Michael Vs Jesus, the prophecy throwdown challenge


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I hereby challenge Jesus to a prophetic revelation throwdown.
I'll start then he has to come here and follow up with his predictions.
First Round:
I predict MAURY Povich's next broadcast will have a paternity test show.
I also predict Jerry Springer will have 2 woman guests sometime within 2 weeks who will fight each other on stage and 1 will lose their wig or hair weave in the pulling of hair.
Ok Jesus, it's your turn.
I hereby challenge Jesus to a prophetic revelation throwdown.
I'll start then he has to come here and follow up with his predictions.
First Round:
I predict MAURY Povich's next broadcast will have a paternity test show.
I also predict Jerry Springer will have 2 woman guests sometime within 2 weeks who will fight each other on stage and 1 will lose their wig or hair weave in the pulling of hair.
Ok Jesus, it's your turn.
View attachment 548144
"Again, it is written, 'Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God." -- Matthew 4:7

But.......as far as False Prophets go, I challenge Mohammad to answer the question, "If you are a prophet of God/Allah.....who actually placed your prophecies to pen since you were totally illiterate and ignorant (uneducated)? And why are these prophecies so easily demonstrated to be false via the simple application of reading the Holy Bible? :dunno:
"Again, it is written, 'Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God." -- Matthew 4:7

But.......as far as False Prophets go, I challenge Mohammad to answer the question, "If you are a prophet of God/Allah.....who actually placed your prophecies to pen since you were totally illiterate and ignorant (uneducated)? And why are these prophecies so easily demonstrated to be false via the simple application of reading the Holy Bible? :dunno:
Some say the Vatican helped in the Quranic writings.

The point of my post is simple,
1)we need humor more then ever right now.
2)it shows my point that Jesus can't speak for himself, he's an image of a man requiring others to speak for him and through him (his image).
Hence the reply to me was an image of Jesus someone memed, because Jesus an idol god can't come here and defend himself.
Understand this logic was taught to us through the MIKRA(BIBLE).
1st Kings 18:25,27 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal
"Call on the name of your god..."And it came to pass at noon,that Elijah mocked them, and said,"Cry aloud! For surely he is 'God'.Or, perhaps he is deep in thought,Or, perhaps he is busy,Or, perhaps he is on a journey,Or, perhaps he is sleeping, and must be woken."

In this OP we see Jesus (the son of Baal) being called out from his slumber, a no show to this challenge, so he must be sleeping=same concept different method of conveying the same message=idols have no power except that which you give them in imagination and false devotion.
"Again, it is written, 'Thou shalt not make trial of the Lord thy God." -- Matthew 4:7

But.......as far as False Prophets go, I challenge Mohammad to answer the question, "If you are a prophet of God/Allah.....who actually placed your prophecies to pen since you were totally illiterate and ignorant (uneducated)? And why are these prophecies so easily demonstrated to be false via the simple application of reading the Holy Bible? :dunno:

Why are you so insecure?

I hereby challenge Jesus to a prophetic revelation throwdown.
I'll start then he has to come here and follow up with his predictions.
First Round:
I predict MAURY Povich's next broadcast will have a paternity test show.
I also predict Jerry Springer will have 2 woman guests sometime within 2 weeks who will fight each other on stage and 1 will lose their wig or hair weave in the pulling of hair.
Ok Jesus, it's your turn.
View attachment 548144

Israel study: Vaccine plus natural immunity most effective

https://www.verifythis.com › coronavirus › vaccine › is...

Sep 22, 2021 — An Israeli study found the best protection against COVID-19 is getting vaccinated and having natural immunity. Immunity can improve up to 200% using precision upper cervical spesific only chiropractic. NUCCA , Upcspine, TheSpesific. Upper Cervical Heath Centers. Women think: I cannot do what Jesus taught people, asking for what I need.. I will be treated badly being arrested, thrown into jail. The church wants that. The church mentally sets people up to call for a choice, and then complains when people say what they were mentaly set up to say. Church plays both sides of the fence. One side is not talked about. I know what the church does not talk about. What choice do women have, not being able to give their baby what it needs? The church set the stage for what is seen, acting innocent. The catholic church is engaging in their own child sacrafice, wanting the world to join them with abortion.
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Why are you so insecure?

