Michelle Obama makes kids eat "Healthy" as her own children eat Real food


You have lost it.

FYI...never said anything about gestapo...or anything even close.

I applauded her effort....suggested she lead by example....and mentioned the obesity issue is much deeper than lunch.

So et off your high horse and start acting like an adult.

youre an annoying idiot

yea, youre applauding her while talking about "sloppy joes were fine in my day!" (they weren't, "your day" people's heart disease is STAGGERING)

someone needs to grow up and stop talking out of both sides of his fake face


OK Sparky. I get it. You have an issue with reading comprehension.

I stated my position quite clear.

I applauded her effort for she is correct...there is an obesity problem in our society.

I continued, however, by pointing out that when I was a kid, w did not have an obesity problem despite sloppy joes for lunch. So I concluded that the problem is a lot deeper than lunch.

I also pointed out in keeping with the original theme of the thread that she would have been better off to lead by example and demonstrate how despite her children having options, she sends them to school with a bag lunch similar in food and calories to those kids get in the public school system.

Now...for some reason YOU decided to change the topic to heart disease in an effort to criticize my post. Good for you. Childish. Desperate. But good for you.

Now, all of that being said, reading YOPUR posts on here have me convinced you are not that level headed open minded poster looking for a debate that you claim to be.

Instead, you are a very angry, hard headed dolt who has to be right.

So Sparky.....I concede.....you are correct....in what? I don't know. But you are always correct.


your pompous stupidity doesn't affect me bro, but keep swinging.

you pointed out that your school lunches had all kinds of unhealthy food but yet there was no obesity

for one, there was obesity, just not on this large a scale

two, obesity is not the only sign of a bad diet. heart health is. so by saying "look, we had less obesity," your head is in the sand. The foods you named lead to heart disease. That is the fucking point, dipstick. For rhe generation you're pointing to - heart disease is the #1 killer. So your "point" about how they ate all of this atrocious shit but were totally fine is a stupid one. They weren't totally fine. They're having heart attacks. Right now, in fact.

and there goes another one.

there goes another one right there......

there's another heart attack.

"we ate sloppy joes awwwww da time and we're fiiiiine!"
Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?

libs are very controlling...

mandatory 'tax' for healthcare....

why not mandatory 'tax' for food...?

rightwingnuts like making things up.

its so amusing to see the people who want to control others' morality whine that they might have to do something....

even assuming the rant was true... which is isn't.

the day that your Obamacare doctor tells you that he's limiting your food purchases on your EBT card because of your fat ass might be the day you wake up to what's really going on...
Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

I agree with you 100%. I remember when I was a kid, we were always playing football, basketball, baseball, swimming...organized AND pick-up. In my neighborhood...I hardly ever see kids playing outside...they get off the bus and run straight home to play video games.

I think parents should fire the babysitter of the 21st century...video game systems.

BTW...awesome about your kid and his scholarship...what sport?
Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.
lunches may not be the sole problem but they are one of the few things the school can really control.

i am with you, though. physical education, real physical education, needs to become a bigger priority.

frankly, i wouldn't mind a pt standard in schools. one kids are required to pass routinely, with failures resulting in lower grades, remedial fitness classes (ones where they don't play games, but run and lift) and detentions to bring them up to par.
Really? Mandatory?

Even if it is against the will of the people?
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

Actually, no.

Diet is by far of greater relevance to your health than exercise, albeit exercise is very beneficial.

Added to that, the fact that bad diets are habit forming, and that you burn far less calories the older you get and so you're contributing to an early death by having a poor diet as a young person.
What a hypocrite.....must be nice to e part of the privileged political class:eusa_whistle:

the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where the Obamas send their children to school, serves school lunches designed by chefs. This week, for example, they might enjoy meatball subs, BBQ wings and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the “Chef’s Choice.” Other options on the exclusive menu include:

Crusted tilapia
Herb roasted chicken
Pesto cream & garden-fresh marinara sauce
Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
BBQ sliders
Pesto pasta
All-natural rosemary chicken
All-natural beef nachos
Baked three-cheese lasagna
Pepperoni flatbread pizza


While Public School Kids Eat ?Healthy Lunches,? Washington Elites Served Meatball Subs, Ice Cream…[141806]/0/
As the family cook for the last 30 years I know that in almost every recipe there are exchanges that you can make to lighten and make a recipe healthier. For example, if sour cream is required in a recipe it can often be replaced with unflavored, non-fat yogurt. Here is another example. I once attended a university where the dining hall sometimes served banana splits for lunch. The ice cream was replaced by low fat cottage cheese. Fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries were placed on top of the cottage cheese rather than high sugar ice cream toppings. A small amount of chocolate syrup was also placed on the cheese. There was no whipped cream. The bottom line is this, unless you can stand by the "chef"and observe his every move you have no idea whether the meals the Obama kids get are healthy or not. It would be my guess that the parents of the children attending that school would demand that the chef be adapt a making healthy meals.
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well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.
lunches may not be the sole problem but they are one of the few things the school can really control.

i am with you, though. physical education, real physical education, needs to become a bigger priority.

frankly, i wouldn't mind a pt standard in schools. one kids are required to pass routinely, with failures resulting in lower grades, remedial fitness classes (ones where they don't play games, but run and lift) and detentions to bring them up to par.

an overhaul of the education system...one that would include fitness, wellness and diet as part of your overall rating as a student....more than home economics and gym.

