Michelle Obama makes kids eat "Healthy" as her own children eat Real food

What a hypocrite.....must be nice to e part of the privileged political class:eusa_whistle:

While Public School Kids Eat ?Healthy Lunches,? Washington Elites Served Meatball Subs, Ice Cream…[141806]/0/
As the family cook for the last 30 years I know that in almost every recipe there are exchanges that you can make to lighten and make a recipe healthier. For example, if sour cream is required in a recipe it can often be replaced with unflavored, non-fat yogurt. Here is another example. I once attended a university where the dining hall sometimes served banana splits for lunch. The ice cream was replaced by low fat cottage cheese. Fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries were placed on top of the cottage cheese rather than high sugar ice cream toppings. A small amount of chocolate syrup was also placed on the cheese. There was no whipped cream. The bottom line is this, unless you can stand by the "chef"and observe his every move you have no idea whether the meals the Obama kids get are healthy or not.

I think finding a balance is just fine. Eat healthy on some days then eat comfort food on others. I prefer sour cream than yogurt on foods that require sour cream. It tastes better. Some days, a light salad is just fine while other days a Chipotle Burrito smothered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is super good.

Bottom line? It's not up to the Federal Government to dictate what ANYONE eats at any time. It's none of their damned business. They'll just have to please their insurance gods in some other way ... like Obamacare.
I agree with you DriftingSand: All things in moderation. That said I stand by my statement that just looking at the name of the recipe does not tell you whether it is healthy or not. To know whether healthy meals were being served one would have to stand by the chief and watch him/her prepare the meal or they would have to have the exact recipe the chief is using. Bottom line, the OP is just another opportunity to throw mud at the Obama's without having a clue of what is really going on.
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What a hypocrite.....must be nice to e part of the privileged political class:eusa_whistle:

While Public School Kids Eat ?Healthy Lunches,? Washington Elites Served Meatball Subs, Ice Cream…[141806]/0/
As the family cook for the last 30 years I know that in almost every recipe there are exchanges that you can make to lighten and make a recipe healthier. For example, if sour cream is required in a recipe it can often be replaced with unflavored, non-fat yogurt. Here is another example. I once attended a university where the dining hall sometimes served banana splits for lunch. The ice cream was replaced by low fat cottage cheese. Fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries were placed on top of the cottage cheese rather than high sugar ice cream toppings. A small amount of chocolate syrup was also placed on the cheese. There was no whipped cream. The bottom line is this, unless you can stand by the "chef"and observe his every move you have no idea whether the meals the Obama kids get are healthy or not.

I think finding a balance is just fine. Eat healthy on some days then eat comfort food on others. I prefer sour cream than yogurt on foods that require sour cream. It tastes better. Some days, a light salad is just fine while other days a Chipotle Burrito smothered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is super good.

Bottom line? It's not up to the Federal Government to dictate what ANYONE eats at any time. It's none of their damned business. They'll just have to please their insurance gods in some other way ... like Obamacare.
Are you aware that the rejection rate for people seeking to enlist in the military has been climbing for several years. The vast majority of those rejected are unable to pass the physical because many of them are obese. In other words the physical state of our young men and women can be considered a matter of national security if it comes to the point where the services cannot fill their quota's. It seems to me that the smart thing to do is to try to reverse our current trend and mandating better meals in schools is a good first step.
But alas, eating healthier is being pushed by a black Democrat who is a women. Obviously this means we must reject anything she says and does whether it is good for the nation or not.
As the family cook for the last 30 years I know that in almost every recipe there are exchanges that you can make to lighten and make a recipe healthier. For example, if sour cream is required in a recipe it can often be replaced with unflavored, non-fat yogurt. Here is another example. I once attended a university where the dining hall sometimes served banana splits for lunch. The ice cream was replaced by low fat cottage cheese. Fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries were placed on top of the cottage cheese rather than high sugar ice cream toppings. A small amount of chocolate syrup was also placed on the cheese. There was no whipped cream. The bottom line is this, unless you can stand by the "chef"and observe his every move you have no idea whether the meals the Obama kids get are healthy or not.

I think finding a balance is just fine. Eat healthy on some days then eat comfort food on others. I prefer sour cream than yogurt on foods that require sour cream. It tastes better. Some days, a light salad is just fine while other days a Chipotle Burrito smothered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is super good.

