Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

Jesus dude. Racism has nothing to do with political parties idiot.

How are you persecuted? Let me see your dance moves

HAHAHA. Are you serious?? Dems have been pandering to non-whites for decades. Dems are super-racist and want to persecute whites by affirmative action.

So whites aren't persecuted but you believe deems WANT TO persecute whites. See how it took only one question to expose your lies? Unless you want to try to answer the question again. Lol

You only exposed your inability to commit logic. Beside you, who said white aren't persecuted?
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

Bachmann is one of those politicians who is very good at being both stupid and wrong.

The reason people like you hate her is that she is so often smart and exactly right.

When the illegals that want to take our wealth away from us will kill the republican party=be very careful.

The democratic party is becoming the party of treason. They care more about power then the health of this nation.
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

She is right.

Bachmann is prophetic

The GOP, as it exists today, will never see another President

Until a time comes when they can reach out to all Americans, they will be a secondary party. The Electoral College blocks them from electing another President. Unless they can build coalitions of all Americans, they will be a secondary party existing on obstruction alone

You mean they won't win until the start giving out free shit like the Democrats? How do you build a coalition between productive Americans who want to keep what they have earned and the ticks on the ass of society who want to take it?
I'd rather just nix mexico...Here is the benefits over this shit.
1. The resources of Mexico
2. The middle and high class tax base
3. The educated of Mexico and manufacturing.

I don't know why we want to legalize the idiocy of mexico.

4. Drug cartels, man. Why are the illegals running here? The cartels own Mexico. If somehow we could get rid of them, I think many would go back home.

Once we nix mexico we could use our military to kill the cartels.
The democratic party is becoming the party of treason. They care more about power then the health of this nation.

Eh, I extend that to most elected officials currently in office. Hence why I'm independent. I still think we need to kick just about every single one of those Senators and Representatives (Democrat and Republican alike) out and replace them with fresh faces.

ESPECIALLY that traitorous coward Boehner.

Once we nix mexico we could use our military to kill the cartels.

True... but man, wouldn't the outrage be hilarious? (and tragic)
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President

Bachmann is one of those politicians who is very good at being both stupid and wrong.

The reason people like you hate her is that she is so often smart and exactly right.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6m9zT7Q3_c]Michele Bachmann VERY Proud She Didn't Get ANY Of Her "Facts" Wrong During Her Presidential Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
That's the plan of the dems. They are the welfare/socialism party and they know that hispos are like negros and want a govt that takes care of them. If amnesty passes, capitalism is dead and america turns into a third world socialist state.


Michele Bachmann: If ?Amnesty? Passes, We?ll Never Again See Another GOP President | Mediaite

June 13th, 2013

According to Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), if this current iteration of immigration reform passes through Congress, there will never again be a Republican president; and, instead, the United States will be governed by a permanent “liberal progressive” majority.

Speaking with WorldNetDaily, Bachmann warned that while her beliefs “may sound melodramatic,” she insists the dire consequences of immigration reform would be “that big and that important” to warrant sounding the alarms.

“This is President Obama’s number one political agenda item,” she said, “because he knows we will never again have a Republican president, ever, if amnesty goes into effect.” She added

With Republicans content to stay on their path of far right nutterism, Texas is likely to go blue sooner than later. That will happen with or without amnesty. The Republican Party will have to change or it will become a minority party in the future, and I mean minority as in its ability to win national elections, not the race of its members.
HAHAHA. Are you serious?? Dems have been pandering to non-whites for decades. Dems are super-racist and want to persecute whites by affirmative action.

So whites aren't persecuted but you believe deems WANT TO persecute whites. See how it took only one question to expose your lies? Unless you want to try to answer the question again. Lol

You only exposed your inability to commit logic. Beside you, who said white aren't persecuted?

Pay attention mr logic. Shoot said whites are persecuted. When called on his bullshit to show how whites are persecuted he failed. Since you're a master at logic, I didn't think you missed that...but you did.
Michele Bachmann: If ‘Amnesty’ Passes, We’ll Never Again See Another GOP President
Bachmann is one of those politicians who is very good at being both stupid and wrong.

