Michelle Obama’s Big B-Day Bash


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Michelle Antoinette’s Big B-Day Bash

March 14, 2013
By Ben Shapiro

This week the Obama administration announced that due to the awful, terrible, nasty, horrible sequestration, they would have to shut down the White House tours for the public. The same week, a White House source told the Daily Mail that Michelle Obama was planning a birthday blowout for her 50th. In attendance: Adele and Beyonce.

The White House did say that the Obamas would pay for the party. But that’s highly unlikely – it’s supposed to take place at the White House, which requires Secret Service protection, high-class dining, and all the fringe benefits.


Michelle Antoinette?s Big B-Day Bash

Michelle Antoinette’s Big B-Day Bash

March 14, 2013
By Ben Shapiro

This week the Obama administration announced that due to the awful, terrible, nasty, horrible sequestration, they would have to shut down the White House tours for the public. The same week, a White House source told the Daily Mail that Michelle Obama was planning a birthday blowout for her 50th. In attendance: Adele and Beyonce.

The White House did say that the Obamas would pay for the party. But that’s highly unlikely – it’s supposed to take place at the White House, which requires Secret Service protection, high-class dining, and all the fringe benefits.


Michelle Antoinette?s Big B-Day Bash

She looks like she is casting a spell...
I know this might be a bit over your head there, AJ, but the Obamas live in the White House. See, that means if they're having a birthday party they will likely be having it AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHERE THEY LIVE.

The same Secret service agents are around all the time.

It doesn't matter what's on the menu, the Obamas are going to pay for it.

And you would have a party too if you were the First Lady.
I wonder if they invited Obama's drunken uncle or his illegal aunt, the one on welfare.
come on people, we shouldn't begrudge the Queen her lavish Birthday

the sequester is only for us little people
The seqester isn't stopping you from having a lavish birthday party.

It sounds to me like you're jealous.
there is nothing like "in your face" with this couple

this just after Obama ran all around the country telling us the world would end with the Sequester..

worst President and First lady, eva
I know this might be a bit over your head there, AJ, but the Obamas live in the White House. See, that means if they're having a birthday party they will likely be having it AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHERE THEY LIVE.

The same Secret service agents are around all the time.

It doesn't matter what's on the menu, the Obamas are going to pay for it.

And you would have a party too if you were the First Lady.

I wouldn't be partying if our finances were in the shape they are now.

And where did the funds come from that will be paying for this? Obama only makes $350k. Where does he get the money for this? He takes a trip to Florida to play golf with Tiger Woods. That alone costs a million. His Hawaiian Christmas vacation cost us $20 million. That includes 6 separate trips to and from Oahu over a period of a couple of weeks (4 for Barack, 2 for Michelle and the kids), $20,000 per hour of flight, security, golf, costs of food and entertainment. Flying to Hawaii from Washington takes roughly 9 hours. You do the math. More than half of the $20 million in costs went to flying Air Force One. It costs $70k per week to run the WH tours. How many times does 70k go into $20 million. We could run the tours all year with that money. I think it's time Obama spent Christmas in Washington, even Chicago.

So the Obama's feel it's cool to lay off almost a million federal workers just so they can send 16 F16s and 200 M1 Abrams tanks, along with $1.2 billion, $250 million just last week, to Egypt.......a country that hates our guts. They only have a 19% approval rating for the United States. They like us about as much as the North Koreans. Why not send money to them while were at it.

The Obamas have been partying their asses off since he took office and he doesn't feel we have a spending problem. So it's no surprise that Michelle feels that the unwashed masses can eat cake. They feel that the public doesn't care anymore what they do. If they start to care then he can just do another fake "Charm Offensive".

Charm Offensive..........another phrase for being presidential.

Last one was 3 years ago. Doesn't happen very often.
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I know this might be a bit over your head there, AJ, but the Obamas live in the White House. See, that means if they're having a birthday party they will likely be having it AT THE WHITE HOUSE WHERE THEY LIVE.

The same Secret service agents are around all the time.

It doesn't matter what's on the menu, the Obamas are going to pay for it.

And you would have a party too if you were the First Lady.

Agree. And it is not going to be the taxpayers who pay for it. Either the Obama's or their friends will pay for it.

This is much ado about nothing. It is nitpicking. Sooooo............transparent.
They can't find any real scandals so they have to run with pretend ones.
Instead of using their own money to pay for Fat Asses birthday party, it would be more prudent , and definitely show more class, if they took that money and opened college funds for the children of the four americans that were murdered in Benghazi due to Barry's failure to do his job as president.

