Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

I was busy in another thread stupid morons. The Constitution is all I need say.. You two idiots can fart, lick each others anal juice, whatever snaps your carrot.. bottom line, FEDERAL OVERREACH in to forcing children to eat what the government dictates. :) You're welcome dummies.

So no acknowledgment that you in fact posted a link with a story in it and then in the span of about 30 minutes posted another link that in fact debunked the story in the first link?

Doing so PROVED that you

A) Don't bother to read the links you so outraged about
B) Are too dishonest to just come out and admit an error

As for the COTUS. You are dumb

Schools are ran by states, not the federal government. The ONLY thing the federal government has ANY control over is programs they fund. IF you were on here bitching that the federal government does not have the authority to provide funds for school lunches, I MIGHT be inclined to agree with you. However, that is NOT your argument. You are TRYING to argue that the federal government doesn't have the authority to regulate programs that they pay for. That is in fact bullshit. Of course the federal government can regulate programs that they pay for. Why I bet without even looking that you support drug testing welfare recipients. SAME DIFFERENCE YOU KNUCKLE FUCKING HEAD.

And to reiterate for the stupid among us. NO federal mandate to examine home packed lunches exists, nor does any policy exist to FORCE kids to eat anything.

I don't give a shit if you want to label it a mandate, or fuck yourself.. It's happening in schools all over the nation dickless.. you can spew and shake your knobby fists all you like. LOL

so that takes care of "too chickenshit to admit she posted a link without reading it " portion of our show.

Now as for what is happening all over the nation. No shit it's happening, Spewing about the program which didn't make it happen is moronic.

Be mad at the stupid individuals who are doing it, not at the program that they are incorrectly using.

Personally I pack my kid's lunch every day. The day she comes home and tells me someone at the school pawed through it is the day I remove somoeone's spleen with my bare hands.

EVERY time you claim a "federal official" went through some kid's lunch, you are lying. Does integrity mean NOTHING to you? Well that was rhetorical, obviously it does not.
Listen up NOOB TWAT, you sound like a flaming idiot progressive.. making excuses for trashing the US Constitution.. Fuck you and fuck your inability to understand freedom.

You're a bit of a masochist, aren't you?

(look it up)
I'm taking someone's word that you're not just a troll BIATCH so do yourself a favor, don't reply to me with insults if you want a discussion or expect the same in return. YOU GOT THAT?
I was busy in another thread stupid morons. The Constitution is all I need say.. You two idiots can fart, lick each others anal juice, whatever snaps your carrot.. bottom line, FEDERAL OVERREACH in to forcing children to eat what the government dictates. :) You're welcome dummies.

So no acknowledgment that you in fact posted a link with a story in it and then in the span of about 30 minutes posted another link that in fact debunked the story in the first link?

Doing so PROVED that you

A) Don't bother to read the links you so outraged about
B) Are too dishonest to just come out and admit an error

As for the COTUS. You are dumb

Schools are ran by states, not the federal government. The ONLY thing the federal government has ANY control over is programs they fund. IF you were on here bitching that the federal government does not have the authority to provide funds for school lunches, I MIGHT be inclined to agree with you. However, that is NOT your argument. You are TRYING to argue that the federal government doesn't have the authority to regulate programs that they pay for. That is in fact bullshit. Of course the federal government can regulate programs that they pay for. Why I bet without even looking that you support drug testing welfare recipients. SAME DIFFERENCE YOU KNUCKLE FUCKING HEAD.

And to reiterate for the stupid among us. NO federal mandate to examine home packed lunches exists, nor does any policy exist to FORCE kids to eat anything.

I don't give a shit if you want to label it a mandate, or fuck yourself.. It's happening in schools all over the nation dickless.. you can spew and shake your knobby fists all you like. LOL

so that takes care of "too chickenshit to admit she posted a link without reading it " portion of our show.

Now as for what is happening all over the nation. No shit it's happening, Spewing about the program which didn't make it happen is moronic.

Be mad at the stupid individuals who are doing it, not at the program that they are incorrectly using.

Personally I pack my kid's lunch every day. The day she comes home and tells me someone at the school pawed through it is the day I remove somoeone's spleen with my bare hands.

EVERY time you claim a "federal official" went through some kid's lunch, you are lying. Does integrity mean NOTHING to you? Well that was rhetorical, obviously it does not.

Nahhh, it proves you're a leftist nitwit.
Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy
I was busy in another thread stupid morons. The Constitution is all I need say.. You two idiots can fart, lick each others anal juice, whatever snaps your carrot.. bottom line, FEDERAL OVERREACH in to forcing children to eat what the government dictates. :) You're welcome dummies.

So no acknowledgment that you in fact posted a link with a story in it and then in the span of about 30 minutes posted another link that in fact debunked the story in the first link?

Doing so PROVED that you

A) Don't bother to read the links you so outraged about
B) Are too dishonest to just come out and admit an error

As for the COTUS. You are dumb

Schools are ran by states, not the federal government. The ONLY thing the federal government has ANY control over is programs they fund. IF you were on here bitching that the federal government does not have the authority to provide funds for school lunches, I MIGHT be inclined to agree with you. However, that is NOT your argument. You are TRYING to argue that the federal government doesn't have the authority to regulate programs that they pay for. That is in fact bullshit. Of course the federal government can regulate programs that they pay for. Why I bet without even looking that you support drug testing welfare recipients. SAME DIFFERENCE YOU KNUCKLE FUCKING HEAD.

