Michelle Obama declares that parents feed their children "crap" and that govt must step in

I do not believe the govt needs to regulate lunches. it's a waste of time and money. That being said, the American diet is a big reason why health care costs are high and why cancer rates are high. American parents accept fast food as a part of our diet. it is toxic...but its not the govts job to regulate it. we all know its proven to be nasty. These are the facts.
This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
You are duped. Big Macs are not involved of course. Sugary soft drinks were banned from vending machines is all I know. You know even less. Oh no, not fruit!!! lol.
I'm surrounded by GOP rubes/dupes. They're racists.
And Russian.......:muahaha:
WTH? Russians ARE racist and bigots too...at least Putin lovers

So, you are Russian, franco hater dupe bot? :eek:
WTH? LOL. Arguing with brainwashed functional morons...what are you trying to say? Russian thugs are pals with hater dupes and corrupt billionaires everywhere...you must be very proud lol...

You are one of the most bigoted and racist members on the forum, so you must be Russian by you definition.

Look, we all know you're just an artificial stupidity routine spamming to hack our election process for the fascist democrats. Just a hate bot released as malware by the Soros hate sites....
It's the classic liberal protection racket. Tell a lie about the public, show your contempt for them, and then announce that the government must step in to make it all better.


Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Michelle Obama criticizes Trump school lunch decision

Associated Press 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up "eating crap" instead.

"You have to stop and think, 'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?" Mrs. Obama said. "Why would that be political?"

"Moms, think about this. I don't care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don't like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap," she said.

Tell a lie?

The US has THE WORST obesity rate in the world. There was a report about China saying that 1 in 4 children will be obese soon. The US has a 33% obesity rate.

People want the govt out of their lives, so they let predatory companies like Mars come into their lives and destroy them.

I worked with a Vietnam War veteran. He had two daughters, a dog, and was on food stamps. He could get get free Coca-Cola all day long. But he bought Pepsi. Why? Because Pepsi was the poor man's drink, and Coca-Cola was for others, it wasn't his drink.

That's the sort of stupidity that exists in the US. It's the sort of stupidity that the OP wants to continue by claiming the govt should stay out of people's lives.

Now, I'm all for limited govt. I'm all for freedoms etc. But I'm against 33% of the population being too fat. I'm against a lot of the population being unable to do things because they don't have the education they should have been given. There is need for SOCIETY to stand up and deal with the problems of MODERN SOCIETY. The right seem to like the idea of living in some cabin in the 17th century hunting bears. It's all very well having some nostalgia for a time that never existed, but this is the modern world and kids need the skills and knowledge to be able to function as adults in this world.

How many of these obese people would rather not be obese? I'd say most.
No, thank you. I don't need the government to take my children and starve them.

It hardly ever works out well for the kids when they do.

"Those labeled as "black elements" (religious leaders, rightists, rich peasants, etc.) in any earlier campaign died in the greatest numbers, as they were given the lowest priority in the allocation of food.[112] In Mao's Great Famine, historian Frank Dikötter writes that "coercion, terror, and systematic violence were the very foundation of the Great Leap Forward" and it "motivated one of the most deadly mass killings of human history."[113] His research in local and provincial Chinese archives indicates the death toll was at least 45 million, and that "In most cases the party knew very well that it was starving its own people to death."[114] In a secret meeting at Shanghai in 1959, Mao issued the order to procure one third of all grain from the countryside. He said: “When there is not enough to eat people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.”[114] Dikötter estimates that at least 2.5 million people were summarily killed or tortured to death during this period.[115]"

That's the Obamaplan.

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia
Your nation was founded upon genocide love, get fuggin' real.

They started off killing off Indians and forcing slaves to do their work

Today they kill of the unborn and force illegal immigrants to be their slaves.

Some things never change.