I like it.

But it will take guts for our politicians to even consider it.
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

I agree with you 100%. I remember when I was a kid, we were always playing football, basketball, baseball, swimming...organized AND pick-up. In my neighborhood...I hardly ever see kids playing outside...they get off the bus and run straight home to play video games.

I think parents should fire the babysitter of the 21st century...video game systems.

BTW...awesome about your kid and his scholarship...what sport?

football and lacrosse. He chose the latter.
You need to get up to speed.

Case in N.C where the lunch was unacceptable. Whoopsies hit enter too fast. Little Village Academy in Chicago has banned home made lunches. Stories popping up all over.

The article explained that the school should add to, or supplement the lunch brought from home. The school official made a mistake in that case and sent the child through the line where she received full plate instead of just a carton of milk.

Actually, the school SHOULD not add to.. .if I choose to send my kid with a sandwich, fruit, juice, and cookies.. or if I decide to send them with a bag of marshmallows and a coke, is of no business to anyone... it is not the school's child, it is the parent's child

There is no federal requirement that school districts inspect anyone's lunch from home to qualify for the reimbursement money either. I believe in NC's case it was a state requirement.
What a hypocrite.....must be nice to e part of the privileged political class:eusa_whistle:

the prestigious Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where the Obamas send their children to school, serves school lunches designed by chefs. This week, for example, they might enjoy meatball subs, BBQ wings and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the “Chef’s Choice.” Other options on the exclusive menu include:

Crusted tilapia
Herb roasted chicken
Pesto cream & garden-fresh marinara sauce
Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
BBQ sliders
Pesto pasta
All-natural rosemary chicken
All-natural beef nachos
Baked three-cheese lasagna
Pepperoni flatbread pizza


While Public School Kids Eat ?Healthy Lunches,? Washington Elites Served Meatball Subs, Ice Cream…[141806]/0/
As the family cook for the last 30 years I know that in almost every recipe there are exchanges that you can make to lighten and make a recipe healthier. For example, if sour cream is required in a recipe it can often be replaced with unflavored, non-fat yogurt. Here is another example. I once attended a university where the dining hall sometimes served banana splits for lunch. The ice cream was replaced by low fat cottage cheese. Fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries were placed on top of the cottage cheese rather than high sugar ice cream toppings. A small amount of chocolate syrup was also placed on the cheese. There was no whipped cream. The bottom line is this, unless you can stand by the "chef"and observe his every move you have no idea whether the meals the Obama kids get are healthy or not.

I think finding a balance is just fine. Eat healthy on some days then eat comfort food on others. I prefer sour cream than yogurt on foods that require sour cream. It tastes better. Some days, a light salad is just fine while other days a Chipotle Burrito smothered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is super good.

Bottom line? It's not up to the Federal Government to dictate what ANYONE eats at any time. It's none of their damned business. They'll just have to please their insurance gods in some other way ... like Obamacare.
I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

I agree with you 100%. I remember when I was a kid, we were always playing football, basketball, baseball, swimming...organized AND pick-up. In my neighborhood...I hardly ever see kids playing outside...they get off the bus and run straight home to play video games.

I think parents should fire the babysitter of the 21st century...video game systems.

BTW...awesome about your kid and his scholarship...what sport?

football and lacrosse. He chose the latter.

football would have been a free ride. Lacrosse you get 25% at best. He chose lacrosse! Figures. lol
youre an annoying idiot

yea, youre applauding her while talking about "sloppy joes were fine in my day!" (they weren't, "your day" people's heart disease is STAGGERING)

someone needs to grow up and stop talking out of both sides of his fake face


OK Sparky. I get it. You have an issue with reading comprehension.

I stated my position quite clear.

I applauded her effort for she is correct...there is an obesity problem in our society.

I continued, however, by pointing out that when I was a kid, w did not have an obesity problem despite sloppy joes for lunch. So I concluded that the problem is a lot deeper than lunch.

I also pointed out in keeping with the original theme of the thread that she would have been better off to lead by example and demonstrate how despite her children having options, she sends them to school with a bag lunch similar in food and calories to those kids get in the public school system.

Now...for some reason YOU decided to change the topic to heart disease in an effort to criticize my post. Good for you. Childish. Desperate. But good for you.

Now, all of that being said, reading YOPUR posts on here have me convinced you are not that level headed open minded poster looking for a debate that you claim to be.

Instead, you are a very angry, hard headed dolt who has to be right.

