Michelle Obama declares that parents feed their children "crap" and that govt must step in


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.
The children wouldn't eat her crap at all. The only people really unhappy about the end of big moo's lunch program are food truck owners. They would park near schools waiting for the after school crowds of hungry children.
No, thank you. I don't need the government to take my children and starve them.

It hardly ever works out well for the kids when they do.

"Those labeled as "black elements" (religious leaders, rightists, rich peasants, etc.) in any earlier campaign died in the greatest numbers, as they were given the lowest priority in the allocation of food.[112] In Mao's Great Famine, historian Frank Dikötter writes that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the very foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history."[113] His research in local and provincial Chinese archives indicates the death toll was at least 45 million, and that "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death."[114] In a secret meeting at Shanghai in 1959, Mao issued the order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside. He said: “When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”[114] Dikötter estimates that at least 2.5 million people were summarily killed or tortured to death during this period.[115]"

That's the Obamaplan.

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia
Michelle lunch:
If you gave felons in prison this to eat there would be calls of human rights violations.
Liberals are really good at propaganda.

It would be nice if these fuckers would show some class and retire, but they isn't their plan.

Michelle and her husband were put in the White House to destroy any faith the American people have in our government.
No, thank you. I don't need the government to take my children and starve them.

It hardly ever works out well for the kids when they do.

"Those labeled as "black elements" (religious leaders, rightists, rich peasants, etc.) in any earlier campaign died in the greatest numbers, as they were given the lowest priority in the allocation of food.[112] In Mao's Great Famine, historian Frank Dikötter writes that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the very foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history."[113] His research in local and provincial Chinese archives indicates the death toll was at least 45 million, and that "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death."[114] In a secret meeting at Shanghai in 1959, Mao issued the order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside. He said: “When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”[114] Dikötter estimates that at least 2.5 million people were summarily killed or tortured to death during this period.[115]"

That's the Obamaplan.

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia
Your nation was founded upon genocide love, get fuggin' real.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.
You still paying attention to her? Jeez. Ever wonder what having a life would be like?
No, thank you. I don't need the government to take my children and starve them.

It hardly ever works out well for the kids when they do.

"Those labeled as "black elements" (religious leaders, rightists, rich peasants, etc.) in any earlier campaign died in the greatest numbers, as they were given the lowest priority in the allocation of food.[112] In Mao's Great Famine, historian Frank Dikötter writes that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the very foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history."[113] His research in local and provincial Chinese archives indicates the death toll was at least 45 million, and that "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death."[114] In a secret meeting at Shanghai in 1959, Mao issued the order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside. He said: “When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”[114] Dikötter estimates that at least 2.5 million people were summarily killed or tortured to death during this period.[115]"

That's the Obamaplan.

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia
Your nation was founded upon genocide love, get fuggin' real.

They started off killing off Indians and forcing slaves to do their work

Today they kill of the unborn and force illegal immigrants to be their slaves.

Some things never change.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.
Kids need to eat like Trump
Liberals are really good at propaganda.

It would be nice if these fuckers would show some class and retire, but they isn't their plan.

Michelle and her husband were put in the White House to destroy any faith the American people have in our government.
We don't have propaganda machine, just facts and news, 80% chance racist hater dupe. American processed food is sugar injected crap that makes kids obese and diabetic. and kills adults. The Obama's did more to help than anyone ever. Read something.
Has Michelle looked at her big wide ass in the mirror lately? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.
You still paying attention to her? Jeez. Ever wonder what having a life would be like?

If you're going to tape a sign to your ass that says KICK ME! Then don't be too surprised when somebody actually does.

She had her eight years but apparently that wasn't enough to force the federal government down our throats as well as our children. It doesn't take a village, it takes a village idiot to know when they are done and leave already.
Right, because kids pay attention and learn when they are hungry, screaming, and whining.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.

Lie. That's not what she said.

But it's true that people eat crap and feed their kids crap.

East to prove that - look around you.

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Maybe if Government wasn't always "stepping in" wasting hard earned tax dollars the people could get a tax brake and give mom or dad more time at home to cook for their kids. Fucking out of touch douchebag bitch.
You know, comparing the school lunches of today with what I got back in the 70's and early 80, well..............they aren't as good as what I got growing up.

Mrs. Obama may very well have a point.

And in many cases, school is the only place where the kid can get a meal.

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