Bottom line? It's not up to the Federal Government to dictate what ANYONE eats at any time. It's none of their damned business. They'll just have to please their insurance gods in some other way ... like Obamacare.
Are you aware that the rejection rate for people seeking to enlist in the military has been climbing for several years. The vast majority of those rejected are unable to pass the physical because many of them are obese. In other words the physical state of our young men and women can be considered a matter of national security if it comes to the point where the services cannot fill their quota's. It seems to me that the smart thing to do is to try to reverse our current trend and mandating better meals in schools is a good first step.
But alas, eating healthier is being pushed by a black Democrat who is a women. Obviously this means we must reject anything she says and does whether it is good for the nation or not.


another left-wing loser lying to himself

it's laughable for a leftard to broach the idea of rejectin rates in the military anyway when the Left WANTS a smaller military

the ACTAUL facts are leftard the military can afford to be choosier in times of wars winding down
the reason for the opposition to the program is it places unfunded mandates on local school districts

BUT; IF YOU cant debate a valid point like that; and you're a lib coward

pull out the you're picking on her because she's Black and a woman card

idiots and hypocrites
I think finding a balance is just fine. Eat healthy on some days then eat comfort food on others. I prefer sour cream than yogurt on foods that require sour cream. It tastes better. Some days, a light salad is just fine while other days a Chipotle Burrito smothered in cheese, sour cream, and guacamole is super good.

Bottom line? It's not up to the Federal Government to dictate what ANYONE eats at any time. It's none of their damned business. They'll just have to please their insurance gods in some other way ... like Obamacare.
Are you aware that the rejection rate for people seeking to enlist in the military has been climbing for several years. The vast majority of those rejected are unable to pass the physical because many of them are obese. In other words the physical state of our young men and women can be considered a matter of national security if it comes to the point where the services cannot fill their quota's. It seems to me that the smart thing to do is to try to reverse our current trend and mandating better meals in schools is a good first step.
But alas, eating healthier is being pushed by a black Democrat who is a women. Obviously this means we must reject anything she says and does whether it is good for the nation or not.


another left-wing loser lying to himself

it's laughable for a leftard to broach the idea of rejectin rates in the military anyway when the Left WANTS a smaller military

the ACTAUL facts are leftard the military can afford to be choosier in times of wars winding down
Don't try to debate with me. Over and over you have proven yourself to be a low knowledge and low IQ poster. Best if you run along little boy.

Most Americans not Fit to Join
With U.S. casualties rising in wars overseas and more opportunities in the civilian work force from an improved U.S. economy, many young people are shunning a career in the armed forces. But recruiting is still a two-way street - and the military, too, doesn't want most people in this prime recruiting age group of 17 to 24.

Of some 32 million Americans now in this group, the Army deems the vast majority too obese, too uneducated, too flawed in some way, according to its estimates for the current budget year.

"As you look at overall population and you start factoring out people, many are not eligible in the first place to apply," said Doug Smith, spokesman for the Army Recruiting Command.

I will point out this article is from 2006. Do you think the situation has improved or gotten worse? I am betting it is worse now.
well i'd leave it up to the school district, but yes, mandatory. solves a lot of problems, and not just nutrition and budgetary concerns.

I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

Actually, no.

Diet is by far of greater relevance to your health than exercise, albeit exercise is very beneficial.

Added to that, the fact that bad diets are habit forming, and that you burn far less calories the older you get and so you're contributing to an early death by having a poor diet as a young person.

sure diet is of great importance.....but exercise is too....

early Americans used to eat lots of meat and potatoes...vegetables from their gardens...milk and cheese from their cows...bread from their wheat fields...apples from their orchards...and they would also work hard physically from dawn till dusk...

yesterday Americans were close to the land....almost everyone was connected to a farm one way or another...today only about 1% are farmers....

it is the food industry that has corrupted the American diet by creating all sorts of empty foods that appeal to the taste buds but have no nutritional value.....added sugar is one of the worst offenders....but we have also become a nation of couch potatoes....

not to mention the cost of healthy foods is skyrocketing due to droughts and the heavy restrictions of the Obama Administration...:mad:

i support the idea that schools should provide decent lunches and go easy on the added sugar....what school doesn't support that....? getting the Coke and candy machines out of schools is a great idea...but the lunches don't need to become so restrictive that the kids reject the meals...or that the schools go broke trying to meet pollyanna one-size-fits-all mandates....

Federal dietary guidelines are always changing and they aren't always right....they certainly don't have all the answers.....
the reason for the opposition to the program is it places unfunded mandates on local school districts

BUT; IF YOU cant debate a valid point like that; and you're a lib coward

pull out the you're picking on her because she's Black and a woman card

idiots and hypocrites
Is there anything Michelle Obama has done in the last 5+ years that you would praise her for? Anything at all?
I respect your position and the reason for it.

But I disagree that "lunches" is the problem.

I believe the problem is about lack of exercise. As a parent, I refused to allow my younger son to play video games UNLESS he ALSO participated in at least one sports program per season. He did and he was always in good shape.....not to mention that he was offered scholarships for two different collegiate sports after his junior year in high school. He was the first in his school to commit to a college.

I would like to see the effort be toward physical education.

Actually, no.

Diet is by far of greater relevance to your health than exercise, albeit exercise is very beneficial.

Added to that, the fact that bad diets are habit forming, and that you burn far less calories the older you get and so you're contributing to an early death by having a poor diet as a young person.

sure diet is of great importance.....but exercise is too.....