And to reiterate for the stupid among us. NO federal mandate to examine home packed lunches exists, nor does any policy exist to FORCE kids to eat anything.

I don't give a shit if you want to label it a mandate, or fuck yourself.. It's happening in schools all over the nation dickless.. you can spew and shake your knobby fists all you like. LOL
no, it isn't. you're ignorant. you've swallowed the lies of talk radio and right wing blogs and it upsets you that other people aren't as dumb and gullible as yourself.

So schools and parents are all lying??? REALLY????? That would also make the First Lady a liar as she has gone on the record for imposing it. You liberal nitwits aren't too bright.

First of all you ignorant cum bubble, the First Lady doesn't "impose" anything, she championed a law passed by Congress.

Second of all you shit stain on the underpants of society, please link to ANYWHERE where the FIrst Lady has encouraged schools to go through home packed lunches, or for schools to FORCE kids to eat.
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,
I was busy in another thread stupid morons. The Constitution is all I need say.. You two idiots can fart, lick each others anal juice, whatever snaps your carrot.. bottom line, FEDERAL OVERREACH in to forcing children to eat what the government dictates. :) You're welcome dummies.

So no acknowledgment that you in fact posted a link with a story in it and then in the span of about 30 minutes posted another link that in fact debunked the story in the first link?

Doing so PROVED that you

A) Don't bother to read the links you so outraged about
B) Are too dishonest to just come out and admit an error

As for the COTUS. You are dumb

Schools are ran by states, not the federal government. The ONLY thing the federal government has ANY control over is programs they fund. IF you were on here bitching that the federal government does not have the authority to provide funds for school lunches, I MIGHT be inclined to agree with you. However, that is NOT your argument. You are TRYING to argue that the federal government doesn't have the authority to regulate programs that they pay for. That is in fact bullshit. Of course the federal government can regulate programs that they pay for. Why I bet without even looking that you support drug testing welfare recipients. SAME DIFFERENCE YOU KNUCKLE FUCKING HEAD.

And to reiterate for the stupid among us. NO federal mandate to examine home packed lunches exists, nor does any policy exist to FORCE kids to eat anything.

I don't give a shit if you want to label it a mandate, or fuck yourself.. It's happening in schools all over the nation dickless.. you can spew and shake your knobby fists all you like. LOL

so that takes care of "too chickenshit to admit she posted a link without reading it " portion of our show.

Now as for what is happening all over the nation. No shit it's happening, Spewing about the program which didn't make it happen is moronic.

Be mad at the stupid individuals who are doing it, not at the program that they are incorrectly using.

Personally I pack my kid's lunch every day. The day she comes home and tells me someone at the school pawed through it is the day I remove somoeone's spleen with my bare hands.

EVERY time you claim a "federal official" went through some kid's lunch, you are lying. Does integrity mean NOTHING to you? Well that was rhetorical, obviously it does not.

Nahhh, it proves you're a leftist nitwit.
Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy

Ah another link you posted without reading bites you in the ass again.

Our school gets money for every child that takes a meal."

The schools want money so they are forcing kids to take meals whether they want them or not. LOCAL PROBLEM
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?
NEWSFLASH: If you're poor the government has the expressed right to dictate and mandate what you are allowed to eat..
So schools and parents are all lying??? REALLY????? That would also make the First Lady a liar as she has gone on the record for imposing it. You liberal nitwits aren't too bright.

Any school official or parent who is saying that the federal lunch mandates say they must go through homemade lunches and or force kids to take school lunches is stupid or lying. There is no such mandate
I never thought I would see a Conservative in here spewing the absolute BULLSHIT that he is-
Any school official or parent who is saying that the federal lunch mandates say they must go through homemade lunches and or force kids to take school lunches is stupid or lying. There is no such mandate

Most of those so asserting are liberals. Now we all understand that liberals lie but I'm surprise to see you join in that assessment of those who snatch lunches and claim it's a government mandate.....
Here's how absolutely ridiculously stupid you are Lady Cum SLinger.

Conservatives could take this plicy and run with it. If the government that provides school lunches can dictate what those school lunches consist of then that very same government surely ought be able to dictate what food stamp recipients buy with the food stamps they provide.

But nope, you're far too stupid to draw that conclusion on your own.
Five Hundred posts on the topic and in not one of them has Cum Slinger managed to post the part of the federal law which allegedly dictates that schools patrol homemade lunches and force kids to take school lunches.

Hey Cum Slinger have you noticed that not ONE person has came to your aid in this thread? Not one, That would suggest to a mentally stable person that maybe just maybe their position is untenable.

Long story short, you're an idiot and no one wants anything to do with you or your stupid opinion.
Any school official or parent who is saying that the federal lunch mandates say they must go through homemade lunches and or force kids to take school lunches is stupid or lying. There is no such mandate

Most of those so asserting are liberals. Now we all understand that liberals lie but I'm surprise to see you join in that assessment of those who snatch lunches and claim it's a government mandate.....

Re read the thread Henry, I think those who snatch homemade lunches are morons and if one ever did it to my kid I would kick the shit out them.

That doesn't change the FACT though that the federal mandate says NOTHING about homemade lunches , these fucking idiots are doing it on their own PERIOD

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