The reason people like you hate her is that she is so often smart and exactly right.

People dislike her because she's a self-promoter who puts her personal interests of attention-seeking above her professional responsibilities of being a serious legislator. Then there's the fact that her public statements are so wildly off the mark and blatantly inaccurate to such a degree as to make a mockery of her status as an elected representative. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if she was some kind of media personality since that seems to be the norm nowadays. But we understandably expect more from our elected officials. All Bachmann has managed to do is lower the professional standards of Congress which was already suffering low approval ratings.

My guess is that she's not at all respected or liked by even her own Republican colleagues, although it's doubtful that any of them would ever come out and say so.

But for some reason that frankly mystifies me, conservatives always fall in love with rhetorical bomb throwers. In that sense, Bachmann is like the attention-getting trash-talking player on the field who never makes any meaningful plays. But that doesn't matter to the drunk fans who just love all that verbal chest thumping and in-yer-face attitude.
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Bachmann is one of those politicians who is very good at being both stupid and wrong.

The reason people like you hate her is that she is so often smart and exactly right.

People dislike her because she's a self-promoter who puts her personal interests of attention-seeking above her professional responsibilities of being a serious legislator. Then there's the fact that her public statements are so wildly off the mark and blatantly inaccurate to such a degree as to make a mockery of her status as an elected representative. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if she was some kind of media personality since that seems to be the norm nowadays. But we understandably expect more from our elected officials. All Bachmann has managed to do is lower the professional standards of Congress which was already suffering low approval ratings.

My guess is that she's not at all respected or liked by even her own Republican colleagues, although it's doubtful that any of them would ever come out and say so.

But for some reason that frankly mystifies me, conservatives always fall in love with rhetorical bomb throwers. In that sense, Bachmann is like the attention-getting trash-talking player on the field who never makes any meaningful plays. But that doesn't matter to the drunk fans fans who just love all that verbal chest thumping and in-yer-face attitude.

Thus her career move.
The reason people like you hate her is that she is so often smart and exactly right.

People dislike her because she's a self-promoter who puts her personal interests of attention-seeking above her professional responsibilities of being a serious legislator. Then there's the fact that her public statements are so wildly off the mark and blatantly inaccurate to such a degree as to make a mockery of her status as an elected representative. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if she was some kind of media personality since that seems to be the norm nowadays. But we understandably expect more from our elected officials. All Bachmann has managed to do is lower the professional standards of Congress which was already suffering low approval ratings.

My guess is that she's not at all respected or liked by even her own Republican colleagues, although it's doubtful that any of them would ever come out and say so.

But for some reason that frankly mystifies me, conservatives always fall in love with rhetorical bomb throwers. In that sense, Bachmann is like the attention-getting trash-talking player on the field who never makes any meaningful plays. But that doesn't matter to the drunk fans fans who just love all that verbal chest thumping and in-yer-face attitude.

Thus her career move.

I heard her being interviewed yesterday. She said that even after leaving Congress that she would "stay involved with the process," and I just laughed since she's NEVER been involved with 'the process' except tangentially seeing as how 'the process' is about crafting and PASSING legislation. It's NOT about shooting off your mouth which is all she manages to accomplish. That may make headlines, but it has no lasting effect. Passing legislation has a lasting effect that can and does make a difference. Verbal gymnastics is the equivalent of farting.
Republicans are screwed no matter what they do on this issue

In the case of the Hispanic vote it is simply you reap what you sow
Damned if you do....damned if you don't

If Republicans block Immigration reform you will never see another Republican President either

Maybe Republicans have to figure out why Hispanics hate them

Same reason negros hate republicans. Both negros and hispos are racist and want a govt that gives them welfare and affirmative action and persecutes whites.

What do you call a person who groups all of a particular race as thinking and acting the same.....and in a negative way?

A liberal.

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