Michael Wolff’s Book Fire and Fury to Be Made Into a TV Series

Since Michael Wolff had almost complete access to everyone in the White House this series could be the most accurate depiction of a WH in history.
Right out of the mouths of the people who work there they say it’s dysfunctional beyond belief.
They say it’s almost like a life sentence just working there a few months.
The staff says Trump has no idea what he’s doing and he needs handlers to redirect his explosives moods. One thing everyone in the White House is totally aware of is to not mention the Russian Investigation. He’s extremely sensitive about it and goes into a rage if mentioned.
The staff is happy however that the president gets out of their hair because he spends so much of his day watching TV with other designated snacking times.

No wonder the Trumpanzees won’t watch the show. It will be way too painful for them to handle.
Hopefully Hannity will produce another movie maybe entitled, Swamp Rats: The Obama/Crooked Hillary/MSM/Hollywood/Academia Conspiracy Against America.
Hopefully Hannity will produce another movie maybe entitled, Swamp Rats: The Obama/Crooked Hillary/MSM/Hollywood/Academia Conspiracy Against America.
Hannity’s has a background as a roofer and a political hack. Many people watch for the unintentional comedic value.
“ I can’t believe the main stream media is ignoring this story” ( that he just made up) with smoke shooting out of his ears. Then there’s a nightly appearance of Trump’s favorite neonazi, Sebastian Gorka. Oh he’s a show stopper.

Hannity couldn’t produce a 5th grade bake sale with the Women’s Auxiliary.
One group of fakes take a fake book and make a fake TV show.. Not worth my time or even giving a damn!
Since Wolff has told Bill Maher that fat boi is having an affair with someone IN the White House, it would be appropriate to reveal who it is on the show.

That way Melania won’t just hide her hand so she doesn’t have to hold the buffoon’s hand when he grabs for it like she did today. She’ll just throw the lech down the steps of Air Force One.

This presidency is wrong on so many levels it’s just pathetic.
View attachment 180222 Since Wolff has told Bill Maher that fat boi is having an affair with someone IN the White House, it would be appropriate to reveal who it is on the show.

That way Melania won’t just hide her hand so she doesn’t have to hold the buffoon’s hand when he grabs for it like she did today. She’ll just throw the lech down the steps of Air Force One.

This presidency is wrong on so many levels it’s just pathetic.

Seven years to go, punkinpuss......better pace yourself lest you run out of steam.....LOL!!!!!!!
One group of fakes take a fake book and make a fake TV show.. Not worth my time or even giving a damn!
The only thing fake is this fake marriage between the two. This hate- hate relationship Melania has with her serial sex offender husband is painful to watch.
Just the opposite of the last two occupants in the WH who truly loved each other and weren’t afraid to show it.

Funny you think you know what is fake when you have no idea whatsoever and discount the testimony of the people who have to work with this madman on a daily basis.
View attachment 180222 Since Wolff has told Bill Maher that fat boi is having an affair with someone IN the White House, it would be appropriate to reveal who it is on the show.

That way Melania won’t just hide her hand so she doesn’t have to hold the buffoon’s hand when he grabs for it like she did today. She’ll just throw the lech down the steps of Air Force One.

This presidency is wrong on so many levels it’s just pathetic.

Seven years to go, punkinpuss......better pace yourself lest you run out of steam.....LOL!!!!!!!
Loon thinks America will vote for a freshly indicted president. I’m so happy you haven’t been following the Russian investigation so when the shit comes down heavy on the Trump Crime Family it will come as a complete surprise to you.
View attachment 180224
View attachment 180222 Since Wolff has told Bill Maher that fat boi is having an affair with someone IN the White House, it would be appropriate to reveal who it is on the show.

That way Melania won’t just hide her hand so she doesn’t have to hold the buffoon’s hand when he grabs for it like she did today. She’ll just throw the lech down the steps of Air Force One.

This presidency is wrong on so many levels it’s just pathetic.

Seven years to go, punkinpuss......better pace yourself lest you run out of steam.....LOL!!!!!!!
Loon thinks America will vote for a freshly indicted president. I’m so happy you haven’t been following the Russian investigation so when the shit comes down heavy on the Trump Crime Family it will come as a complete surprise to you.

ROTFLMAO! Let's place a little wager on that........wanna?
View attachment 180224
View attachment 180222 Since Wolff has told Bill Maher that fat boi is having an affair with someone IN the White House, it would be appropriate to reveal who it is on the show.

That way Melania won’t just hide her hand so she doesn’t have to hold the buffoon’s hand when he grabs for it like she did today. She’ll just throw the lech down the steps of Air Force One.

This presidency is wrong on so many levels it’s just pathetic.

Seven years to go, punkinpuss......better pace yourself lest you run out of steam.....LOL!!!!!!!
Loon thinks America will vote for a freshly indicted president. I’m so happy you haven’t been following the Russian investigation so when the shit comes down heavy on the Trump Crime Family it will come as a complete surprise to you.

