Michael Wolff’s Book Fire and Fury to Be Made Into a TV Series

Somewhere out there in the dark recesses of Televisionland, are those faceless, nameless miscreants whose only means of nourishment is what bile the Hollywood move-makers puke up.

It is a vile-tasting dish, but it is eaten with great relish, much like the mother bird feeding its babies a regurgitated gruel of half-digested worms and insects.
There’s never been a more corrupt incompetent White House. I can see most actors wanting to participate in that TV series.

Seriously? I can see that show flopping after only one season.

At least it'll have one viewer. :lmao:
Yes seriously. You haven’t noticed how incompetent and corrupt this WH is?
You must only watch Fox News.
Somewhere out there in the dark recesses of Televisionland, are those faceless, nameless miscreants whose only means of nourishment is what bile the Hollywood move-makers puke up.

It is a vile-tasting dish, but it is eaten with great relish, much like the mother bird feeding its babies a regurgitated gruel of half-digested worms and insects.
There’s never been a more corrupt incompetent White House. I can see most actors wanting to participate in that TV series.

Seriously? I can see that show flopping after only one season.

At least it'll have one viewer. :lmao:

You predict it will last a whole season?
Oh goody. I loved the book. It was hilarious. I'm sure it will be a sitcom.
Somewhere out there in the dark recesses of Televisionland, are those faceless, nameless miscreants whose only means of nourishment is what bile the Hollywood move-makers puke up.

It is a vile-tasting dish, but it is eaten with great relish, much like the mother bird feeding its babies a regurgitated gruel of half-digested worms and insects.
There’s never been a more corrupt incompetent White House. I can see most actors wanting to participate in that TV series.

Seriously? I can see that show flopping after only one season.

At least it'll have one viewer. :lmao:

You predict it will last a whole season?

You predict it will last a whole hour? :eek:
Somewhere out there in the dark recesses of Televisionland, are those faceless, nameless miscreants whose only means of nourishment is what bile the Hollywood move-makers puke up.

It is a vile-tasting dish, but it is eaten with great relish, much like the mother bird feeding its babies a regurgitated gruel of half-digested worms and insects.
There’s never been a more corrupt incompetent White House. I can see most actors wanting to participate in that TV series.

LMAO! You have already forgotten Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush II and the Barrypuppet? There is no "Trump" scandal but the one that is in that empty skull if yours.
Somewhere out there in the dark recesses of Televisionland, are those faceless, nameless miscreants whose only means of nourishment is what bile the Hollywood move-makers puke up.

It is a vile-tasting dish, but it is eaten with great relish, much like the mother bird feeding its babies a regurgitated gruel of half-digested worms and insects.
There’s never been a more corrupt incompetent White House. I can see most actors wanting to participate in that TV series.

Seriously? I can see that show flopping after only one season.

At least it'll have one viewer. :lmao:
We know you don’t like actors or football players or watch TV or movies because of your loyalty to the Russian whore.

The show should run on CNN, Would improve their ratings while not harming their reputation for fake news.
LMAO! You have already forgotten Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush II and the Barrypuppet? There is no "Trump" scandal but the one that is in that empty skull if yours.

How many indictments, and convictions so far? That's more in one year than in every democratic presidency since Carter.
No surprise. You almost gotta laugh that wee keep seeing the movie "W" over an over on HBO when democrats get in trouble. There is even a hateful animated hit piece about Trump circulating around cable. They even dug up the old Redford "All the President's men" in the last week. O.K. maybe republicans are mildly interesting but Hollywood missed out on the most entertaining sex, drugs and rock&roll administration in history because they wanted to be kind to the Arkansas hick and his shrew wife.
Wasn't Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama interesting enough for a series even after eight years?
Jared Kushner

Whoever plays the president's weirdly influential son-in-law must have the ability to be both charismatic and slightly repugnant, and convey a quiet ability to bring peace to the Middle East without actually speaking very much. Miles Teller has more than proven his ability to play young men who are ambitious to the point of being sociopathic—not to mention the odd fratboy douche—so Jared is right in his wheelhouse.

LMAO! You have already forgotten Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush II and the Barrypuppet? There is no "Trump" scandal but the one that is in that empty skull if yours.

How many indictments, and convictions so far? That's more in one year than in every democratic presidency since Carter.
LMAO! You have already forgotten Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush II and the Barrypuppet? There is no "Trump" scandal but the one that is in that empty skull if yours.

How many indictments, and convictions so far? That's more in one year than in every democratic presidency since Carter.

The deep state always protects their own...hell, look at the Hildebeast...they had already decided to exonerate her before the "dog and pony" show of an investigation even began. The FBI is a joke and a deep state tool and has been since the days of J. Edgar Hoover, which BTW, was compromised because he was a cross-dressing queer.
I will give the series every bit of attention that I gave the book. At least 1/10 of a second.
Too painful to read I see. The info came directly from the people that are there in the WH every single day.

Wonder who will play the neo Nazi Stephen Miller.
We know who will play the neo-Nazi Steve Bannon

Embodying the ragged, ruddy-faced Neo-Nazi credited by many as the heart of darkness quietly driving the Trump regime is no mean feat. Michael Harney, aka Officer Healy on Orange Is The New Black bears a striking physical resemblance to Bannon, albeit a better-preserved version.

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