Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”

Another thing to remember and this is important the reporter cannot move his limbs like that. Not at all.

"What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason.

As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.

To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.”

Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews.

Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me?

Watch the video:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Funny. Are you saying Trump is too fucking stupid to correctly mock a disabled person? Why was Trump talking about the reporter when he was flailing his arms around?
She was awesome!!!!!!
Did Trump really mock someone with a disability? Just saw your gif. Wow

Yep, it's a fact.

Trump mocks reporter with disability - CNN Video - CNN.com

Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously
Another thing to remember and this is important the reporter cannot move his limbs like that. Not at all.

"What the media did not choose to show you was video of Serge Kovaleski. Notice how the media only showed and still shows photos of him. This was done for a reason.

As it turns out, Kovaleski’s disability is a congenital condition called arthrogryposis. Arthrogryposis causes restricted movement in the joints but does not cause spasms or uncontrolled moving of the limbs like cerebral palsy does.

To show the depths of the deceit, one CNN reporter explained, while displaying a still photo of him, that Kovaleski, “suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms.”

Again, the implication is that Kovaleski can’t control his arms from moving. To the contrary, Kovaleski appears perfectly calm when giving interviews.

Thus, if Trump truly wanted to mock Kovaleski’s disability, he would have had to stand perfectly still with a flexed right hand and not flail his arms. don’t believe me?

Watch the video:

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Funny. Are you saying Trump is too fucking stupid to correctly mock a disabled person? Why was Trump talking about the reporter when he was flailing his arms around?
The same reason why he talked about the general and Ted Cruz while flailing his arms around.

Do you even understand what Serge's disability is?
Catholics for Trump blew that out of the water. He makes those same movements whenever he is mocking someone.

You just can't keep from lying can you?

ETA: The reporters disability does not make him act like that.

Look, you pitiful dumbass - I saw it on live TV. I know what I saw and so do other sane people. It has been widely reported on. Are you another one of Trump's surrogate liars living in an alternate reality?
yeah i watched it a few times in a row. I am certain he is mocking the person, I dont think he intended to offend anyone and didnt want people to take it too seriously

Bullshit - he was being cruel.

He made the same "flustered" movements at the very same rally of Cruz and a General.

Really? Did he use the same words as when he mocked the disabled reporter?
For Cruz the words were similar.
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."
Like she gives a shit if Trump actually assaults some white women....

Clearly you don't give a shit if Trump assaults any woman, it doesn't matter what color.

Here you were having a shit conniption fit over transgenders getting into women's bathrooms, worried about PERVERTS. It's very clear that they should BAN Trump from getting into the dressing rooms at his Miss Universe contest.
A Fifth Teen Beauty Queen Says Trump Visited Dressing Room

Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."
Like she gives a shit if Trump actually assaults some white women....

Clearly you don't give a shit if Trump assaults any woman, it doesn't matter what color.

Here you were having a shit conniption fit over transgenders getting into women's bathrooms, worried about PERVERTS. It's very clear that they should BAN Trump from getting into the dressing rooms at his Miss Universe contest.
A Fifth Teen Beauty Queen Says Trump Visited Dressing Room

Do you like being a serial liar, or do you just have some kind of mental disability?
Breaking: Michelle may denounce Bill Clinton for viciously raping a woman and Hillary for threatening the woman not to report it...NOT.
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."
Best speech of the campaign season – intelligent, compelling. articulate, and on point.
Michelle Obama denounces Trumps’ treatment of women, tells voters to “stop this madness”
"Speaking at a rally for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, Mrs Obama denounced his treatment of women and implored voters to “stop this madness”.
should meet basic standards of human decency,” Mrs Obama said.

“The fact is that, in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who over the course of his lifetime, and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning, that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women."
Like she gives a shit if Trump actually assaults some white women....

Clearly you don't give a shit if Trump assaults any woman, it doesn't matter what color.

Here you were having a shit conniption fit over transgenders getting into women's bathrooms, worried about PERVERTS. It's very clear that they should BAN Trump from getting into the dressing rooms at his Miss Universe contest.
A Fifth Teen Beauty Queen Says Trump Visited Dressing Room

haha thats a funny picture

Remember the parade in Germany during Bill's heyday? It was no cartoon.

And Hillary was just fine with it. If they could maintain power, they wouldn't mind Anything people said, and knew, about them.
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You really need to stop lying. He mocked Ted Cruz doing the same motions at the very same rally.
No, he really needs to keep lying, and spreading his lies far and wide. Because Hillary will lose unless he, and other liberal fanatics, convince as many voters as they can that the truth isn't true. He can't tell the truth about Hillary, because the truth is that the has failed at everything she's tried. And he can't tell the truth about Trump, because the truth is that he's an egoistical man who is capable of cutting through the left's lies, capable of straightening out the big-govt corruption endemic to liberal, and capable of slapping world leaders of terrorist countries and their supporters, into line so they don't mess with the U.S.

Lies are the only thing keeping little Lakota and his drones afloat. He really needs to keep spreading them as frantically as he can. Because without lies, he has nothing to say at all.

Remember the parade in Germany during Bill's heyday? It was no cartoon.

And Hillary was just fine with it. If they could maintain power, they wouldn't mind Anything people said, and knew, about them.

Hillary didn't choose Donald Trump for you, you DID this not her. And don't you ever forget it.

Here's one of your "comrades" who continually slams women on video recording after a caller was able to sneak on his program and corner him.

The misogyny is very well rooted within the Republican party, and the largest voting block in this country, KNOWS IT.

In fact it's the reason YOU LOST in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History


Every time he refers to Hillary Clinton as a cervix or any other body part, he slams another home run for Hillary Clinton.

Limbaugh--elevated a woman (we would have never heard of) to National media attention in 2012, when he went on a 30 minute tirade over "prescription birth control pills" and ended up calling her a slut.


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