Michelle Obama makes kids eat "Healthy" as her own children eat Real food

the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is what set the Federal mandates for school lunches....but alot of schools cannot afford the costs of these mandates...

and in many schools the 'plate waste' is simply piling up....

there is now legislation in Congress that would allow school districts to opt out of these Federal mandates...

the Obamas are instigating a campaign to fight this legislation...

First Lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.

Mrs. Obama’s set to hold a roundtable discussion at the White House on Tuesday [yesterday] to talk with nutrition experts and school officials who will detail her program’s successes, The Associated Press reported.

The GOP has brought forth a bill that would allow some schools that can prove financial loss to opt-out of the nutritional program that was forged by Mrs. Obama in 2010. But Sam Kass, the director of her “Let’s Move” initiative, said the bill wasn’t helpful at all to the public discourse on childhood obesity — but rather a “real assault” on the White House’s work for healthier foods in schools, AP reported

Read more: Michelle Obama digs in for GOP 'assault' on lunch mandates - Washington Times
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this is one of those situations where I believe there will be growing pains. kids will resent not being able to eat junk food. junk food tastes great and that's really what they care about. but given time, and enough control over the lunch room, and the issue of kids choosing to not eat the school lunch will largely disappear.
Dammit, kids need to starve!

you keep saying this, but you've never offered one whit of evidence to support your position that starvation is the goal of school lunch programs.

please, as the saying goes, put up or shut up.
This is what left wing loons consider a raging success.

Nationwide, student participation in the National School Lunch Program declined by 1.2 million students after having increased steadily for many years.

This decrease was driven primarily by a decline of 1.6 million students eating school lunch who pay full price for meals, despite increases in students eating school lunch who receive free meals.

State and local officials reported that the changes to lunch content and nutrition requirements , as well as other factors, influenced student participation.

+1 Million Children Stopped Eating School Lunches Because of Michelle Obama | FrontPage Magazine
no, im consistent

while you all flail over your small little petty selves to find fault in wanting healthier PUBLIC school menus

gestapo! gestapo!


You have lost it.

FYI...never said anything about gestapo...or anything even close.

I applauded her effort....suggested she lead by example....and mentioned the obesity issue is much deeper than lunch.

So et off your high horse and start acting like an adult.

youre an annoying idiot

yea, youre applauding her while talking about "sloppy joes were fine in my day!" (they weren't, "your day" people's heart disease is STAGGERING)

someone needs to grow up and stop talking out of both sides of his fake face


OK Sparky. I get it. You have an issue with reading comprehension.

I stated my position quite clear.

I applauded her effort for she is correct...there is an obesity problem in our society.

I continued, however, by pointing out that when I was a kid, w did not have an obesity problem despite sloppy joes for lunch. So I concluded that the problem is a lot deeper than lunch.

I also pointed out in keeping with the original theme of the thread that she would have been better off to lead by example and demonstrate how despite her children having options, she sends them to school with a bag lunch similar in food and calories to those kids get in the public school system.

Now...for some reason YOU decided to change the topic to heart disease in an effort to criticize my post. Good for you. Childish. Desperate. But good for you.

Now, all of that being said, reading YOPUR posts on here have me convinced you are not that level headed open minded poster looking for a debate that you claim to be.

Instead, you are a very angry, hard headed dolt who has to be right.

So Sparky.....I concede.....you are correct....in what? I don't know. But you are always correct.

This is what left wing loons consider a raging success.

Nationwide, student participation in the National School Lunch Program declined by 1.2 million students after having increased steadily for many years.

This decrease was driven primarily by a decline of 1.6 million students eating school lunch who pay full price for meals, despite increases in students eating school lunch who receive free meals.

State and local officials reported that the changes to lunch content and nutrition requirements , as well as other factors, influenced student participation.

+1 Million Children Stopped Eating School Lunches Because of Michelle Obama | FrontPage Magazine

which is why i believe participation in school lunch programs should be mandatory.

im 100% and alwayshave been for a mandate for healthier foods when bought with food stamps

Uh-oh. The right wing nutters are going to demand you give back your Liberal card. :eek:

you're right idiot; it SHOULD be you demanding he return it; but we all know you left-wingnuts are idiots and hypocrites; and ignore your own stated values when they are inconveniant

Why? I agree everyone should form their own opinion on every subject. Unlike some goose-stepping party liners I know of.......
This is what left wing loons consider a raging success.