He said Diet is FAR GREATER RELEVANCE than exercise. No one said exercise wasnt important at all.
the reason for the opposition to the program is it places unfunded mandates on local school districts

BUT; IF YOU cant debate a valid point like that; and you're a lib coward

pull out the you're picking on her because she's Black and a woman card

idiots and hypocrites
Is there anything Michelle Obama has done in the last 5+ years that you would praise her for? Anything at all?

WHY would i find her worthy of praise?

and if i dont have anything that means i'm a racist?

you're simply a fool
Are you aware that the rejection rate for people seeking to enlist in the military has been climbing for several years. The vast majority of those rejected are unable to pass the physical because many of them are obese. In other words the physical state of our young men and women can be considered a matter of national security if it comes to the point where the services cannot fill their quota's. It seems to me that the smart thing to do is to try to reverse our current trend and mandating better meals in schools is a good first step.
But alas, eating healthier is being pushed by a black Democrat who is a women. Obviously this means we must reject anything she says and does whether it is good for the nation or not.


another left-wing loser lying to himself

it's laughable for a leftard to broach the idea of rejectin rates in the military anyway when the Left WANTS a smaller military

the ACTAUL facts are leftard the military can afford to be choosier in times of wars winding down
Don't try to debate with me. Over and over you have proven yourself to be a low knowledge and low IQ poster. Best if you run along little boy.

Most Americans not Fit to Join
With U.S. casualties rising in wars overseas and more opportunities in the civilian work force from an improved U.S. economy, many young people are shunning a career in the armed forces. But recruiting is still a two-way street - and the military, too, doesn't want most people in this prime recruiting age group of 17 to 24.

Of some 32 million Americans now in this group, the Army deems the vast majority too obese, too uneducated, too flawed in some way, according to its estimates for the current budget year.

"As you look at overall population and you start factoring out people, many are not eligible in the first place to apply," said Doug Smith, spokesman for the Army Recruiting Command.

I will point out this article is from 2006. Do you think the situation has improved or gotten worse? I am betting it is worse now.

you are simply an idiot

there is no such thing as "not fit to join"; or at least very few

very few are in such bad shape that the arent even allowed to join
basic training is where you get in shape you mindless moron

lots of people arent in shape when they join

i have 26 years in the military and i'm still in
Actually, no.

Diet is by far of greater relevance to your health than exercise, albeit exercise is very beneficial.

Added to that, the fact that bad diets are habit forming, and that you burn far less calories the older you get and so you're contributing to an early death by having a poor diet as a young person.

sure diet is of great importance.....but exercise is too.....

He said Diet is FAR GREATER RELEVANCE than exercise. No one said exercise wasnt important at all.

wrong; exercise is far more important than diet.
the reason for the opposition to the program is it places unfunded mandates on local school districts

BUT; IF YOU cant debate a valid point like that; and you're a lib coward

pull out the you're picking on her because she's Black and a woman card

idiots and hypocrites
Is there anything Michelle Obama has done in the last 5+ years that you would praise her for? Anything at all?

is there anything bush did in 8 years that you praise him for?

huh; are you some kind of racist?
Are you aware that the rejection rate for people seeking to enlist in the military has been climbing for several years. The vast majority of those rejected are unable to pass the physical because many of them are obese. In other words the physical state of our young men and women can be considered a matter of national security if it comes to the point where the services cannot fill their quota's. It seems to me that the smart thing to do is to try to reverse our current trend and mandating better meals in schools is a good first step.
But alas, eating healthier is being pushed by a black Democrat who is a women. Obviously this means we must reject anything she says and does whether it is good for the nation or not.


another left-wing loser lying to himself

it's laughable for a leftard to broach the idea of rejectin rates in the military anyway when the Left WANTS a smaller military

the ACTAUL facts are leftard the military can afford to be choosier in times of wars winding down
Don't try to debate with me. Over and over you have proven yourself to be a low knowledge and low IQ poster. Best if you run along little boy.

Most Americans not Fit to Join
With U.S. casualties rising in wars overseas and more opportunities in the civilian work force from an improved U.S. economy, many young people are shunning a career in the armed forces. But recruiting is still a two-way street - and the military, too, doesn't want most people in this prime recruiting age group of 17 to 24.

Of some 32 million Americans now in this group, the Army deems the vast majority too obese, too uneducated, too flawed in some way, according to its estimates for the current budget year.

"As you look at overall population and you start factoring out people, many are not eligible in the first place to apply," said Doug Smith, spokesman for the Army Recruiting Command.

I will point out this article is from 2006. Do you think the situation has improved or gotten worse? I am betting it is worse now.

your own citation is what makes you look like the moron you are
it clearly mentions several reasons why people "are not eligible to apply"

yet you lump them all ini together and imply that the reason is obesity just to try to squeeze it within your narratige

the dullard and uninformed one is you my friend
Of some 32 million Americans now in this group, the Army deems the vast majority too obese, too uneducated, too flawed in some way, according to its estimates for the current budget year.

from your own post

dont try to debate me leftard; you cant hang
btw, its no wonder you're up in arms about getting junk food away from public schools.

youre a self admitted junk food junky.



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