Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

I don't give a damn if your child gets free or reduced lunches.. having Michelle Obama who wasn't elected to be dog catcher much less anything else, dictate and demand on a Federal level what kids can eat is disgusting and unconstitutional.
What a slippery slope we travel when we try to excuse the left's power grab at all levels. The article SAYS ALL PARTICIPANTS, not free and reduced lunches.

The program provides free and reduced lunches, ergo all participants are those who get free and reduced lunches.

As a Capitalist I say "damned right that I will decide what I feed you."

I've said for years that food stamps should be abolished, with soup kitchens as the alternative. No one in this nation should go hungry, but if one is eating from the goodwill of others, then they get what they are given - period.

When I was a kid, we had a favorite thing to do - eat over. I would eat at various friends houses, and friends would eat at mine. BUT the unwritten, yet still understood rule was you ate what was served.

I don't get where people on Welfare are so ungrateful that they think they can demand what the content of the free food they get is?
What a slippery slope we travel when we try to excuse the left's power grab at all levels. The article SAYS ALL PARTICIPANTS, not free and reduced lunches.

The program provides free and reduced lunches, ergo all participants are those who get free and reduced lunches.

As a Capitalist I say "damned right that I will decide what I feed you."

I've said for years that food stamps should be abolished, with soup kitchens as the alternative. No one in this nation should go hungry, but if one is eating from the goodwill of others, then they get what they are given - period.

When I was a kid, we had a favorite thing to do - eat over. I would eat at various friends houses, and friends would eat at mine. BUT the unwritten, yet still understood rule was you ate what was served.

I don't get where people on Welfare are so ungrateful that they think they can demand what the content of the free food they get is?

This has zero to do with people being ungrateful and everything to do with federal overreach. I get it, you're on record for supporting Michelle O's enforcement of food police.
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?

If the lunch is paid for by others, then others decide what is in it. I can't figure out what is wrong with that?

If I buy tacos for the homeless as I drive through Del Taco, I decide what I will buy, not they.
Really?? SO when my date takes me out and pays for my dinner I forfeit the right to order what I like????

If anyone would actually date someone as stupid as you. :rofl:

comparing a date to a federal program
Fuck it.. it doesn't matter if the food is going to waste, being thrown away.. you poor kids are on a free or reduced lunches so just STFU and take it whether you like it or not.. let's waste more taxpayer dollars.

From Breibart:
Breitbart Texas obtained recent photographs of federally mandated afterschool snacks from a Los Angeles area elementary school that illustrated the reality of trashed Fed Led food. The source asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, told Breitbart Texas, "This is the afterschool snack that kids throw away untouched, because they are forced to take it whether they want it or not. Our school gets money for every child that takes a meal."
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?

If the lunch is paid for by others, then others decide what is in it. I can't figure out what is wrong with that?

If I buy tacos for the homeless as I drive through Del Taco, I decide what I will buy, not they.
Really?? SO when my date takes me out and pays for my dinner I forfeit the right to order what I like????

If anyone would actually date someone as stupid as you. :rofl:

comparing a date to a federal program
You're nothing but a troll who can't post one sentence without being a dick.. You're officially on ignore. Good riddance.
I don't give a damn if your child gets free or reduced lunches.. having Michelle Obama who wasn't elected to be dog catcher much less anything else, dictate and demand on a Federal level what kids can eat is disgusting and unconstitutional.

Of all the things that are disgusting and unconstitutional, this is so far down the list that it's not even worth considering.

And you don't even live in NYC.

So shove your hatred up your ass.
I don't give a damn if your child gets free or reduced lunches.. having Michelle Obama who wasn't elected to be dog catcher much less anything else, dictate and demand on a Federal level what kids can eat is disgusting and unconstitutional.

Of all the things that are disgusting and unconstitutional, this is so far down the list that it's not even worth considering.

And you don't even live in NYC.

So shove your hatred up your ass.
Awww, another liberal upset because his messiah's whoaMAN has been attacked.. You'll get over it.. she wants to wade in to the political arena, she becomes fair game.
This has zero to do with people being ungrateful and everything to do with federal overreach. I get it, you're on record for supporting Michelle O's enforcement of food police.

The Federal Government determining what they will serve in the free lunches provided by the Federal Government is hardly "over reach."

You want the REAL Conservative answer?

Abolish the federal lunch program - end this welfare program.
Breibart disagree's with you CONS who say it's only free lunches.. I guess Breibart lies.
On July 1, the standards got stricter for all participants in the National School Lunch Program that is shepherded out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and has forced schools to limit calories, trans fats and sodium, while serving students a wider variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and axe portion sizes. However, the lunch lady in chief's program's been working out so well that the only increase the feds have seen is a noticeable uptick in food thrown in the garbage.

Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy

From your own article;

{NSLP provides per meal cash reimbursements to schools as an entitlement to provide nutritious meals to children. This means that all eligible schools can participate and all children attending those schools can participate. Schools participating in NSLP also receive agricultural commodities (unprocessed or partially processed foods) as a supplement to the per-meal cash reimbursements, in amounts based on the number of lunches they serve.}

It's welfare.

IF you want free food, then you get what is given.

Lady Cum Slinger never reads her own links, that's obvious

She also ignored the fact that SCHOOLS are encouraging , nay making, kids take these lunches because the more of them they serve the more money they qualify for.

That is a LOCAL problem, stop being greedy, problem solved.
I know how all of you lefties love the feel good mantra.. you must feel great with kids being starved and being malnourished.

Brunig told KRLD that, as a result, a lot of food wound up in the trash. "With the new program in place, the new meal pattern, our participation started to drop. And the other thing was there was food waste. Children were not eating the food," she said. "If the children aren't eating the food, there's no nutrition."
This has zero to do with people being ungrateful and everything to do with federal overreach. I get it, you're on record for supporting Michelle O's enforcement of food police.

The Federal Government determining what they will serve in the free lunches provided by the Federal Government is hardly "over reach."

You want the REAL Conservative answer?

Abolish the federal lunch program - end this welfare program.
Absolutely, its double dipping, these families get food stamps , then they get free or reduced priced lunches, For fuck's sakes pack your little welfare shit's lunch if you do't want him to eat healthy. DUH
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?

If the lunch is paid for by others, then others decide what is in it. I can't figure out what is wrong with that?

If I buy tacos for the homeless as I drive through Del Taco, I decide what I will buy, not they.
Really?? SO when my date takes me out and pays for my dinner I forfeit the right to order what I like????

That's up to your date.

If your date says "I'm a vegan so lets get a salad," would you say "I DEMAND A FREE STEAK!"

This has zero to do with people being ungrateful and everything to do with federal overreach. I get it, you're on record for supporting Michelle O's enforcement of food police.

The Federal Government determining what they will serve in the free lunches provided by the Federal Government is hardly "over reach."

You want the REAL Conservative answer?

Abolish the federal lunch program - end this welfare program.
If I wanted a REAL conservative answer, I would abolish the Dept of Education, period.. but being these kids cannot bring a lunch to school - they have to eat that fucking slop.. Now we either waste the money and let our kids go hungry or we say NO.
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?

If the lunch is paid for by others, then others decide what is in it. I can't figure out what is wrong with that?

If I buy tacos for the homeless as I drive through Del Taco, I decide what I will buy, not they.
Really?? SO when my date takes me out and pays for my dinner I forfeit the right to order what I like????

That's up to your date.

If your date says "I'm a vegan so lets get a salad," would you say "I DEMAND A FREE STEAK!"

I wouldn't date a Vegan.. I'm greek and russian.. My father thinks if you don't eat meat there's something wrong with you.. if I brought home a guy who ate like a pansyass, my dad would kick him out. So that should answer your question.
I don't give a damn if your child gets free or reduced lunches.. having Michelle Obama who wasn't elected to be dog catcher much less anything else, dictate and demand on a Federal level what kids can eat is disgusting and unconstitutional.

CONGRESS passed this law. Not Michelle Obama

This topic has been my first run in with this "woman" is Lady GunSlinger usually this inept of a poster? I mean posting links she hasn't read, claiming shit that isn't true, refusing to prove anything she claims, posting links that debunk her own links?

My God, please tell me this isn't her usual style.
Breibart disagree's with you CONS who say it's only free lunches.. I guess Breibart lies.
On July 1, the standards got stricter for all participants in the National School Lunch Program that is shepherded out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and has forced schools to limit calories, trans fats and sodium, while serving students a wider variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and axe portion sizes. However, the lunch lady in chief's program's been working out so well that the only increase the feds have seen is a noticeable uptick in food thrown in the garbage.

Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy

From your own article;

{NSLP provides per meal cash reimbursements to schools as an entitlement to provide nutritious meals to children. This means that all eligible schools can participate and all children attending those schools can participate. Schools participating in NSLP also receive agricultural commodities (unprocessed or partially processed foods) as a supplement to the per-meal cash reimbursements, in amounts based on the number of lunches they serve.}

It's welfare.

IF you want free food, then you get what is given.

Lady Cum Slinger never reads her own links, that's obvious

She also ignored the fact that SCHOOLS are encouraging , nay making, kids take these lunches because the more of them they serve the more money they qualify for.

That is a LOCAL problem, stop being greedy, problem solved.

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