Nationwide, student participation in the National School Lunch Program declined by 1.2 million students after having increased steadily for many years.

This decrease was driven primarily by a decline of 1.6 million students eating school lunch who pay full price for meals, despite increases in students eating school lunch who receive free meals.

State and local officials reported that the changes to lunch content and nutrition requirements , as well as other factors, influenced student participation.

+1 Million Children Stopped Eating School Lunches Because of Michelle Obama | FrontPage Magazine

which is why i believe participation in school lunch programs should be mandatory.

Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?
Kids cant eat shit for lunch no more...Thanks Obama


Wahhh waahhhh

You were feeding your kids crap for lunch? What kind of parent are you?

No and I'm the type of parent that understands sarcasm. You're that other guy :lol:

Yeah, I'm the one who has a problem with sarcasm.

it is liberals who want kids to remain with their drug-addicted (mothers usually) at all costs; for reasons that are both ideological and pollitical.
ideological because they favor the woman; and political becausse the Left doesnt want to do anything to reduce the WELFARE STATE

you're simply a clown

Considering the source, I take that as a Nobel Prize nomination. For every child in the foster care system in the US, there are 25 kids being raised by non-parent relatives such as grandparents and uncles/aunts and 26% of the kids within the foster care system are being raised by non-parent relatives, but why let facts get in the way of a good tall tale? Why make it any easier for people to help kids out when there are military contracts to be handed out instead...

For the billionth time... the federal government has a charge to fund and support the military... it does not have a charge to take care of personal needs or wants of citizens.. even if they are children... that power is reserved for the states or individuals

President Harry S. Truman signed the National School Lunch Act on June 4, 1946. Though school foodservice began long before 1946, the Act authorized the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The legislation came in response to claims that many American men had been rejected for World War II military service because of diet-related health problems. The federally assisted meal program was established as “a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities.”

The National School Lunch Act has since been amended numerous times. Public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions may participate in the NSLP. This program also offers afterschool snacks in sites that meet eligibility requirements.

Program History & Data
There you have it.

Public school lunches are made in tiny dancers kitchen

any questions?


You need to get up to speed.

Case in N.C where the lunch was unacceptable. Whoopsies hit enter too fast. Little Village Academy in Chicago has banned home made lunches. Stories popping up all over.

The article explained that the school should add to, or supplement the lunch brought from home. The school official made a mistake in that case and sent the child through the line where she received full plate instead of just a carton of milk.

Actually, the school SHOULD not add to.. .if I choose to send my kid with a sandwich, fruit, juice, and cookies.. or if I decide to send them with a bag of marshmallows and a coke, is of no business to anyone... it is not the school's child, it is the parent's child
Considering the source, I take that as a Nobel Prize nomination. For every child in the foster care system in the US, there are 25 kids being raised by non-parent relatives such as grandparents and uncles/aunts and 26% of the kids within the foster care system are being raised by non-parent relatives, but why let facts get in the way of a good tall tale? Why make it any easier for people to help kids out when there are military contracts to be handed out instead...

For the billionth time... the federal government has a charge to fund and support the military... it does not have a charge to take care of personal needs or wants of citizens.. even if they are children... that power is reserved for the states or individuals

President Harry S. Truman signed the National School Lunch Act on June 4, 1946. Though school foodservice began long before 1946, the Act authorized the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The legislation came in response to claims that many American men had been rejected for World War II military service because of diet-related health problems. The federally assisted meal program was established as “a measure of national security, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s children and to encourage the domestic consumption of nutritious agricultural commodities.”

The National School Lunch Act has since been amended numerous times. Public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions may participate in the NSLP. This program also offers afterschool snacks in sites that meet eligibility requirements.

Program History & Data

Don't care if they wrongfully HAVE done it.. there is no power granted to the federal government to feed you or actually to have anything to do with education for citizens at all.... by the 10th amendment, since that power is not granted to the fed, it is reserved for the states or the individuals
This is what left wing loons consider a raging success.

