Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

I don't give a damn if your child gets free or reduced lunches.. having Michelle Obama who wasn't elected to be dog catcher much less anything else, dictate and demand on a Federal level what kids can eat is disgusting and unconstitutional.

CONGRESS passed this law. Not Michelle Obama

This topic has been my first run in with this "woman" is Lady GunSlinger usually this inept of a poster? I mean posting links she hasn't read, claiming shit that isn't true, refusing to prove anything she claims, posting links that debunk her own links?

My God, please tell me this isn't her usual style.

Yes, most people don't engage with her at all.
Here's the fucking problem.. The Federal Government cannot do ANYTHING right.. NOTHING..

More new school food rules require all foods to have fruits, vegetables, dairy or protein products as their first listed ingredient. Kid-friendly staples like chicken nuggets and pizza are contraband unless they can adhere to less than 200 calories per serving and less than 230 milligrams of sodium. Trans fats need not apply, although saturated and unsaturated fats are fine as long as they comprise less than 35% of total calories.

Snacks must be less than 350 calories and sodium less than 480 milligrams. The Journal Sentinel article also pointed out that this requirement "would knock out raisins." Nature's candy is a no-go because it exceeds the allowable 35% of the weight for all food. Nix the whole milk, Yoohoo, and pouched fruit punch. Instead, kids can drink water, low-fat or fat-free milk, 100% fruit or vegetable juices, and low- or zero calorie alternatives. There are also restrictions on school fundraisers that involve bake sales that vary by state.

Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.
I'm taking someone's word that you're not just a troll BIATCH so do yourself a favor, don't reply to me with insults if you want a discussion or expect the same in return. YOU GOT THAT?

Is this thread your idea of being non-insulting?

I'm not a troll, but I am a bitch.

I'm taking someone's word that you're not just a troll BIATCH so do yourself a favor, don't reply to me with insults if you want a discussion or expect the same in return. YOU GOT THAT?

Is this thread your idea of being non-insulting?

I'm not a troll, but I am a bitch.

ROFLMAO You're a fucking loser lib.. that much I got.. You're out of your league little twit but do continue.. PLEASE
I don't give a shit if you want to label it a mandate, or fuck yourself.. It's happening in schools all over the nation dickless.. you can spew and shake your knobby fists all you like. LOL

Yep. 4 or 5 schools all across this nation.

And even in those 4 or 5 schools, it shouldn't. Should. Not. Happen.

If a school is inspecting a home-prepared lunch, they'd better have a damned good reason, like said lunch contains crystal meth. Otherwise, it's none of their damned business.
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.

From your link:

Meanwhile, lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering legislation to provide exemptions from the lunch regulations for schools that are losing substantial revenue, though Michelle Obama has vowed to fight for her pet project “until the bitter end.”

President Obama has also promised to veto the legislation if it makes it to his desk, the Associated Press reports. :lmao: but of COURSE!!!!
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.

From your link:

Meanwhile, lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering legislation to provide exemptions from the lunch regulations for schools that are losing substantial revenue, though Michelle Obama has vowed to fight for her pet project “until the bitter end.”

President Obama has also promised to veto the legislation if it makes it to his desk, the Associated Press reports. :lmao: but of COURSE!!!!

Thank you beautiful Athena..♥
Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.

When I was in College for my undergrad, I had three kids and a wife who was incapable of holding a job to support. I worked landscaping during the day, and at Carl's Jr. at night. That is to say we were POOR. We did not engage in school lunch programs, and my kids always had food.

IF you want to determine what your kids get to eat, provide it yourself.

BTW, my three girls are all college graduates. They saw the difference from before and after. Being poor isn't fun, it shouldn't be comfortable, it should be something people want to escape.
Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.

When I was in College for my undergrad, I had three kids and a wife who was incapable of holding a job to support. I worked landscaping during the day, and at Carl's Jr. at night. That is to say we were POOR. We did not engage in school lunch programs, and my kids always had food.

IF you want to determine what your kids get to eat, provide it yourself.

BTW, my three girls are all college graduates. They saw the difference from before and after. Being poor isn't fun, it shouldn't be comfortable, it should be something people want to escape.

Believe and support what you want.. stand with liberals.. your thing.
Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.
This reply perfectly illustrates the rabid anti-Obama brigade's confusion.
On the one hand, federal funding for lunched should be abolished because it's commie welfare - Obama is a tyrant.
On the other hand the food is awful and shouldn't forced on the poor wee tykes - Obama is a tyrant.
NEWSFLASH: If you're poor the government has the expressed right to dictate and mandate what you are
to eat..

If you're poor and the government is paying for your food, they're allowed to dictate what is served.

Which is ENTIRELY different than dictating what you eat, I don't even know why LSG keeps trying to claim otherwise, except that she's a fucking idiot.
Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.
This reply perfectly illustrates the rabid anti-Obama brigade's confusion.
On the one hand, federal funding for lunched should be abolished because it's commie welfare - Obama is a tyrant.
On the other hand the food is awful and shouldn't forced on the poor wee tykes - Obama is a tyrant.

I've always made it clear I lean liberal when it comes to hunger, especially in children.. I never argue against federal welfare programs.. I experienced hunger and so I know what that's like.. it's painful physically and emotionally thus , I champion hunger programs.. Just because a parent is poor doesn't mean her child has to shut the fuck up and eat stinkingazz slop..
Believe and support what you want.. stand with liberals.. your thing.

I love you LGS, I really do - but supporting welfare in the form of NSLP is "standing with the liberals."

End the federal lunch program - we are creating a nation of dependents.
Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.
This reply perfectly illustrates the rabid anti-Obama brigade's confusion.
On the one hand, federal funding for lunched should be abolished because it's commie welfare - Obama is a tyrant.
On the other hand the food is awful and shouldn't forced on the poor wee tykes - Obama is a tyrant.

I've always made it clear I lean liberal when it comes to hunger, especially in children.. I never argue against federal welfare programs.. I experienced hunger and so I know what that's like.. it's painful physically and emotionally thus , I champion hunger programs.. Just because a parent is poor doesn't mean her child has to shut the fuck up and eat stinkingazz slop..

should we continue to encourage and enable people who are unwilling or unable to provide for children to breed?
Let me make clear I do not support the waste in those programs and wish we had better enforcement on policy so the cheats wouldn't get through and mooch off of the taxpayer. For children who are truly hungry, it's dire and the right thing that we provide food.
Believe and support what you want.. stand with liberals.. your thing.

I love you LGS, I really do - but supporting welfare in the form of NSLP is "standing with the liberals."

End the federal lunch program - we are creating a nation of dependents.

Love you too and we agree to disagree.. I will never support abolishing hunger programs.. never.
I'm taking someone's word that you're not just a troll BIATCH so do yourself a favor, don't reply to me with insults if you want a discussion or expect the same in return. YOU GOT THAT?

Is this thread your idea of being non-insulting?

I'm not a troll, but I am a bitch.

ROFLMAO You're a fucking loser lib.. that much I got.. You're out of your league little twit but do continue.. PLEASE

If message board debating had leagues you would be stuck in coach pitch.

You're an idiot. I mean truly. Please post some more links that debunk your own opinion :rofl:
Kids were trimmer and healthier when their parents were responsible for feeding them.

Just sayin'.

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