ROTFLMAO! Let's place a little wager on that........wanna?
I don’t bet with scoundrels plus I don’t need your money.
I see you HAVENT been following the Russian criminal investigation. Bob Mueller has already investigated all the money laundering and obstruction of justice on Trump and he knows it. Why do you think he’s been so erratic of late? Well more erratic than usual. Mueller is now right smack dab into the heart of the inner circle of the Oval Office with priceless testimony by Gates and Flynn.
I laugh so hard how stupid and unaware you are.
Get ready.
View attachment 180228
View attachment 180224
View attachment 180222 Since Wolff has told Bill Maher that fat boi is having an affair with someone IN the White House, it would be appropriate to reveal who it is on the show.

That way Melania won’t just hide her hand so she doesn’t have to hold the buffoon’s hand when he grabs for it like she did today. She’ll just throw the lech down the steps of Air Force One.

This presidency is wrong on so many levels it’s just pathetic.

Seven years to go, punkinpuss......better pace yourself lest you run out of steam.....LOL!!!!!!!
Loon thinks America will vote for a freshly indicted president. I’m so happy you haven’t been following the Russian investigation so when the shit comes down heavy on the Trump Crime Family it will come as a complete surprise to you.

ROTFLMAO! Let's place a little wager on that........wanna?
I don’t bet with scoundrels plus I don’t need your money.
I see you HAVENT been following the Russian criminal investigation. Bob Mueller has already investigated all the money laundering and obstruction of justice on Trump and he knows it. Why do you think he’s been so erratic of late? Well more erratic than usual. Mueller is now right smack dab into the heart of the inner circle of the Oval Office with priceless testimony by Gates and Flynn.
I laugh so hard how stupid and unaware you are.
Get ready.

LMAO! Not money, punkinpuss........how sure are you that Trump will not finish his term ? How sure are you that Trump is going to be impeached? Are you willing to wager your presence here on this board? Of course I am sure that you would simply create a new one as you have done before. LMAO!!!!!
It will be a hoot how the TV series portray how Wolff got access to the White House by duping them by playing their own game.

One of the biggest questions surrounding Michael Wolff's provocative-yet-sloppy book about the Trump administration is: How did he get so much access? Wolff, by his own account, seemed to inhabit the West Wing for an extended period of time while collecting blockbuster quotes and assembling juicy anecdotes that made the White House look inept, confused and amateurish. And somehow, they just let him do it.

Now we know more. And it's as bad as you might have imagined.

Bloomberg News's Jennifer Jacobs reportsthat Wolff worked his way into the White House by pitching the book with a laughably misleading working title — “The Great Transition: The First 100 Days of the Trump Administration” — and basically stayed there because nobody with any authority thought to question his motives or presence. It's a spectacular comedy of errors by the White House that would be a lot funnier if this weren't describing the seat of the federal government of the United States.
I mean, we knew Trump was susceptible to flattery — to an extent — but Jacobs's story confirms just about every preconception about both that and what a hot mess the White House's day-to-day operations are. The means by which Wolff gained access are, in a lot of ways, the greatest confirmation that could exist for the central premise of his book.

Among the anecdotes:

  • “Wolff’s entree began with Trump himself, who phoned the author in early February to compliment him on a CNN appearance in which Wolff criticized media coverage of the new president.” (Of course.)
  • “Nearly everyone who spoke with Wolff thought someone else in the White House had approved their participation.”
  • “Wolff conducted himself with assurance on his visits to the West Wing, playing up his relationship with Trump. Officials recall Wolff telling them he’d known Trump a long time and that the president called him 'the best.'”
  • “It wasn’t until late August that alarm bells were raised in the White House — when [White House communications director Hope] Hicks, Jared Kushner and their allies realized that fellow aides who had spoken with Wolff, especially Bannon, may have provided damaging anecdotes about them.”
  • “After [John] Kelly replaced Priebus as chief of staff at the end of July, Wolff was no longer allowed to linger in the West Wing lobby, a doctor’s waiting room-like area where visitors come and go and staff occasionally cut through.
Detailed accounts on how dysfunctional this White House is.

Mueller was involved in the 9/11/01 cover-up and was the bane of the leftard clown posse in 2003. He helped cover up the laundering of drug money through HSBC, a CIA front . He helped broker the deal for Uranium One. Break out the popcorn, punkinpuss.........wager? Yes or no?
Somewhere out there in the dark recesses of Televisionland, are those faceless, nameless miscreants whose only means of nourishment is what bile the Hollywood move-makers puke up.

It is a vile-tasting dish, but it is eaten with great relish, much like the mother bird feeding its babies a regurgitated gruel of half-digested worms and insects.
There’s never been a more corrupt incompetent White House. I can see most actors wanting to participate in that TV series.

Seriously? I can see that show flopping after only one season.

At least it'll have one viewer. :lmao:
We know you don’t like actors or football players or watch TV or movies because of your loyalty to the Russian whore.

No, I don’t like actors or football players or watch TV or movies because of their loyalty to the Russian whore of Communism and socialism.
lol the book has already been proven to another left wing wacko farce
Since this WH and president is a farce of immense proportions of course it’s depiction would also be a farce.
I doubt MSNBC will be playing the series. After Mika literally kicked Wolf off her Morning Joe show.
There's no a MSM outlet that will have Wolf as a guest now.
If I were Wolf I'd be spending the book deal money as fast as possible.
You can never predict the future.

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