Michelle Obama knocks it out of the ball park

I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?

See thats what happens when you don't pay attention.

You don't know what Michelle actually said.

Michelle was noting how much things have changed- from a White House built by black slaves- to having their children playing on the White House lawn.

And that such change is a good thing.

Do you agree- or not?

It's not the first time I've heard her use the phrase, and not the first time it's been proven wrong.

If she doesnt' like living in a house she 'believes' was built by slaves, she's welcome to move at any time.
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC
Even a conservative recognizes class and charisma. Michelle has all of that and more. If Hillary had chosen Michelle as her running mate Trump wouldn't have stood ANY chance at all of being President.
Calling Oreo a Conservative is blatant misuse of the word. What you've done is basically the same as calling a whale an elephant.
I didn't call anyone a conservative, I just said what I meant and meant what I said.
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?

See thats what happens when you don't pay attention.

You don't know what Michelle actually said.

Michelle was noting how much things have changed- from a White House built by black slaves- to having their children playing on the White House lawn.

And that such change is a good thing.

Do you agree- or not?

It's not the first time I've heard her use the phrase, and not the first time it's been proven wrong.

If she doesnt' like living in a house she 'believes' was built by slaves, she's welcome to move at any time.
Wtf???? what a stupid out of the mix thing to say!
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

Aside from her husband and Hillary being compulsive liars and fully corrupt and her of course fully supporting it, it was a good one sided speech.

She stayed out of the shitstorm but then no one every accused Michelle of stupidity.

Just a rigid and one sided view of America that is being rejected and it will take the election for the Democrats to believe there's any problems.

Kind of like her speech. Nice and comfortable. While the great game is on and her husband has a promise they will not start up until after he's gone. But they're all ready now and just waiting. They used and abused him and he knows it.

Take aways: Michelle Obama thinks America is Great.

Donald Trump doesn't think America is Great.

But America would be Great- if Donald were president.

Moochie thinks America is great? Lololll...about fucking time...it only took her 40years
Fuck her. Most disrespectful thing I ever watched.

Okay- so you want to fuck her.

And that is pretty disrespectful.

Can you even name what you found 'disrespectful' about what Michelle Obama said?

The part about raising her daughters perhaps?
I remember the days when the op pretended to be a conservative..... ahhh the good old days!

Yeah--I used to be a Republican. I changed my party status to Independent and it so refreshing to be able to blast any asshole candidate--versus being required to defend them or vote for them. I actually vote for the best candidate now-a-days, regardless if they have an R or D behind their names.

Donald Trump is on my hit list.

You screwed the pooch with this nominee--and now you're going to pay for it.

And Michelle Obama just gave one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard.
Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC
In other words, you're an anti American pos. Like we didn't have you pegged already..

I would think that you being an anti-American pos you would be all sympatico to your fellow anti-American pos's.
It was mostly built by Europeans(From Ireland, Scotland, etc.) and local white laborers and artisans from Virginia and Maryland... she's race-baiting, as we've come to expect from the Obamas.

Wrong, it was built by slaves.

Michelle Obama correct that White House built by slaves
I didn't say slaves weren't involved, I said it was mostly built by white people. Her claim that it was built by slaves, without any exposition, heavily implies that it was built SOLELY by slaves, when in fact, only a very small part of the work force was slaves. So, no, she is still mostly wrong, and still entirely race-baiting.

You have just nominated a candidate that is considered the most vocally racist, bigoted baboon in the history of this nation, who was endorsed by the KKK and you DARE to make a comment about Michelle Obama regarding her comment which is true, that slaves constructed the White House.
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that anyone is that naive to swallow that kind of bullshit?

Quote one racist thing that Donald Trump has said.

This among other things:

According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino president John R. O’Donnell, the real estate mogul once said in 1991 that “Laziness is a trait in blacks.” He was allegedly referring to a black accountant working for Trump Plaza, and added, ““Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” The kicker is that Trump, in a 1999 Playboy magazine interview, did not even denysaying those things. He admitted O’Donnell’s allegations were “probably true,” but insisted it didn’t matter because he was obviously a disgruntled employee.