And some people pick and choose facts, manipulate them to end up with such a distorted view of the world that nothing will ever get solved.
I do not believe the govt needs to regulate lunches. it's a waste of time and money. That being said, the American diet is a big reason why health care costs are high and why cancer rates are high. American parents accept fast food as a part of our diet. it is toxic...but its not the govts job to regulate it. we all know its proven to be nasty. These are the facts.
This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
Perhaps we could show you some reality, dupe:
Nutrition Standards for School Meals | Food and Nutrition Service
Nutrition Standards for School Meals | Food and Nutrition Service
6 days ago - Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, USDA made the first major changes in schoolmeals in 15 years, which will help us raise a healthier generation of children. The new standards alignschool meals with the latest nutrition science and the real world circumstances of ...
Tools for Schools: Focusing on Smart Snacks | Food and Nutrition ...
Tools for Schools: Focusing on Smart Snacks | Food and Nutrition Service
Mar 27, 2017 - Starting in school year 2014-15, all foods sold at school during the school day are required to meet nutrition standards. The Smart Snacks in ...
Trump Administration Loosens Obama School Food Rules - NBC News
May 1, 2017 - Trump Administration Loosens Obama School Food Rules ... Trump Adminstratrion Aims to Loosen School Lunch Standard Regulations 1:31 ... progress in its tracks—and allow dangerously highlevels of salt in school lunch.
I do not believe the govt needs to regulate lunches. it's a waste of time and money. That being said, the American diet is a big reason why health care costs are high and why cancer rates are high. American parents accept fast food as a part of our diet. it is toxic...but its not the govts job to regulate it. we all know its proven to be nasty. These are the facts.
This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
Perhaps we could show you some reality, dupe:
Nutrition Standards for School Meals | Food and Nutrition Service
Nutrition Standards for School Meals | Food and Nutrition Service
6 days ago - Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, USDA made the first major changes in schoolmeals in 15 years, which will help us raise a healthier generation of children. The new standards alignschool meals with the latest nutrition science and the real world circumstances of ...
Tools for Schools: Focusing on Smart Snacks | Food and Nutrition ...
Tools for Schools: Focusing on Smart Snacks | Food and Nutrition Service
Mar 27, 2017 - Starting in school year 2014-15, all foods sold at school during the school day are required to meet nutrition standards. The Smart Snacks in ...
Trump Administration Loosens Obama School Food Rules - NBC News
May 1, 2017 - Trump Administration Loosens Obama School Food Rules ... Trump Adminstratrion Aims to Loosen School Lunch Standard Regulations 1:31 ... progress in its tracks—and allow dangerously highlevels of salt in school lunch.

So WTF is all this supposed to mean anyway? Think I'm going to read all your unrelated crap that doesn't address my reply? This is typical leftist strategy. Give me a link that says spaghetti is part of Moochele's lunch list.
I do not believe the govt needs to regulate lunches. it's a waste of time and money. That being said, the American diet is a big reason why health care costs are high and why cancer rates are high. American parents accept fast food as a part of our diet. it is toxic...but its not the govts job to regulate it. we all know its proven to be nasty. These are the facts.
This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
You are duped. Big Macs are not involved of course. Sugary soft drinks were banned from vending machines is all I know. You know even less. Oh no, not fruit!!! lol.

You dopes don't even understand the obesity problem. Just let government handle everything in your life because government is always right........right?

The problem is not what kids are eating, the problem is they don't exercise. They are texting their friends instead of play sports with them. When they do play sports with their friends, it's on a video game. You can make kids eat tomatoes for lunch every day, but if they are going to go home, turn on Netflix and eat two bags of Cheetoes, then that crappy school lunch didn't do them any good.

To lose weight, you must concentrate on every meal; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You can't get any kid to lose weight by limiting one meal. There is no dietitian in the country that will tell you such a plot would work.
Similar thread in current events. I posted anti michelle's agenda. If the kids aren't getting good nutrition at home and eating lots of junk food, they won't like healthy food, even if the healthy stuff is cooked right. Better to feed them something they will eat so they're not sitting in school on empty stomachs.
Last edited:
This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
You are duped. Big Macs are not involved of course. Sugary soft drinks were banned from vending machines is all I know. You know even less. Oh no, not fruit!!! lol.

You dopes don't even understand the obesity problem. Just let government handle everything in your life because government is always right........right?

The problem is not what kids are eating, the problem is they don't exercise. They are texting their friends instead of play sports with them. When they do play sports with their friends, it's on a video game. You can make kids eat tomatoes for lunch every day, but if they are going to go home, turn on Netflix and eat two bags of Cheetoes, then that crappy school lunch didn't do them any good.

