush's.

In June, 2006 Kessler became chief Washington correspondent of Newsmax, a conservative website and magazine.[15]

Laura Bush (2006), a biography of the first lady; A Matter of Character (2004), an admiring look at George W. Bush's presidency; and Inside the White House (1995),

This alone is all I need to know about Mr. Kessler.

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