What? Should a Christian be tolerant and allow false religions to be propagated by antichrists? :dunno:

Insecurity would be Having 9 wives, like Mohammad, Or taking over a religion that worshiped at an alter called the Kabah Stone that was surrounded by stones called the daughters of Allah. Insecurity would be taking this paganistic practice and claiming that Stone to be representative of Allah(God) with this stone being the father of Abraham. God actually had a Son, the only begotten of the Father........Islam denies the truth found in the Holy Bible and is the perfect example of an antichrist (1 John 2:23)

Mohammad simply made a power play and attempted to take control out these "Seekers" that opposed worshiping at the Kabah and take over the faith of his homeland. It was never about faith and religion but power and wealth.

Mohammad could not read nor write.........he would go to caves and supposedly meditate and then have someone write down his supposed visions and with these visions he started a new religion i.e., the SEEKERS that morphed into Islam 500 years after the Holy Bible was complete.

History tells us that when Mohammad was young he was brought up by his grandfather (as his father died before his birth and his mother died when he was 6).....after the death of his grandfather he was adopted by his uncle who was more or less a traveling trade merchant .........it was during these trade caravans that Mohammad meet with many Christians and Jews and became familiar with their religious histories.

Just like Mormonism (19 centuries after the Bible was complete)...........it was 5 centuries after the Bible was completed (Jude 3), "...the faith received ONCE by the saints (i.e. of the 1st century)"......Mohammad made a new religion based upon his supposed visions........none of which was ever confirmed with signs and wonders (miracles from God). In reality Mohammad was a con artist who parroted portions from both Judaism and Christianity .......with a few outrageous claims of his own tossed in.

How do we know this is true? Mohammad was always seeking after a physical kingdom on earth, there is nothing spiritual about attempting to covert someone at the point of a sword while making slavery a trade product.

You want to prove Islam to be the only true religion? Just show us the recorded miracles preformed by Mohammad that proves his visions were from the God of Creation.

What YOU must claim is that the Holy Scriptures that we have today are not the TRUE Holy Scriptures. Why? Because the actual content of both the Old Testament and the New Testament refute Islam as a true religion......because the Koran is debunked at every turn by the Holy Scriptures.
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What? Should a Christian be tolerant and allow false religions to be propagated by antichrists? :dunno:

Insecurity would be Having 9 wives, like Mohammad, Or taking over a religion that worshiped at an alter called the Kabah Stone that was surrounded by stones called the daughters of Allah. Insecurity would be taking this paganistic practice and claiming that Stone to be representative of Allah(God) with this stone being the father of Abraham. God actually had a Son, the only begotten of the Father........Islam denies the truth found in the Holy Bible and is the perfect example of an antichrist (1 John 2:23)

Mohammad simply made a power play and attempted to take control out these "Seekers" that opposed worshiping at the Kabah and take over the faith of his homeland. It was never about faith and religion but power and wealth.

Mohammad could not read nor write.........he would go to caves and supposedly meditate and then have someone write down his supposed visions and with these visions he started a new religion i.e., the SEEKERS that morphed into Islam 500 years after the Holy Bible was complete.

History tells us that when Mohammad was young he was brought up by his grandfather (as his father died before his birth and his mother died when he was 6).....after the death of his grandfather he was adopted by his uncle who was more or less a traveling trade merchant .........it was during these trade caravans that Mohammad meet with many Christians and Jews and became familiar with their religious histories.

Just like Mormonism (19 centuries after the Bible was complete)...........it was 5 centuries after the Bible was completed (Jude 3), "...the faith received ONCE by the saints (i.e. of the 1st century)"......Mohammad made a new religion based upon his supposed visions........none of which was ever confirmed with signs and wonders (miracles from God). In reality Mohammad was a con artist who parroted portions from both Judaism and Christianity .......with a few outrageous claims of his own tossed in.

How do we know this is true? Mohammad was always seeking after a physical kingdom on earth, there is nothing spiritual about attempting to covert someone at the point of a sword while making slavery a trade product.

You want to prove Islam to be the only true religion? Just show us the recorded miracles preformed by Mohammad that proves his visions were from the God of Creation.

What YOU must claim is that the Holy Scriptures that we have today are not the TRUE Holy Scriptures. Why? Because the actual content of both the Old Testament and the New Testament refute Islam as a true religion......because the Koran is debunked at every turn by the Holy Scriptures.

You got a lot of stuff wrong.. Did you write that?

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