8 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks'
No, no, quote Donald Trump, do not link me something that is "probably true" or allegations.
if the Russian state sponsored hackers hacked the DNC, why not the RNC al
It has everything to do with it. Russia (supposedly) intercepted these e-mails in an effort to help Donald Trump get elected. And you're all in for Donald Trump--LOL

Hackers are everywhere. Take a look at the supposedly secure government servers that have been hacked. I am certain there's a hacker right now trying to get into one of them.
List of hacked government agencies grows: State Department, White House, NOAA & USPS

You have turned in the Reich wing. You want to control peoples personal lives all the way from decisions to what women and their families make to who's getting married and who isn't to trying to intervene into a woman's doctor/patient relationship as to what type of birth control devices they use. YOU ARE the Reich wing.

It has everything to do with it. Russia (supposedly) intercepted these e-mails in an effort to help Donald Trump get elected.


at least according to your daily email from the DNC
actually it was reported in the News they have pretty solid evidence, it was the Russians, and State sponsored.

to favor Trump?
well, what do you think the purpose of doing this was for Will?

They're hacking DNC emails, concerning the best prospect the democrats have, and you believe they are doing it to help Trump, and not their own purposes?

uhhhh, yea! Of course! They dumped those emails in to the public on the eve of the DNC election to affect our elections...to hurt Hillary's chances of winning and to HELP the Don's chances of winning.... no other reason to do it or to take the risk of doing it...

you think they haven't hacked the RNC emails? I think they have, and WOULD HAVE used them, IF Trump had not won the primary....

And those RNC emails would have shown TEN TIMES MORE the back handed shenanigans done to Bernie, done to Trump by the RNC.....
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC
Even a conservative recognizes class and charisma. Michelle has all of that and more. If Hillary had chosen Michelle as her running mate Trump wouldn't have stood ANY chance at all of being President.
Calling Oreo a Conservative is blatant misuse of the word. What you've done is basically the same as calling a whale an elephant.
I didn't call anyone a conservative, I just said what I meant and meant what I said.
You quoted Oreo and said "even a Conservative".
if the Russian state sponsored hackers hacked the DNC, why not the RNC al

at least according to your daily email from the DNC
actually it was reported in the News they have pretty solid evidence, it was the Russians, and State sponsored.

to favor Trump?
well, what do you think the purpose of doing this was for Will?

They're hacking DNC emails, concerning the best prospect the democrats have, and you believe they are doing it to help Trump, and not their own purposes?

uhhhh, yea! Of course! They dumped those emails in to the public on the eve of the DNC election to affect our elections...to hurt Hillary's chances of winning and to HELP the Don's chances of winning.... no other reason to do it or to take the risk of doing it...

you think they haven't hacked the RNC emails? I think they have, and WOULD HAVE used them, IF Trump had not won the primary....

And those RNC emails would have shown TEN TIMES MORE the back handed shenanigans done to Bernie, done to Trump by the RNC.....
Personally, I hope they hack the RNC, too. Though, like the DNC, it wouldn't expose anything we didn't already know.
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?

She could have reminded Americans that the Democratic Party was founded around slavery, promoted slavery, wrote the Jim Crow laws and started the KKK.. You know, place the blame where it historically belongs, with the Democrats.

Why would you want her to lie?

The new Democratic Party became a coalition of farmers, city-dwelling laborers, and Irish Catholics.[6]

Behind the party platforms, acceptance speeches of candidates, editorials, pamphlets and stump speeches, there was a widespread consensus of political values among Democrats. As Norton explains:

The Democrats represented a wide range of views but shared a fundamental commitment to the Jeffersonian concept of an agrarian society. They viewed the central government as the enemy of individual liberty. The 1824 "corrupt bargain" had strengthened their suspicion of Washington politics. ... Jacksonians feared the concentration of economic and political power. They believed that government intervention in the economy benefited special-interest groups and created corporate monopolies that favored the rich. They sought to restore the independence of the individual—the artisan and the ordinary farmer—by ending federal support of banks and corporations and restricting the use of paper currency, which they distrusted. Their definition of the proper role of government tended to be negative, and Jackson's political power was largely expressed in negative acts. He exercised the veto more than all previous presidents combined. Jackson and his supporters also opposed reform as a movement. Reformers eager to turn their programs into legislation called for a more active government. But Democrats tended to oppose programs like educational reform mid the establishment of a public education system. They believed, for instance, that public schools restricted individual liberty by interfering with parental responsibility and undermined freedom of religion by replacing church schools.

