Michele Bachmann May Face Lawsuit Over 'Religious Freedom in The Military' Campaign

again, I don't give a shit what you say..this story was your desperate attempt at NOTHING
live with it

Gotcha, so you're mad at me for posting the story, the guy that was lied on and NOT at the liar.

You're good...

done playing...see if you can dig up some more GOSSIP from some place called, washintonwhispers..

ahaha...yeah at some site called US News and World Report...Whaaats that?

Oh and the guy who is thinking about suing isn't some liberal

It was Weinstein, a former Reagan administration lawyer and founder of the civil rights advocacy group Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), who allegedly influenced the Pentagon to punish Christians who pushed their faith on other members of the military, according to media reports. Weinstein met privately with Pentagon officials to discuss religious issues in the military in April.

In her pledge, Bachmann calls Weinstein "radical" and "anti-Christian."
CC's on a roll... an "I hate Wal Mart" thread and an "I hate Michelle Bachmann" thread... all in one day!!!
Us news and world report..isn't that something on the line of the GLOBE where article are two headed person sings in stereo or like the National Enquire..?

they sure sound like it..

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Us news and world report..isn't that something on the line of the GLOBE or National Enquire..

they sure sound like it..



You don't even KNOW LOL!!! Look at how dumb you sound.

Steph: Isnt that like...some sort of TMZ? I don't know if it is, but but...IT IS!!!! Stay outta my bubble..perd (derp backwards for extra stupid)
good luck

Found it...read it for yourself. Protect Religious Freedom in the Military | MicheleBachmann.com

This story is bogus...Mikey Weinstein is wasting his time even contemplating a suit.

The only purpose for "considering" it is so leftwing trash rags will use it as fodder for a smear campaign.

of course it is when it starts out MAY FACE LAWSUIT and the guy so offended MAY SUE HER..

I checked to see if Weinstein actually said those things attributed to him in the mailer...and he did.

Here is a link to his own words...an article he wrote...Michael L. (Mikey) Weinstein, Esq.: Fundamentalist Christian Monsters: Papa's Got A Brand New Bag

More on Weinstein and the pentagon...Pentagon's strange alliance with Mikey Weinstein

Like I said, the OP is crap....nothing in the mailer misrepresents the facts. It asks some questions...presents some facts...nothing more.
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Michelle thinks sharing the gospel against someones will is right like a rapist thinks sharing his cock with someone against their will is ok
Us news and world report..isn't that something on the line of the GLOBE or National Enquire..

they sure sound like it..



You don't even KNOW LOL!!! Look at how dumb you sound.

Steph: Isnt that like...some sort of TMZ? I don't know if it is, but but...IT IS!!!! Stay outta my bubble..perd (derp backwards for extra stupid)

Hey, you want to pretend you don't stupid by posting this, fine with me
Text of Bachmann's mailer:

What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.
Yeah she was totally telling the truth

Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies

By David Gibson| Religion News Service,

Published: May 2

Christian conservatives have grown increasingly alarmed in recent weeks over reports and rumors that the Pentagon is considering new policies aimed at discriminating against Christians and disciplining or even court-martialing those who share their faith.

But the Department of Defense on Thursday (May 2) sought to debunk that speculation, saying that while aggressive proselytizing is barred, evangelization is still permitted and the rights of all believers — and non-believers — will be protected.
Yeah she was totally telling the truth

Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies

By David Gibson| Religion News Service,

Published: May 2

Christian conservatives have grown increasingly alarmed in recent weeks over reports and rumors that the Pentagon is considering new policies aimed at discriminating against Christians and disciplining or even court-martialing those who share their faith.

But the Department of Defense on Thursday (May 2) sought to debunk that speculation, saying that while aggressive proselytizing is barred, evangelization is still permitted and the rights of all believers — and non-believers — will be protected.
Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies - The Washington Post

well let the idiot sue, he'll be laughed of court..
and for SURE the pentagon is going to hang itself and say this TRUE..
good gawd...but we are told Obama has to be innocent because he doesn't know EVERYTHING going on in his administration
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Yeah she was totally telling the truth

Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies

By David Gibson| Religion News Service,

Published: May 2

Christian conservatives have grown increasingly alarmed in recent weeks over reports and rumors that the Pentagon is considering new policies aimed at discriminating against Christians and disciplining or even court-martialing those who share their faith.