Or, at the very least, they could pay restitution to all the patients who suffered under Fat Asses patient dumping scheme, that she devised while employed at Chicago University Hospital.
you're not suppose to talk about how lavish and the 1% that the Obama's are

good thing they have a bunch of 1% friends to pay for this, but remember they like to tell us they were poor folks who struggled throughout their lives....LOL
The kids who had to cancel their whitehouse trip can eat cake, the lowly peasants need to leave her majesty alone.
Instead of using their own money to pay for Fat Asses birthday party, it would be more prudent , and definitely show more class, if they took that money and opened college funds for the children of the four americans that were murdered in Benghazi due to Barry's failure to do his job as president.

Or, at the very least, they could pay restitution to all the patients who suffered under Fat Asses patient dumping scheme, that she devised while employed at Chicago University Hospital.

Yes, of course. That is what the Bushes and the other 'fat cat' rich Republicans did with all their excess cash. Didn' the Bushes give all their extra money to pay for vets of Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with permanent physical and mental handicaps? Didn't they use their money to help out all the people who lost their homes and jobs during the Bush administration? Everyone who died because of a terrorist attack? Everyone who died durin 9/11 because the White House was not on the ball enough to prevent that terrorist attack?

I'm sure they did............:doubt:
Instead of using their own money to pay for Fat Asses birthday party, it would be more prudent , and definitely show more class, if they took that money and opened college funds for the children of the four americans that were murdered in Benghazi due to Barry's failure to do his job as president.

Or, at the very least, they could pay restitution to all the patients who suffered under Fat Asses patient dumping scheme, that she devised while employed at Chicago University Hospital.

Yes, of course. That is what the Bushes and the other 'fat cat' rich Republicans did with all their excess cash. Didn' the Bushes give all their extra money to pay for vets of Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with permanent physical and mental handicaps? Didn't they use their money to help out all the people who lost their homes and jobs during the Bush administration? Everyone who died because of a terrorist attack? Everyone who died durin 9/11 because the White House was not on the ball enough to prevent that terrorist attack?

I'm sure they did............:doubt:
Apples and Oranges, you Obamabot apologist loon.

There is a system set up to take care of our wounded vets, and charities like Wounded Warrior (that the Bush's advocate for, and give shitloads of money to, btw) who aid our wounded vets......You mean those people who lost their homes due to the fact that it was idiotic dems who got the balling rolling for financial collapse, by advocating for anybody to buy a home, whether they could afford it or not?.....You mean the 911 that could have been prevented had Clinton done his job as Prez and taken Bin Laden out during at least one of the THREE prime opportunities he had to do so. The same attack where nobody knew how or when the attack would take place. As opposed to Benghazi, where they KNEW an attack was highly likely (remember the memo's that Obama, Hillary, and the state department didn't bother to read?), and that the anniversary of 9/11 would be a probable time for it to happen?

And, it's no surprise that you failed to mention Mo's disgusting patient dumping scheme.

Instead of using their own money to pay for Fat Asses birthday party, it would be more prudent , and definitely show more class, if they took that money and opened college funds for the children of the four americans that were murdered in Benghazi due to Barry's failure to do his job as president.

Or, at the very least, they could pay restitution to all the patients who suffered under Fat Asses patient dumping scheme, that she devised while employed at Chicago University Hospital.

Yes, of course. That is what the Bushes and the other 'fat cat' rich Republicans did with all their excess cash. Didn' the Bushes give all their extra money to pay for vets of Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with permanent physical and mental handicaps? Didn't they use their money to help out all the people who lost their homes and jobs during the Bush administration? Everyone who died because of a terrorist attack? Everyone who died durin 9/11 because the White House was not on the ball enough to prevent that terrorist attack?

I'm sure they did............:doubt:

The Bush Strawman......Takes a Lickin' but keep's on Tickin'.....I bet Bill Maher will still be trying to make his carreer relevant 20 years from now feeding the drooling Liberal Partisan Zombies this drival.
Instead of using their own money to pay for Fat Asses birthday party, it would be more prudent , and definitely show more class, if they took that money and opened college funds for the children of the four americans that were murdered in Benghazi due to Barry's failure to do his job as president.

Or, at the very least, they could pay restitution to all the patients who suffered under Fat Asses patient dumping scheme, that she devised while employed at Chicago University Hospital.

Yes, of course. That is what the Bushes and the other 'fat cat' rich Republicans did with all their excess cash. Didn' the Bushes give all their extra money to pay for vets of Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with permanent physical and mental handicaps? Didn't they use their money to help out all the people who lost their homes and jobs during the Bush administration? Everyone who died because of a terrorist attack? Everyone who died durin 9/11 because the White House was not on the ball enough to prevent that terrorist attack?

I'm sure they did............:doubt:

I think the airlines were more responsible for 9/11.

Oh, and you won't even blame Obama in his 5th year for the mess he's made but you want to blame Bush for something that happened in his 8th month of office. It usually takes 18 months for policies to take effect in a new administration. Clinton put up a wall so the FBI and the CIA couldn't share information. That wall is back up again. I figure we'll have another unimaginable attack in a few years. I'm sure you'll ether blame it on Bush or some other Republican.

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