Michelle Obama declares that parents feed their children "crap" and that govt must step in

This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
You are duped. Big Macs are not involved of course. Sugary soft drinks were banned from vending machines is all I know. You know even less. Oh no, not fruit!!! lol.

You dopes don't even understand the obesity problem. Just let government handle everything in your life because government is always right........right?

The problem is not what kids are eating, the problem is they don't exercise. They are texting their friends instead of play sports with them. When they do play sports with their friends, it's on a video game. You can make kids eat tomatoes for lunch every day, but if they are going to go home, turn on Netflix and eat two bags of Cheetoes, then that crappy school lunch didn't do them any good.

To lose weight, you must concentrate on every meal; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You can't get any kid to lose weight by limiting one meal. There is no dietitian in the country that will tell you such a plot would work.
Baby steps ferchrissake. And you can bet it was racist dupes who complained about this....mainly rural rubes who needed it most I see...
Michelle ought to know: her whole head is filled with crap.
90% chance racist. 100% change dupe against healthy kids because Michelle is for it.

100% chance simplistically-minded, neo-fascist internet-educated, pseudo-intellectual dismissive too-quick-to-label-others bigot.
Masters in History U of R 1990, fascist is RW , dupe; I know you people. You got nothing but brainwashed Fox/Rush etc hate and bs propaganda lol. A disgrace.
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So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
You are duped. Big Macs are not involved of course. Sugary soft drinks were banned from vending machines is all I know. You know even less. Oh no, not fruit!!! lol.

You dopes don't even understand the obesity problem. Just let government handle everything in your life because government is always right........right?

The problem is not what kids are eating, the problem is they don't exercise. They are texting their friends instead of play sports with them. When they do play sports with their friends, it's on a video game. You can make kids eat tomatoes for lunch every day, but if they are going to go home, turn on Netflix and eat two bags of Cheetoes, then that crappy school lunch didn't do them any good.

To lose weight, you must concentrate on every meal; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You can't get any kid to lose weight by limiting one meal. There is no dietitian in the country that will tell you such a plot would work.
Baby steps ferchrissake. And you can bet it was racist dupes who complained about this....mainly rural rubes who needed it most I see...

No, the people complaining about it are those of us that are sick of the federal government telling us how to live our PERSONAL lives. That's not what our federal government was created for. In fact, the reason people left their country to make this one was to escape that kind of government.

You care correct: baby steps. Because this is how Commies get power--baby steps. Next thing you know, some other commie (or his wife) will get power and institute a maximum weight standard for students to be allowed in school.
Since the OP was a lie, let me ask everyone here Michelle Obama's actual question

'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school?

Simple question- if your answer is that you don't want schools feeding kids- that is an answer too.
But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?

BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?

You asked a question that you already answered. It's up to the parents what the school serves their kids for lunch--not Moochelle. .

LOL- no- frankly schools don't listen to what parents want the schools to feed the kids.

The Federal government already sets minimum standards for school lunches- the GOP just want to lower those standards so schools can serve more crap to kids.

Michelle Obama never once said parents shouldn't decide what their kids should eat- she was saying that our government changing the rules so that your kids could be feed more crap

But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?[

Yes, the schools do listen to the parents, and do you know why? Because it's parents that vote in members of the school board. It's parents that vote in tax levies for the schools. The schools need the support of parents, and they do listen to them.

The federal government has no business making any standards for school lunches because most schools are locally funded. I have no problem with schools serving healthy foods, but not limiting selection to just healthy foods. Of course liberals are against choice because choice means freedom, and liberals hate freedom.

We don't want (or need) the federal government making parental choices for our kids. You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this free country yet.
When they're not in gov't run schools, fine. At least now, thanks to Dems, what they're eating is on the label and the worst additives are banned...

Then maybe we should get rid of government run schools.
Arguing with bigots is nuts...

You cannot objectively define a bigot. Your definition only lies between your ears.
OK, I'm game: definitively define "bigot".

See how Merriam defines it. Read that definition and you see Cal Berkeley whites.

Definition of BIGOT

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
Apparently not just whites but pretty much most Berkeley snowflakes.
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.

Were you wondering why government always gets bigger and intrudes on more and more stuff?
Since the OP was a lie, let me ask everyone here Michelle Obama's actual question

'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school?

Simple question- if your answer is that you don't want schools feeding kids- that is an answer too.
But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?

BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?

You asked a question that you already answered. It's up to the parents what the school serves their kids for lunch--not Moochelle. .

LOL- no- frankly schools don't listen to what parents want the schools to feed the kids.

