Michele Bachmann May Face Lawsuit Over 'Religious Freedom in The Military' Campaign

That's not his wish no matter if you want to believe it or not. It didn't happen. No one is stopping anyone from practicing their religion. You asked for falsehoods and misrepresentation but now I see you fall under the "Perpetually dumb" style of debate. Where nothing is actually true or false its all gray.

Weinstien didn't wish or ask for it...so that, sir, is a MISREPRESENTATION

No one is stopping anyone so when she says "If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith" Everyone agrees to that even the Pentagon so again, she is misrepresenting

From the Army Times:
Weinstein said the only way to stop the intrusion of religion in the workplace is to slap offenders with nonjudicial and judicial punishment. “This little book is not going to solve the problem,” he said. “We need people to understand the boundaries. People are violating it all over the place, and ... they don’t want to do anything about it.”

Freedom of religion-vs-freedom from religion

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That's not his wish no matter if you want to believe it or not. It didn't happen. No one is stopping anyone from practicing their religion. You asked for falsehoods and misrepresentation but now I see you fall under the "Perpetually dumb" style of debate. Where nothing is actually true or false its all gray.

Weinstien didn't wish or ask for it...so that, sir, is a MISREPRESENTATION

No one is stopping anyone so when she says "If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith" Everyone agrees to that even the Pentagon so again, she is misrepresenting

From the Army Times:
Weinstein said the only way to stop the intrusion of religion in the workplace is to slap offenders with nonjudicial and judicial punishment. “This little book is not going to solve the problem,” he said. “We need people to understand the boundaries. People are violating it all over the place, and ... they don’t want to do anything about it.”

Freedom of religion-vs-freedom from religion

Now you're doing the drop a link and disappear dance. Bachmann lied the Pentagon confirmed it and you don't quite know what a lie or a misrepresentation is
That's not his wish no matter if you want to believe it or not. It didn't happen. No one is stopping anyone from practicing their religion. You asked for falsehoods and misrepresentation but now I see you fall under the "Perpetually dumb" style of debate. Where nothing is actually true or false its all gray.

Weinstien didn't wish or ask for it...so that, sir, is a MISREPRESENTATION

No one is stopping anyone so when she says "If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith" Everyone agrees to that even the Pentagon so again, she is misrepresenting

From the Army Times:
Weinstein said the only way to stop the intrusion of religion in the workplace is to slap offenders with nonjudicial and judicial punishment. “This little book is not going to solve the problem,” he said. “We need people to understand the boundaries. People are violating it all over the place, and ... they don’t want to do anything about it.”

Freedom of religion-vs-freedom from religion

Now you're doing the drop a link and disappear dance. Bachmann lied the Pentagon confirmed it and you don't quite know what a lie or a misrepresentation is

There is no lie Brother, you are allowing your bias to do your reading for you.

Everything in her mailer is true.

Here is the acid test...imagine Obama wrote it and read it again.
A series of media reports that allege the Pentagon could start court-martialing soldiers for their Christian faith has been debunked by the fact-checking website PolitiFact and the Pentagon...

But that didn't stop Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., from sending out a fundraising email Monday asking supporters to sign a "Protect Religious Freedom in the Military Pledge," along with a plea for donations to her campaign so she can "have the funds necessary to continue fighting for religious liberty and our troops."
STOP THE PRESSES: Bachmann bows out!

Apparently Bachmann has been pressured out of the House by nutballs purporting to be rational, although that claim is supported by comparison only.

Bachmann won the most nutball district in MN by a sliver while a finance sector parasite won overwhelmingly there in the presidential slot. She has no serious hope of winning a mid-term election and the national party knows it.

It's good bet she turns up with a big number lobbying and giving inspirational speeches in return for letting NATIONAL, not state, lamestream nutballs run someone able to pass as having normal emotional development, and who can perhaps demonstrate a more nuanced understanding of carbon dioxide and the national debt...

“I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve the national debt.”

"Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas."
Here is the best part: Corporations are reading the, uh, Tea, leaves, and have figured it out that their cattle could get butchered in 2014 if the party isn't presentable to rational voters by then. They wonder about the wisdom of spending big to win the hard seats while crazies like Sharron Angle, Todd Akin, Christine O'Donnell - and Bachmann, blow the easy ones.

Look for more total whackaloons to indicate they are "moving on with their lives" by the end of the year.
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Yes, she totally told the truth.

Here it is again...point out any falsehood or misrepresentation:
What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.​

No she did not.

The notion that those serving in the military would be subject to some punitive measure for practicing their faith is a lie, and confirmed a lie by the Pentagon.

Clayton, you are supposed to be a legal expert...

Take any statement in that mailer and make a successful case that would hold up in a court of law.
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