Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

If amnesty passes we won't have to worry about anything but staying alive because the US will become mexico in very short order.

Immigration is not high on the list of hispanic concerns. Getting public benefits is the highest on the list of hispanic concerns.

Most Hispanics I have dealt with have been hard working

Your post may be the reason they won't vote Republican

As a republican I appreciate my hispanic yardman. He works very hard for little money. I appreciate that. I just don't want him to have a vote. By GOD, this country was founded by Virginians who appreciated what it meant to our way of life to have a body of physical laborers with no vote and no economic leverage.
Sounds like Bachmann is acknowledging that the GOP message doesn't resonate with anyone other than their aging white conservative base.
That's the plan of the dems. They are the welfare/socialism party and they know that hispos are like negros and want a govt that takes care of them. If amnesty passes, capitalism is dead and america turns into a third world socialist state.


Michele Bachmann: If ?Amnesty? Passes, We?ll Never Again See Another GOP President | Mediaite

June 13th, 2013

According to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), if this current iteration of immigration reform passes through Congress, there will never again be a Republican president; and, instead, the United States will be governed by a permanent “liberal progressive” majority.

Speaking with WorldNetDaily, Bachmann warned that while her beliefs “may sound melodramatic,” she insists the dire consequences of immigration reform would be “that big and that important” to warrant sounding the alarms.

“This is President Obama’s number one political agenda item,” she said, “because he knows we will never again have a Republican president, ever, if amnesty goes into effect.” She added
God forbid, Bachmann would ever sound melodramatic.
I wonder why Shoot never answered how whites are persecuted.

Try not to say dumb stuff aloud and no one will know what a fool you really are.

When it comes to the size of government, Hispanics are more likely than the general public to say they would rather have a bigger government which provides more services than a smaller government which provides fewer services.

Some 75% of Hispanics hold this view; just 19% say they prefer a smaller government. By contrast, just 41% of the public at large voice support for a bigger government.

Negros and hispos know they are mentally inferior and cannot get good jobs on merit. That's why they want welfare and affirmative action. Only way to get their vote is go socialist like dems did decades ago.
Jesus dude. Racism has nothing to do with political parties idiot.

How are you persecuted? Let me see your dance moves

HAHAHA. Are you serious?? Dems have been pandering to non-whites for decades. Dems are super-racist and want to persecute whites by affirmative action.
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

She is right.

As a republican I appreciate my hispanic yardman. He works very hard for little money.

He works only because he has to. Give him citizenship and he'll go on welfare and vote dem the rest of his life
Sounds like Bachmann is acknowledging that the GOP message doesn't resonate with anyone other than their aging white conservative base.

Hell yes. Non-whites and liberals want welfare and affirmative action and socialism.
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

Bachmann is one of those politicians who is very good at being both stupid and wrong.
Jesus dude. Racism has nothing to do with political parties idiot.

How are you persecuted? Let me see your dance moves

HAHAHA. Are you serious?? Dems have been pandering to non-whites for decades. Dems are super-racist and want to persecute whites by affirmative action.

So whites aren't persecuted but you believe deems WANT TO persecute whites. See how it took only one question to expose your lies? Unless you want to try to answer the question again. Lol
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

She is right.

Bachmann is prophetic

The GOP, as it exists today, will never see another President

Until a time comes when they can reach out to all Americans, they will be a secondary party. The Electoral College blocks them from electing another President. Unless they can build coalitions of all Americans, they will be a secondary party existing on obstruction alone
That's the plan of the dems. They are the welfare/socialism party and they know that hispos are like negros and want a govt that takes care of them. If amnesty passes, capitalism is dead and america turns into a third world socialist state.


Michele Bachmann: If ?Amnesty? Passes, We?ll Never Again See Another GOP President | Mediaite

June 13th, 2013

According to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), if this current iteration of immigration reform passes through Congress, there will never again be a Republican president; and, instead, the United States will be governed by a permanent “liberal progressive” majority.

Speaking with WorldNetDaily, Bachmann warned that while her beliefs “may sound melodramatic,” she insists the dire consequences of immigration reform would be “that big and that important” to warrant sounding the alarms.

“This is President Obama’s number one political agenda item,” she said, “because he knows we will never again have a Republican president, ever, if amnesty goes into effect.” She added

I doubt that, since most Hispanics are Catholic and therefore conservative.

Still toting around that canard?

Latinos Endorse Legal Abortion

There is no gender gap on views on abortion among Hispanics or among all voters, according to national exit polling. About two-thirds of men (64%) and Latino women (67%) would permit legal abortion, as would 58% of all male voters nationally and 60% of women.

Majority of Latinos Support State Recognition of Gay Marriage

Nearly six-in-ten Latino voters (59%) said their state should legally recognize same-sex marriage while 32% said their state should not. But among all voters, about half (48%) favored legalization of gay marriage while nearly the same share said they would oppose it (47%).
I'd rather just nix mexico...Here is the benefits over this shit.
1. The resources of Mexico
2. The middle and high class tax base
3. The educated of Mexico and manufacturing.

I don't know why we want to legalize the idiocy of mexico.
Negros and hispos know they are mentally inferior

I refer you to RandallFlagg if he even still posts here. One of the smartest men I've ever spoken with (in text form at least), highly conservative, and black. Calling him mentally inferior is racist.

Back to the subject at hand, Bachmann does more damage to the GOP than helps it. People throw Republicans like Rand Paul, Rubio, and Christie under the bus, and they may be the only hope the GOP has of getting anywhere in 2016 (at least, those would be the only three I'd consider voting for cause I sure as hell ain't voting for Hillary).

Furthermore, I've never met a Hispanic on Welfare or food stamps here in the South. However, I meet tons of white people on food stamps. Could that be that the Hispanics actually work, whereas many white Americans are lazy and/or stupid?

And yes, feel free to call me racist against whites, but if you do, note that I'm only racist against stupid people.

You know, like the OP.

tl;dr: OP is a moron. I'm sure that's all he'll take from this.

>> I give the OP 3/10 on the trolling board cause he got me to reply.
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I'd rather just nix mexico...Here is the benefits over this shit.
1. The resources of Mexico
2. The middle and high class tax base
3. The educated of Mexico and manufacturing.

I don't know why we want to legalize the idiocy of mexico.

4. Drug cartels, man. Why are the illegals running here? The cartels own Mexico. If somehow we could get rid of them, I think many would go back home.

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