Michele Bachmann: 'There's A Chance I Could Run' In 2016

Conservative Woman runs for president or vice president and the liberal knives come unsheathed.

Here is the REAL war on women.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said she has not ruled out another presidential run, saying the media shouldn't just speculate about potential male 2016 candidates.

“The only thing that the media has speculated on is that it’s going to be various men that are running,” Bachmann told RealClearPolitics in an interview Tuesday. “They haven’t speculated, for instance, that I’m going to run. What if I decide to run? And there’s a chance I could run.”

Bachmann ran in the 2012 Republican primary and even won the Iowa Straw Poll in August 2011. But after a poor showing in the 2012 Iowa Caucus, Bachmann ended her campaign.

Shortly after conceding the race, Bachmann said she "was the perfect candidate."

Bachmann told RealClearPolitics she felt her 2012 experience could help her in another presidential bid.

MORE: Michele Bachmann: 'There's A Chance I Could Run' In 2016

Please, God, let this delusional lunatic run again!

Her bumper sticker would read "A Vote For Michelle will send all the Muslims to Hell"

If you want the rapture to happen sooner rather than later, vote for her. She wants WW3 because the bible says it will happen in her lifetime. Yea, we want her hand on the button.
Conservative Woman runs for president or vice president and the liberal knives come unsheathed.

Here is the REAL war on women.

What you fail to realize is that rich conservatives like Bachmann or any of the Republicans are waging class warfare on all of us. Middle class and poor women, men, christians, muslims, straights, gays, blacks, whites.

AND social conservatives like Bachmann want to take a woman's right to choose away.

See the conflict? She want WW3 but doesn't want babies killed? So she cares about seeds but not real human life? :cuckoo:

We don't care if it's a woman or man conservative. They are all *****/assholes we absolutely disagree with.
Conservative Woman runs for president or vice president and the liberal knives come unsheathed.

Here is the REAL war on women.

It's a war on retards, not women. You know...judging them on the content of their character. We need to take the trash to the curb to keep the GOP healthy and viable.
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Conservative Woman runs for president or vice president and the liberal knives come unsheathed.

Here is the REAL war on women.

Its not because she is a she that liberals point out Bachmann's idiocy - its because she is an idiot.

Right! All we will do is point out things she has said and what she will do if she becomes president. Is attacking her a war on women? The GOP would love that narrative.
Conservative Woman runs for president or vice president and the liberal knives come unsheathed.

Here is the REAL war on women.

Bachmann's a conservative woman? Really? As far as I can tell, she just comes across as a nutcase. But she sticks the conservative moniker on herself, and you guys defend her like she's Jeanne Kirkpatrick, who, by the way, I'm utterly convinced would be embarrassed as hell to be mentioned in the same sentence with Bachman if Kirkpatrick was still alive.
Bachman is the republican equivalent of Liz Warren.

Both are too nuts to ever get the nod.
Bachman is the republican equivalent of Liz Warren.

Both are too nuts to ever get the nod.

Elizabeth Warren is a great person. Please provide some crazy quotes of hers and we will reply back with the crazy shit Bachmann has said. You go first. I won't hold my breath because she isn't crazy, but Bachmann is.
Bachman is conservative, but way too "whiney" to suit me. If she is nominated, which won't happen, then I would certainly support her.
Bachman is the republican equivalent of Liz Warren.

Both are too nuts to ever get the nod.

Elizabeth Warren is a great person. Please provide some crazy quotes of hers and we will reply back with the crazy shit Bachmann has said. You go first. I won't hold my breath because she isn't crazy, but Bachmann is.

Liz warren is a liar and a fraud. She is a rabid socialist. She is nuts.

She also thinks every one of you people are idiots too stupid to make anything of yourselves without her help.

She whines about a rigged game yet she made it to the 1 percent. So obviously the game wasn't rigged for her was it?
Conservative Woman runs for president or vice president and the liberal knives come unsheathed.

Here is the REAL war on women.
No. It's a war on crazy people. The GOP wages war on women. No reproductive freedom, no on raising the minimum wage, no on contraceptive coverage, no on pay equity.

Now, if all the women calling for those basic freedoms were crazy as Bachmann, you might have a point. But that level of crazy only happens on the far fringes.
Bachman is the republican equivalent of Liz Warren.

Both are too nuts to ever get the nod.

Elizabeth Warren is a great person. Please provide some crazy quotes of hers and we will reply back with the crazy shit Bachmann has said. You go first. I won't hold my breath because she isn't crazy, but Bachmann is.

Liz warren is a liar and a fraud. She is a rabid socialist. She is nuts.

She also thinks every one of you people are idiots too stupid to make anything of yourselves without her help.

She whines about a rigged game yet she made it to the 1 percent. So obviously the game wasn't rigged for her was it?

God bless her. She's a rich person who isn't trying to remove the social safety nets that were there when she was making her money. You right wingers want to pull up the ladder that you climbed on future generations and make it tougher for them to make a success of themselves. I know you probably don't even realize what I am talking about because if you did you wouldn't be trashing Elizabeth Warren.

P.S. You couldn't provide one crazy quote. All you could do was tell me the right wings narrative on her. You are wrong, about everything.

No, the game wasn't rigged back when she was growing up. It is now. A lot has changed in those decades. Haven't you been paying attention? Based on your feelings no you have not. Michelle Bachmann serves the rich. Warren serves the middle class and poor.

You guys act like class warfare doesn't exist. Oh it exists, and you've been losing for decades. Elizabeth wants to help you start winning again. Labor laws, regulations, unions, fair tax distribution. Either you are rich or stupid pal.

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