Democrats were of course the party of the Confederate States- and we know how much Conservatives despise the Confederacy.

Then beginning in the 1940's Democrats started initiating laws and policies to help black Americans- and Black Americans started to shift their votes from the Republicans to the Democrats.

That culiminated in 1964, when Democrats (with Republican help) passed the Civil Rights Act- but the Republican Presidential Candidate fought against the passage. Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Martin Luther King Jr. reminded African American voters that the GOP's candidate was against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Michelle Obama gave a fine speech- I think it will end up being the best of either convention.

This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

Aside from her husband and Hillary being compulsive liars and fully corrupt and her of course fully supporting it, it was a good one sided speech.

She stayed out of the shitstorm but then no one every accused Michelle of stupidity.

Just a rigid and one sided view of America that is being rejected and it will take the election for the Democrats to believe there's any problems.

Kind of like her speech. Nice and comfortable. While the great game is on and her husband has a promise they will not start up until after he's gone. But they're all ready now and just waiting. They used and abused him and he knows it.

Take aways: Michelle Obama thinks America is Great.

Donald Trump doesn't think America is Great.

But America would be Great- if Donald were president.

Moochie thinks America is great? Lololll...about fucking time...it only took her 40years


I am surprised you don't just call her "Aunt Jemima"

Michelle Obama thinks America is great.

Donald Trump is hoping the magic that is Donald will make America great.
I remember the days when the op pretended to be a conservative..... ahhh the good old days!

Why do libs do that? Is their ideology so.boring and useless?
I dunno.

We have fake Jake, g5000 & now oreo. But I'm beginning to think oreo is actually a paid shill. And that is not something I've ever thought of any poster.

People change. I thought obama was an ok choice at one time. Found out he's actually an operative of the muslim brotherhood.

Ah so you had a brain aneurysm.

This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

Seemed like virtually every line was a crock of sh** as I watched it, tbh. Total pandering.
I didn't say slaves weren't involved, I said it was mostly built by white people. Her claim that it was built by slaves, without any exposition, heavily implies that it was built SOLELY by slaves, when in fact, only a very small part of the work force was slaves. So, no, she is still mostly wrong, and still entirely race-baiting.

You have just nominated a candidate that is considered the most vocally racist, bigoted baboon in the history of this nation, who was endorsed by the KKK and you DARE to make a comment about Michelle Obama regarding her comment which is true, that slaves constructed the White House.
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that anyone is that naive to swallow that kind of bullshit?

Quote one racist thing that Donald Trump has said.

This among other things:

According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino president John R. O’Donnell, the real estate mogul once said in 1991 that “Laziness is a trait in blacks.” He was allegedly referring to a black accountant working for Trump Plaza, and added, ““Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” The kicker is that Trump, in a 1999 Playboy magazine interview, did not even denysaying those things. He admitted O’Donnell’s allegations were “probably true,” but insisted it didn’t matter because he was obviously a disgruntled employee.

8 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks'
No, no, quote Donald Trump, do not link me something that is "probably true" or allegations.
Stop deflecting and read my post. John R. O'Donnell quoted Trump saying:“Laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Trump was then interviewed concerning the remark in 1999 by Playboy magazine and it was HE who said it was probably true.

Look ,if you aren't going to pay attention to detail, leave me alone.
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC
Even a conservative recognizes class and charisma. Michelle has all of that and more. If Hillary had chosen Michelle as her running mate Trump wouldn't have stood ANY chance at all of being President.
Calling Oreo a Conservative is blatant misuse of the word. What you've done is basically the same as calling a whale an elephant.
I didn't call anyone a conservative, I just said what I meant and meant what I said.
You quoted Oreo and said "even a Conservative".
So you made a connection between the two, ASSuming I called Oreo a conservative… so what????
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?
It was mostly built by Europeans(From Ireland, Scotland, etc.) and local white laborers and artisans from Virginia and Maryland... she's race-baiting, as we've come to expect from the Obamas.