To lose weight, you must concentrate on every meal; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You can't get any kid to lose weight by limiting one meal. There is no dietitian in the country that will tell you such a plot would work.
Just limiting sugar and salt?
I'd really love to see some actual facts about the program. Seems sugar and salt intake will go back up now...Beside that, a lot of GOP hyperbole and bs propaganda, and extremely dry gov't lit...
This is about public schools and information. And actualy it is the gov't's job to regulate it. Before the FDA etc under TR a LOT of food was poisonous, and there's more work to do. Of course you GOP dupes have lots of crazy GOP propaganda ideas about the facts as always...

So you use the excuse of poisonous foods to justify getting rid of spaghetti out of school cafeterias? Is there no low with you people?
Link to spaghetti being banned, dupe?

No dope, but do you really think spaghetti is not on Moooochele's no-no list? Use your brain once in a while. Next thing you'll be asking is if Big Macs were banned.
Perhaps we could show you some reality, dupe:
Nutrition Standards for School Meals | Food and Nutrition Service
Nutrition Standards for School Meals | Food and Nutrition Service
6 days ago - Through the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, USDA made the first major changes in schoolmeals in 15 years, which will help us raise a healthier generation of children. The new standards alignschool meals with the latest nutrition science and the real world circumstances of ...
Tools for Schools: Focusing on Smart Snacks | Food and Nutrition ...
Tools for Schools: Focusing on Smart Snacks | Food and Nutrition Service
Mar 27, 2017 - Starting in school year 2014-15, all foods sold at school during the school day are required to meet nutrition standards. The Smart Snacks in ...
Trump Administration Loosens Obama School Food Rules - NBC News
May 1, 2017 - Trump Administration Loosens Obama School Food Rules ... Trump Adminstratrion Aims to Loosen School Lunch Standard Regulations 1:31 ... progress in its tracks—and allow dangerously highlevels of salt in school lunch.

So WTF is all this supposed to mean anyway? Think I'm going to read all your unrelated crap that doesn't address my reply? This is typical leftist strategy. Give me a link that says spaghetti is part of Moochele's lunch list.
Here ya go, dupe. Plenty of saucy chili, spag etc, and a great way to hide broccoli, etc. So stop freaking out, dupe.

School Lunch Quality Following Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act ...
Error Page
Act of 2010 (HHFKA) on school lunch quality and consumption in elementary ... Keywords: National School Lunch Program; Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act; child nutrition; .... improvement,” and HEI-2010 scoresbelow 51 imply a “poor” diet (Kennedy, .... broccoli or kale with chili, spaghetti or other saucy entrées is one way to ...
Shit for brains OP....

Government was feeding their kids crap but thanks to Michelle that somewhat changed. It isn't the fucking parents, cock sucker.
Since the OP was a lie, let me ask everyone here Michelle Obama's actual question

'Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school?

Simple question- if your answer is that you don't want schools feeding kids- that is an answer too.
But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?

BECAUSE KIDS DON'T WANT THEM!!! What don't you leftists understand about that? You can't force people to eat food they don't want or like unless you starve them to death first. The better question is, what don't you leftists like about choice???

So you just feed kids what they want?

Seriously- is that what you at home?

And what the hell do you mean 'choice'?

Its not as if the kids are being given a choice- this would be school districts having the choice to serve healthy food- or not healthy food.

Michelle Obama suggests that IF our tax payer dollars are going to be used to feed kids- feed them healthy food.

Why are you against that?

You asked a question that you already answered. It's up to the parents what the school serves their kids for lunch--not Moochelle. .

LOL- no- frankly schools don't listen to what parents want the schools to feed the kids.

The Federal government already sets minimum standards for school lunches- the GOP just want to lower those standards so schools can serve more crap to kids.

Michelle Obama never once said parents shouldn't decide what their kids should eat- she was saying that our government changing the rules so that your kids could be feed more crap

But if you are okay with the concept of school lunches- why would you be against our tax dollars being used to serve healthy lunches?[
It is worth pointing out again that the OP- Acornboy- lied in his OP.

And not a single contard will be concerned that he lied to them.

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