Nationwide, student participation in the National School Lunch Program declined by 1.2 million students after having increased steadily for many years.

This decrease was driven primarily by a decline of 1.6 million students eating school lunch who pay full price for meals, despite increases in students eating school lunch who receive free meals.

State and local officials reported that the changes to lunch content and nutrition requirements , as well as other factors, influenced student participation.

+1 Million Children Stopped Eating School Lunches Because of Michelle Obama | FrontPage Magazine

which is why i believe participation in school lunch programs should be mandatory.

Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.
This is what left wing loons consider a raging success.

Nationwide, student participation in the National School Lunch Program declined by 1.2 million students after having increased steadily for many years.

This decrease was driven primarily by a decline of 1.6 million students eating school lunch who pay full price for meals, despite increases in students eating school lunch who receive free meals.

State and local officials reported that the changes to lunch content and nutrition requirements , as well as other factors, influenced student participation.

+1 Million Children Stopped Eating School Lunches Because of Michelle Obama | FrontPage Magazine

which is why i believe participation in school lunch programs should be mandatory.

Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?

libs are very controlling...

mandatory 'tax' for healthcare....

why not mandatory 'tax' for food...?
BlindBoo said:
They don't. The NSLP is not compulsory.

However if your PS takes the feds money they have to play by the rules or they lose it. Oh and Private schools can also participate, but they too have to follow the rules.
the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is what set the Federal mandates for school lunches....but alot of schools cannot afford the costs of these mandates...

and in many schools the 'plate waste' is simply piling up....

there is now legislation in Congress that would allow school districts to opt out of these Federal mandates...

the Obamas are instigating a campaign to fight this legislation...

First Lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.

Mrs. Obama’s set to hold a roundtable discussion at the White House on Tuesday [yesterday] to talk with nutrition experts and school officials who will detail her program’s successes, The Associated Press reported.

The GOP has brought forth a bill that would allow some schools that can prove financial loss to opt-out of the nutritional program that was forged by Mrs. Obama in 2010. But Sam Kass, the director of her “Let’s Move” initiative, said the bill wasn’t helpful at all to the public discourse on childhood obesity — but rather a “real assault” on the White House’s work for healthier foods in schools, AP reported

Read more: Michelle Obama digs in for GOP 'assault' on lunch mandates - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is part of the reauthorization of funding for child nutrition (see the original Child Nutrition Act). The bill funds child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools for the next 5 years.

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Participation is still not mandatory.
which is why i believe participation in school lunch programs should be mandatory.

Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?

libs are very controlling...

mandatory 'tax' for healthcare....

why not mandatory 'tax' for food...?

rightwingnuts like making things up.

its so amusing to see the people who want to control others' morality whine that they might have to do something....

even assuming the rant was true... which is isn't.
BlindBoo said:
They don't. The NSLP is not compulsory.

However if your PS takes the feds money they have to play by the rules or they lose it. Oh and Private schools can also participate, but they too have to follow the rules.
the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is what set the Federal mandates for school lunches....but alot of schools cannot afford the costs of these mandates...

and in many schools the 'plate waste' is simply piling up....

there is now legislation in Congress that would allow school districts to opt out of these Federal mandates...

the Obamas are instigating a campaign to fight this legislation...

First Lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.

Mrs. Obama’s set to hold a roundtable discussion at the White House on Tuesday [yesterday] to talk with nutrition experts and school officials who will detail her program’s successes, The Associated Press reported.

The GOP has brought forth a bill that would allow some schools that can prove financial loss to opt-out of the nutritional program that was forged by Mrs. Obama in 2010. But Sam Kass, the director of her “Let’s Move” initiative, said the bill wasn’t helpful at all to the public discourse on childhood obesity — but rather a “real assault” on the White House’s work for healthier foods in schools, AP reported

Read more: Michelle Obama digs in for GOP 'assault' on lunch mandates - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is part of the reauthorization of funding for child nutrition (see the original Child Nutrition Act). The bill funds child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools for the next 5 years.

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Participation is still not mandatory.

but you lose Federal money if you don't participate....see how that works....?
which is why i believe participation in school lunch programs should be mandatory.

Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

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