Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”

Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow
I just watched it in YouTube. Cant tell if he is trying to be funny or not
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow
I just watched it in YouTube. Cant tell if he is trying to be funny or not
He is imitating him and his mannerisms, not mocking his disability.
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow
I just watched it in YouTube. Cant tell if he is trying to be funny or not
He is imitating him and his mannerisms, not mocking his disability.
Yeah thats what i was thinking too. But I think he shouldnt have flung his hands around like that since the reporter had retarded hands too. not good for his image
She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow
I just watched it in YouTube. Cant tell if he is trying to be funny or not
He is imitating him and his mannerisms, not mocking his disability.
Yeah thats what i was thinking too. But I think he shouldnt have flung his hands around like that since the reporter had retarded hands too. not good for his image
I am pretty sure that was just Trump getting excited.
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com
Here you have Michelle and Obama denouncing Trumps words and yet support Islamic countries who still believe a husband is allowed to beat his wife, treat her like chattel, permit Female Genital Mutilation and punish gays by jail or death,

But they're so so upset about pussy locker room talk.

What champs they are!

Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.
Here you have Michelle and Obama denouncing Trumps words and yet support Islamic countries who still believe a husband is allowed to beat his wife, treat her like chattel, permit Female Genital Mutilation and punish gays by jail or death,

But they're so so upset about pussy locker room talk.

What champs they are!

yeah i agree they aare champs haha
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality? Try listening to the audio of that video.
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously
Why doesn't the First **** say anything about the Thugs making rap songs calling women bitches and whores. (Ho)?
Because they should have the right to say what they want. As long as they dont actually go out and rape women or anything.
Is it rude and disrespectful? yes. Is it illegal? no
Can you prove Trump actually did anything?
Nope, never claimed that he did. I was talking about rappers and how they can say whatever they want as long as they dont rape etc. I was not trying to imply Trump raped just used an example
That is the point though, until anyone can prove Trump did anything, he is no worse than the rappers that parents regularly allow their kids to listen to.
Oh I get what you are saying now. Yeah I highly doubt Trump actually did anything. He was probably just bragging to show off and impress his friends

BTW that locker room conversation all those years ago was with Billy Bush of that oh so Christian Bush family who can't bring themselves to back Trump because he's too vulgar and yet it was their nephew locker room talking with Trump.

The Bushies are an odd group. They think Trump is uncouth and vulgar yet they are tied at the hip with Mr. wandering dick Bill Clinton and his enabler.

Strange days indeed.
She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously

Bullshit - he was being cruel.
Weird that Michelle is complaining about Bill Clinton, even though his sexual transgressions dwarf anything done by any politician currently in contention.
Bill isn't even running for office!
she is complaining about trump
Nonsense. When she has an example like Bill in front of her, who actually harassed so many women, attacked some, and was even accused to raping one of them, why would she ever bother with a two-bit offhand comment, made with no women present, by Trump to his pals? When she made her speech, there had been no news about any women complaining.

Clearly she was referring to Bill Clinton, a 100x greater offender than Donald Trump. She would have to be severely blinders-limited and viciously partisan to the exclusion of the simplest fact or reason.

And she's not that. Is she?
Weird that Michelle is complaining about Bill Clinton, even though his sexual transgressions dwarf anything done by any politician currently in contention.
Bill isn't even running for office!
she is complaining about trump
Nonsense. When she has an example like Bill in front of her, who actually harassed so many women, attacked some, and was even accused to raping one of them, why would she ever bother with a two-bit offhand comment, made with no women present, by Trump to his pals? When she made her speech, there had been no news about any women complaining.

Clearly she was referring to Bill Clinton, a 100x greater offender than Donald Trump. She would have to be severely blinders-limited and viciously partisan to the exclusion of the simplest fact or reason.

And she's not that. Is she?
rea ltalk
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously

Bullshit - he was being cruel.
yes it was cruel, but this was a long time ago. He is a more mature changed man
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."

She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality? Try listening to the audio of that video.

You really need to stop lying. He mocked Ted Cruz doing the same motions at the very same rally.

It's silly as all get out but he didn't mock the reporter.

"In addition, Trump used the same flailing arm movements in a South Carolina rally to impersonate a flustered Ted Cruz being asked about water boarding. To my knowledge Cruz is not physically disabled:"

You really need to stop spreading those lies.

"It turns out that at the very same South Carolina rally Trump imitated Kovaleski, he also used similar arm and hand gestures to imitate a very non-disabled general who was asked about ISIS. Do you remember the media reporting this?"

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously

Bullshit - he was being cruel.

He made the same "flustered" movements at the very same rally of Cruz and a General.

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously

Bullshit - he was being cruel.

He made the same "flustered" movements at the very same rally of Cruz and a General.

Really? Did he use the same words as when he mocked the disabled reporter?
Another thing to remember and this is important the reporter cannot move his limbs like that. Not at all.

"What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason.

As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.

To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.”

Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews.

Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me?

Watch the video:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability
Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously

Bullshit - he was being cruel.

He made the same "flustered" movements at the very same rally of Cruz and a General.

Really? Did he use the same words as when he mocked the disabled reporter?


“You should see this guy” is a figure of speech.

Trump says it all the time whether he has personally met people or not, based on what they have said or were reported to have said.

He also says “seems like a nice guy”, “probably a nice guy” often when he’s asked to comment on someone critical of him he isn’t very familiar with in order to look like he has nothing against them personally. We’ve watched hours and hours of Trump’s rallies.

He does this all the time. “You should see this guy,” was referring to what the reporter wrote trying to backpedal from his story that he was about to read (and did read) to the crowd."

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

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