Michelle Obama stamps on racist Trump in electrifying speech.

Supply chains collapsed under Joe Biden...not Donald Trump. Have you forgotten Mayor Pete going on maternity leave while the supply chain issue had US store shelves empty?
They collapsed after Trump mismanaged them and was rightfully defeated for being the interfering chief executive who could not get out of his own way.
Man With A Plan does not understand basic economics. Here, pay attention: when the supply chains collapsed because of Covid and Trump's mishandling of it, prices soared.

When the Biden administration fixed it, particularly the untangling and streamlining of WarpSpeed, it still took almost a full three years to bring down inflation, with low unemploygment, plenty of jobs, a strong labor market, etc.
My understanding of basic economics told me that increasing the money supply while coming out of the shut downs was going to increase demand that couldn't be met because of supply chain issues. It's why I wouldn't have done a huge stimulus as Joe Biden did. What happened was EXACTLY what Larry Summers warned would happen!
You should have told Trump to not sign the cut=the=taxes=for=the=rich bill.

He ran us another $8 billion in debt.

What an asshole. and what a magnificent recovery of no recession and a soft economic land by the Bidenites.
Man With A Plan does not understand basic economics. Here, pay attention: when the supply chains collapsed because of Covid and Trump's mishandling of it, prices soared.

When the Biden administration fixed it, particularly the untangling and streamlining of WarpSpeed, it still took almost a full three years to bring down inflation, with low unemploygment, plenty of jobs, a strong labor market, etc.
Warp Speed was the program that Trump initiated to produce Covid vaccines. They did so...producing vaccines in record time. How did Biden "fix" that?
You should have told Trump to not sign the cut=the=taxes=for=the=rich bill.

He ran us another $8 billion in debt.

What an asshole. and what a magnificent recovery of no recession and a soft economic land by the Bidenites.
Trump cut taxes for most Americans. Tax revenues went UP after he did so! The debt that was incurred was because of spending not because of tax cuts.
You should have told Trump to not sign the cut=the=taxes=for=the=rich bill.

He ran us another $8 billion in debt.

What an asshole. and what a magnificent recovery of no recession and a soft economic land by the Bidenites.
People having to spend an additional $40,000 to buy the things they've always bought because of rampant inflation is what you define as a "soft landing"?
You on the left are going to lose this election, Lafayette because of statements like that one!
People having to spend an additional $40,000 to buy the things they've always bought because of rampant inflation is what you define as a "soft landing"?
You on the left are going to lose this election, Lafayette because of statements like that one!
If they win, then people are no better than banana republics. And their citizens are coming here as we see due to their leaders lies.
People having to spend an additional $40,000 to buy the things they've always bought because of rampant inflation is what you define as a "soft landing"?
You on the left are going to lose this election, Lafayette because of statements like that one!
We are going to win because they know (1) Trump is a fraud and (2) he is dangerous to all of us.
I suspect that Trump is hyperventilating in his padded room this morning.
Expect a tirade of gibberish to dribble out later.Once he finds the IPad that his staff have hidden.

“Who is going to tell him [Trump] that the job that he is seeking might be one of those Black jobs,” Obama said, to thunderous applause.
We could hear the cheering from my back garden. I dont think that Trump means that to be a "black job". As a starter he needs that job to stay out of jail.

Mrs Obama is a powerful weapon for progress. I hope that we hear more of her in the coming weeks.

The angry black female pot calling the kettle black?

She’s really a bit insane doncha’ know
When you say that, Lafayette? Do you actually believe it? What Trump policy with Covid caused a huge spike in inflation a year after he left office? Can you define that or is it just something you accept with blind faith?

How about the stimulus checks he sent to EVERYONE? Including me and I was working.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

and then Bill Maher

The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”

Are you smarter than these guys?
We are going to win because they know (1) Trump is a fraud and (2) he is dangerous to all of us.
You're going to lose because they know things were better under Trump and they know that Kamala Harris doesn't have an answer to the things that are going wrong because she was PART of the things going wrong!

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