So Sparky.....I concede.....you are correct....in what? I don't know. But you are always correct.


your pompous stupidity doesn't affect me bro, but keep swinging.

you pointed out that your school lunches had all kinds of unhealthy food but yet there was no obesity

for one, there was obesity, just not on this large a scale

two, obesity is not the only sign of a bad diet. heart health is. so by saying "look, we had less obesity," your head is in the sand. The foods you named lead to heart disease. That is the fucking point, dipstick. For rhe generation you're pointing to - heart disease is the #1 killer. So your "point" about how they ate all of this atrocious shit but were totally fine is a stupid one. They weren't totally fine. They're having heart attacks. Right now, in fact.

and there goes another one.

there goes another one right there......

there's another heart attack.

"we ate sloppy joes awwwww da time and we're fiiiiine!"

I agree with you 100%. I remember when I was a kid, we were always playing football, basketball, baseball, swimming...organized AND pick-up. In my neighborhood...I hardly ever see kids playing outside...they get off the bus and run straight home to play video games.

I think parents should fire the babysitter of the 21st century...video game systems.

BTW...awesome about your kid and his scholarship...what sport?

football and lacrosse. He chose the latter.

football would have been a free ride. Lacrosse you get 25% at best. He chose lacrosse! Figures. lol

Anything helps...and being an athlete in college is a wonderful experience that builds character and integrity.
What a hypocrite.....must be nice to e part of the privileged political class:eusa_whistle:

While Public School Kids Eat ?Healthy Lunches,? Washington Elites Served Meatball Subs, Ice Cream…[141806]/0/
As the family cook for the last 30 years I know that in almost every recipe there are exchanges that you can make to lighten and make a recipe healthier. For example, if sour cream is required in a recipe it can often be replaced with unflavored, non-fat yogurt. Here is another example. I once attended a university where the dining hall sometimes served banana splits for lunch. The ice cream was replaced by low fat cottage cheese. Fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries were placed on top of the cottage cheese rather than high sugar ice cream toppings. A small amount of chocolate syrup was also placed on the cheese. There was no whipped cream. The bottom line is this, unless you can stand by the "chef"and observe his every move you have no idea whether the meals the Obama kids get are healthy or not.

I think finding a balance is just fine. Eat healthy on some days then eat comfort food on others. I prefer sour cream than yogurt on foods that require sour cream. It tastes better. Some days, a light salad is just fine while other days a Chipotle Burrito smothered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is super good.

Bottom line? It's not up to the Federal Government to dictate what ANYONE eats at any time. It's none of their damned business. They'll just have to please their insurance gods in some other way ... like Obamacare.

theyre not mandating what anyone eats

cuz #1 - youre not forced to eat public school lunch at all

except I guess in one school - in the entire country
the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is what set the Federal mandates for school lunches....but alot of schools cannot afford the costs of these mandates...

and in many schools the 'plate waste' is simply piling up....

there is now legislation in Congress that would allow school districts to opt out of these Federal mandates...

the Obamas are instigating a campaign to fight this legislation...

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is part of the reauthorization of funding for child nutrition (see the original Child Nutrition Act). The bill funds child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools for the next 5 years.

Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Participation is still not mandatory.

but you lose Federal money if you don't participate....see how that works....?

But, you don't have to follow the Federal guidelines and you can serve your chill'ens sloppy joes's, Mystery Meat, SOS, Pizza...ect. if you want to too.
You need to get up to speed.

Case in N.C where the lunch was unacceptable. Whoopsies hit enter too fast. Little Village Academy in Chicago has banned home made lunches. Stories popping up all over.

The article explained that the school should add to, or supplement the lunch brought from home. The school official made a mistake in that case and sent the child through the line where she received full plate instead of just a carton of milk.

Actually, the school SHOULD not add to.. .if I choose to send my kid with a sandwich, fruit, juice, and cookies.. or if I decide to send them with a bag of marshmallows and a coke, is of no business to anyone... it is not the school's child, it is the parent's child

actually it is their business. schools are mandatory reporters. and if someone sends their kid to school with marshmallows every day, they are probably committing child neglect and would be referred to child protective services.
The article explained that the school should add to, or supplement the lunch brought from home. The school official made a mistake in that case and sent the child through the line where she received full plate instead of just a carton of milk.

Actually, the school SHOULD not add to.. .if I choose to send my kid with a sandwich, fruit, juice, and cookies.. or if I decide to send them with a bag of marshmallows and a coke, is of no business to anyone... it is not the school's child, it is the parent's child

actually it is their business. schools are mandatory reporters. and if someone sends their kid to school with marshmallows every day, they are probably committing child neglect and would be referred to child protective services.

not to mention that kid will be bouncing off the walls right after lunch, and then tired and lethargic in the later afternoon.

then the parent will complain that the teachers can't maintain discipline, and that it's the schools fault that little johnny can't do math at grade level even though he's practically sleeping through that particular 2pm class.

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