Stormy Tales; “I Stared At The Ceiling Wondering How I Got Here”

I never said it was. Moot post

There's a big difference in behavior and beliefs about honor. Have you ever read what Richard the Lionhearted said about Saladin?

During the Arab conquest, the Arab conquerors did not expel the Jewish and Christian residents of the city, and throughout the entire Islamic rule, the Jewish settlement in Gaza persisted continuously until the mid-11th century when the city was devastated.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › H...
History of the Jews in Gaza City - Wikipedia
Of course Trump can testify. I hope that he does.

he wanted the judge to modify his gag order to allow him to respond to stormy's testifying. lol ... uh-huh. he can do that by taking the stand - UNDER OATH, because the gag order does not apply in that situation. she was under oath & shouldn't be the one who only has to be.

donny can put up, or stfu. he won't testify because he's what he likes to grab.


yep....☝️ fascist.

Thanks! Thanks for proving the Leftist member that posted this and you are liars.

Here is the original quote.

"Remember. Trump said he wanted to suspend the Constitution. So much for fascism and authoritarianism."

That is not what happened. All that happened is that Trump asked a question about corrupt / rigged elections. He never said he wanted to suspend the Constitution. He wants it followed, which clearly it was not if you actually took the time to read it.
Grow up child....welcome to Sodom on the Potomac. You just described 90 percent of Washington DC. Does your mommy know where you are right now?
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; Trump is a pathological liar, degenerate, and coward – and this is the GOP presidential nominee for 2024, a party no longer ‘grand,’ a party that allowed itself to be dragged into the sewer by Trump.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power; Trump is a pathological liar, degenerate, and coward – and this is the GOP presidential nominee for 2024, a party no longer ‘grand,’ a party that allowed itself to be dragged into the sewer by Trump.
Your delusions of moral high ground are catastrophically obtuse; but then again you're an apparatchik. There isn't a single unique action done by Trump that hasn't been done a hundred times before on various levels and in various places in the history of American elections.

The only unique feature of the whole thing is falsely charging some over zealous demonstrators as seditionists.

Thanks! Thanks for proving the Leftist member that posted this and you are liars.

Here is the original quote.

"Remember. Trump said he wanted to suspend the Constitution. So much for fascism and authoritarianism."

That is not what happened. All that happened is that Trump asked a question about corrupt / rigged elections. He never said he wanted to suspend the Constitution. He wants it followed, which clearly it was not if you actually took the time to read it.

he wanted to suspend the constitution on jan 6, by stopping the peaceful transfer of power.
he wanted to suspend the constitution on jan 6, by stopping the peaceful transfer of power.

That's not what he said in his speech on January 6. You need to quit repeating Democratic Party / MSM talking points and actually watch his speech yourself. You are the "Useful Idiot" Stalin coveted. You are believing and repeating the laws of the establishment.
That's not what he said in his speech on January 6.

one doesn't need to actually say par-tic-i-lar words to get one's wishes known.

You need to quit repeating Democratic Party / MSM talking points

i'm not a (D).

actually watch his speech yourself.

i watched that entire travesty from start to finish ... INCLUDING the march onward to the capital, AND the fear & devastation that his flying monkeys created ... in real time ... in his name.

You are the "Useful Idiot" Stalin coveted. You are believing and repeating the laws of the establishment.


He promised her dinner … but they didn’t have dinner. He told her she reminded him of his daughter … then stripped down to his boxers and a T-shirt while she was in the bathroom. He said he could help her career with a spot on his TV show … then scolded her, “I thought you were serious,” when she tried to leave.

another keeper this one

Always linking his thoughts of sex with thoughts of his daughter

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