Yep- imagine Michelle Obama bringing up 'race' in an Presidential contest where Donald Trump has called Mexican's rapists- and called Mexican Americans- "Mexicans'

The original White House was indeed built with slave labor- among others

The White House's History Of Slave Labor
I didn't say slaves weren't involved, I said it was mostly built by white people. Her claim that it was built by slaves, without any exposition, heavily implies that it was built SOLELY by slaves, when in fact, only a very small part of the work force was slaves. So, no, she is still mostly wrong, and still entirely race-baiting.

You have just nominated a candidate that is considered the most vocally racist, bigoted baboon in the history of this nation, who was endorsed by the KKK and you DARE to make a comment about Michelle Obama regarding her comment which is true, that slaves constructed the White House.
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that anyone is that naive to swallow that kind of bullshit?

Quote one racist thing that Donald Trump has said.

This among other things:

According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino president John R. O’Donnell, the real estate mogul once said in 1991 that “Laziness is a trait in blacks.” He was allegedly referring to a black accountant working for Trump Plaza, and added, ““Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” The kicker is that Trump, in a 1999 Playboy magazine interview, did not even denysaying those things. He admitted O’Donnell’s allegations were “probably true,” but insisted it didn’t matter because he was obviously a disgruntled employee.

8 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks'
No, no, quote Donald Trump, do not link me something that is "probably true" or allegations.
Stop deflecting and read my post. John R. O'Donnell quoted Trump saying:“Laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Trump was then interviewed concerning the remark in 1999 by Playboy magazine and it was HE who said it was probably true.

Look ,if you aren't going to pay attention to detail, leave me alone.

Donald Trump did grow up attending a segregated Church.

Blacks could attend, but were not allowed to become members of the church.

Information courtesy of an article Longknife posted in support of Donald Trump.
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?
It was mostly built by Europeans(From Ireland, Scotland, etc.) and local white laborers and artisans from Virginia and Maryland... she's race-baiting, as we've come to expect from the Obamas.

Wrong, it was built by slaves.

Michelle Obama correct that White House built by slaves
I didn't say slaves weren't involved, I said it was mostly built by white people. Her claim that it was built by slaves, without any exposition, heavily implies that it was built SOLELY by slaves, when in fact, only a very small part of the work force was slaves. So, no, she is still mostly wrong, and still entirely race-baiting.

No- she is not 'mostly wrong' - she was factually correct.

Nothing 'race baiting' about Michelle Obama using those examples to show the dramatic change in America- from the White House being built by black slaves to the White House being occupied by a black American President-whose children play on the lawn.

Or maybe you think it is 'race baiting' whenever anyone but Donald Trump brings up race- like calling the people Mexico is sending to the United States 'rapists'
I didn't say slaves weren't involved, I said it was mostly built by white people. Her claim that it was built by slaves, without any exposition, heavily implies that it was built SOLELY by slaves, when in fact, only a very small part of the work force was slaves. So, no, she is still mostly wrong, and still entirely race-baiting.

You have just nominated a candidate that is considered the most vocally racist, bigoted baboon in the history of this nation, who was endorsed by the KKK and you DARE to make a comment about Michelle Obama regarding her comment which is true, that slaves constructed the White House.
Klan Leader Endorses Trump for President

Do you really believe that anyone is that naive to swallow that kind of bullshit?

Quote one racist thing that Donald Trump has said.

This among other things:

According to a book written by former Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino president John R. O’Donnell, the real estate mogul once said in 1991 that “Laziness is a trait in blacks.” He was allegedly referring to a black accountant working for Trump Plaza, and added, ““Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” The kicker is that Trump, in a 1999 Playboy magazine interview, did not even denysaying those things. He admitted O’Donnell’s allegations were “probably true,” but insisted it didn’t matter because he was obviously a disgruntled employee.

8 Reasons Donald Trump Would Not Be Great For 'The Blacks'
No, no, quote Donald Trump, do not link me something that is "probably true" or allegations.
Stop deflecting and read my post. John R. O'Donnell quoted Trump saying:“Laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Trump was then interviewed concerning the remark in 1999 by Playboy magazine and it was HE who said it was probably true.

Look ,if you aren't going to pay attention to detail, leave me alone.
The fact that he only said "It was probably true" and didn't confirm makes it an allegation, I want you to actually quote Trump saying something racist.

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