The Federal government already sets minimum standards for school lunches- the GOP just want to lower those standards so schools can serve more crap to kids.

Michelle Obama never once said parents shouldn't decide what their kids should eat- she was saying that our government changing the rules so that your kids could be feed more crap

But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?[

Yes, the schools do listen to the parents, and do you know why? Because it's parents that vote in members of the school board. It's parents that vote in tax levies for the schools. The schools need the support of parents, and they do listen to them.

The federal government has no business making any standards for school lunches because most schools are locally funded. I have no problem with schools serving healthy foods, but not limiting selection to just healthy foods. Of course liberals are against choice because choice means freedom, and liberals hate freedom.

We don't want (or need) the federal government making parental choices for our kids. You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this free country yet.
The main problem on the federal level is that the weight loss and pharmaceutical industries are the ones who set federal nutrition guidelines. These industries have a huge financial interest in keeping people fat and sick. There's a huge conflict of interests inherent in the system.
Since the OP was a lie, let me ask everyone here Michelle Obama's actual question

'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school?

Simple question- if your answer is that you don't want schools feeding kids- that is an answer too.
But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?

BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?

You asked a question that you already answered. It's up to the parents what the school serves their kids for lunch--not Moochelle. .

LOL- no- frankly schools don't listen to what parents want the schools to feed the kids.

The Federal government already sets minimum standards for school lunches- the GOP just want to lower those standards so schools can serve more crap to kids.

Michelle Obama never once said parents shouldn't decide what their kids should eat- she was saying that our government changing the rules so that your kids could be feed more crap

But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?[

Yes, the schools do listen to the parents, and do you know why? Because it's parents that vote in members of the school board. It's parents that vote in tax levies for the schools. The schools need the support of parents, and they do listen to them.

The federal government has no business making any standards for school lunches because most schools are locally funded. I have no problem with schools serving healthy foods, but not limiting selection to just healthy foods. Of course liberals are against choice because choice means freedom, and liberals hate freedom.

We don't want (or need) the federal government making parental choices for our kids. You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this free country yet.
The main problem on the federal level is that the weight loss, pharmaceutical and food processing industries are the ones who are setting federal nutrition guidelines. The pharmaceutical and weight loss industries in particular have a huge financial interest in keeping people fat and sick, or at least convincing people that they are fat and sick.There's a huge conflict of interests inherent in the system.
BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?

You asked a question that you already answered. It's up to the parents what the school serves their kids for lunch--not Moochelle. .

LOL- no- frankly schools don't listen to what parents want the schools to feed the kids.

The Federal government already sets minimum standards for school lunches- the GOP just want to lower those standards so schools can serve more crap to kids.

Michelle Obama never once said parents shouldn't decide what their kids should eat- she was saying that our government changing the rules so that your kids could be feed more crap

But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?[

Yes, the schools do listen to the parents, and do you know why? Because it's parents that vote in members of the school board. It's parents that vote in tax levies for the schools. The schools need the support of parents, and they do listen to them.

The federal government has no business making any standards for school lunches because most schools are locally funded. I have no problem with schools serving healthy foods, but not limiting selection to just healthy foods. Of course liberals are against choice because choice means freedom, and liberals hate freedom.

We don't want (or need) the federal government making parental choices for our kids. You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this free country yet.
The main problem on the federal level is that the weight loss, pharmaceutical and food processing industries are the ones who are setting federal nutrition guidelines. The pharmaceutical and weight loss industries in particular have a huge financial interest in keeping people fat and sick, or at least convincing people that they are fat and sick.There's a huge conflict of interests inherent in the system.
Not so much under Dems, dupe. Obviously. Enjoy the higher salt and sugar for the kids...And of course the gov't always HAS chosen food for the kids in public schools. Crappier food under the bought off GOP.
And why would anyone think that Ms Obama has the slightest idea what is or isn't crap?

Anyone who takes nutrition advice from her is an idiot.
Of course she has many nutrition experts behind her, and it's not rocket science duh...
Anyone who believes that is naive.

Actually I think "idiotic" is closer to the truth.
Yup, she just decided on her own from her druggie days...stupid a-hole dupes...FUNCTIONAL of course.
Then maybe we should get rid of government run schools.
Arguing with bigots is nuts...

You cannot objectively define a bigot. Your definition only lies between your ears.
OK, I'm game: definitively define "bigot".

See how Merriam defines it. Read that definition and you see Cal Berkeley whites.

Definition of BIGOT

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
Apparently not just whites but pretty much most Berkeley snowflakes.
Minorities know which party is full of racists. Not the one with 44% of minority conventioneers, the one with 1%. DUHHHHH.

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