But the Department of Defense on Thursday (May 2) sought to debunk that speculation, saying that while aggressive proselytizing is barred, evangelization is still permitted and the rights of all believers — and non-believers — will be protected.
Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies - The Washington Post

Yes, she totally told the truth.

Here it is again...point out any falsehood or misrepresentation:

What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.​
Yeah she was totally telling the truth

Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies

By David Gibson| Religion News Service,

Published: May 2

Christian conservatives have grown increasingly alarmed in recent weeks over reports and rumors that the Pentagon is considering new policies aimed at discriminating against Christians and disciplining or even court-martialing those who share their faith.

But the Department of Defense on Thursday (May 2) sought to debunk that speculation, saying that while aggressive proselytizing is barred, evangelization is still permitted and the rights of all believers — and non-believers — will be protected.
Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies - The Washington Post

Yes, she totally told the truth.

Here it is again...point out any falsehood or misrepresentation:

What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.​

The bolded
Like $appy $arah, she's caught and her staffers are accusing her.

That's why she's quitting mid-term.

Her moonbat followers should not despair cuz, gawd knows, there are plenty more teepotter nutters for them to adore.

Yes, she totally told the truth.

Here it is again...point out any falsehood or misrepresentation:
What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.​

The bolded

Nothing untruthful there..."if some get their wish" refers to Weinstein.

I agree that we cannot and should not prevent the military from practicing their own faith...don't you?...nothing untrue their either.

I read a few of Weinstein's articles...Michael L. (Mikey) Weinstein, Esq.: Fundamentalist Christian Monsters: Papa's Got A Brand New Bag

That the Pentagon invited him to the premises, let alone the meeting...is enough to give any rational person pause.
That's not his wish no matter if you want to believe it or not. It didn't happen. No one is stopping anyone from practicing their religion. You asked for falsehoods and misrepresentation but now I see you fall under the "Perpetually dumb" style of debate. Where nothing is actually true or false its all gray.

Weinstien didn't wish or ask for it...so that, sir, is a MISREPRESENTATION

No one is stopping anyone so when she says "If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith" Everyone agrees to that even the Pentagon so again, she is misrepresenting
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Michele Bachmann May Face Lawsuit Over 'Religious Freedom in The Military' Campaign - Washington Whispers (usnews.com)

A series of media reports that allege the Pentagon could start court-martialing soldiers for their Christian faith has been debunked by the fact-checking website PolitiFact and even the Pentagon itself.

But that didn't stop Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., from sending out a fundraising email Monday asking supporters to sign a "Protect Religious Freedom in the Military Pledge," along with a plea for donations to her campaign so she can "have the funds necessary to continue fighting for religious liberty and our troops."

[PHOTOS: Christians Around the World Celebrate Good Friday]

Now, the man at the center of the court-martial allegations, Mikey Weinstein, says he may sue Bachmann for "propagating complete and utter lies."

Of course the conservative bloggers went crazy with the non-story...I'm shocked they got fooled again :doubt:

Bachmann like other Pols should have to be truthful while using their office or official position at all times. But it seems most enjoy the shit flinging more than the truth. Actually Bachmanns website still has the "protect religious freedom" site up now.

Protect Religious Freedom in the Military | MicheleBachmann.com

This is consistent with other lies, contrivances, and misleading statements by Bachmann, who herself is under investigation for alleged campaign finance abuse.

Her departure from the political scene can’t come soon enough.
Yeah she was totally telling the truth

Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies

By David Gibson| Religion News Service,

Published: May 2

Christian conservatives have grown increasingly alarmed in recent weeks over reports and rumors that the Pentagon is considering new policies aimed at discriminating against Christians and disciplining or even court-martialing those who share their faith.

But the Department of Defense on Thursday (May 2) sought to debunk that speculation, saying that while aggressive proselytizing is barred, evangelization is still permitted and the rights of all believers — and non-believers — will be protected.
Pentagon debunks reports of anti-Christian policies - The Washington Post

Yes, she totally told the truth.

Here it is again...point out any falsehood or misrepresentation:

What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.​

No she did not.

The notion that those serving in the military would be subject to some punitive measure for practicing their faith is a lie, and confirmed a lie by the Pentagon.
The left's contempt for women and minorities is well documented. Nothing will come of this, as is most always the case... just another smear campaign aimed at a minority that won't play ball with the leftists.

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