Michelle Obama angry when Obama replied to Melania Trump at funeral


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

She's laughing because she knows the Clinton's and Obama's are headed for prison! LOL!!!
For some reason, Michelle always looks angry.

More time has to pass before people appreciate an ex president. Michelle just probably feels Barrack deserves more. Plus I am sure they have had more than a few conversations about how the new guy is doing it wrong. :lol:
For some reason, Michelle always looks angry.

About Moochelle

When ISN'T that permanently scowling, hermaphrodite Star Trek salt vampire angry over NOTHING?? She spent 8 years living like a queen on the taxpayer dime (with 32 personal assistants, if I'm not mistaken), traveling the world on multi-million dollar 5-star vacations.....yet still spews her hate at white taxpayers and makes herself such a victim of WAAAAAYCISM. She's a cocksucking pig. You'd have to go to Zerope to find chip-on-shoulder, American-hating, ingrate-parasites of Michael Obama's caliber. Quite simply that piece of filth is a European inside a black body of indeterminate gender.
When ISN'T that permanently scowling, hermaphrodite Star Trek salt vampire angry over NOTHING?? She spent 8 years living like a queen on the taxpayer dime (with 32 personal assistants, if I'm not mistaken), traveling the world on multi-million dollar 5-star vacations.....yet still spews her hate at white taxpayers and makes herself such a victim of WAAAAAYCISM. She's a cocksucking pig. You'd have to go to Zerope to find chip-on-shoulder, American-hating, ingrate-parasites of Michael Obama's caliber. Quite simply that piece of filth is a European inside a black body of indeterminate gender.
Bush41 and Babs both voted for Hillary....Babs called Willy her adopted son....personally I'll be glad when this whole fake-smiles show is over with. :rolleyes-41:

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