Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

< grins > I love it when leftist brainrotted junkies begin fantasizing about me.. Thank you.. glad I'm in your head.. More to come dopey.

In my head.....sounds scary.

Let me tell you a secret. I applaud that you don't want kids to go hungry. But nobody's malnourishing school kids, and if there are starving schoolchildren, then they're not getting food at home, either. And the kids who truly are going hungry at home are going to attack that school lunch. Kids who don't eat what's served, no matter how unappetizing, aren't really hungry. Kids who cry over being "forced" to take a fresh fruit or vegetable are the kind of kids who will cry because they're not getting their way.
What good is a nutritious meal if it looks like shit and tastes like shit and the kids won't eat it?

Kids like what they are familiar with. If you feed kids white rice, white bread, potato chips, and McDonalds all their life, then they expect it. But that is shit food - no flavor - no nutrition. A grilled chicken breast with asparagus is a lot more expensive than 70% ground beef with the grease made into gravy over white bread - which is literally what schools served when I was a kid - but which of the two tastes like shit?

For my pallet, the second is shit, and tastes like shit.
The FDA would mandate eating cardboard if they thought it was good for you...........It does not good if the kids will not eat it and it mandates low carb diets...........Kids who are active need more carbs so it's typical Federal BS to make our kids eat less FOR MORE.........

Check this out............http://frac.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/cnr_school_nutrition_program_provisions_summary.pdf

• Requires school districts to gradually increase their “paid” lunch charges until the
revenue per lunch matches the federal free reimbursement level beginning in the 2011-
2012 school year. This is a significant change in public policy which likely will result in
decreased participation, especially among children whose household income is between
186 and 250 percent of poverty. If these families and higher-income families stop
participating in the program it will create the perception that the program is only for
“poor” children, causing more children to drop out. Decreases in student participation
could cause schools to stop participating in the school meal programs all together.

Yep, that's right..........The kids who don't qualify have to pay more to comply with the new law to help offset the cost of the program...........

It cost the taxpayers of this country 10.1BILLION in 2011..........Money that we don't have from a system that wasn't broke...............Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

< grins > I love it when leftist brainrotted junkies begin fantasizing about me.. Thank you.. glad I'm in your head.. More to come dopey.

In my head.....sounds scary.

Let me tell you a secret. I applaud that you don't want kids to go hungry. But nobody's malnourishing school kids, and if there are starving schoolchildren, then they're not getting food at home, either. And the kids who truly are going hungry at home are going to attack that school lunch. Kids who don't eat what's served, no matter how unappetizing, aren't really hungry. Kids who cry over being "forced" to take a fresh fruit or vegetable are the kind of kids who will cry because they're not getting their way.

Damn right. We have a lot of poor kids over in the summer for swimming and such , and it just blows my mind when their parents tell me "oh they will only eat candy" or what the fuck ever? I'm like "bitch he's 6 if he'll only eat candy its cuz you feed him only candy"

I break out the fruit and veggies and the kids dig into them.
OP- Brainwashed, fear mongered RW idiocy lol...healthier food choices, fewer processed food vending machines. You'd think intelligence were satanism...
What good is a nutritious meal if it looks like shit and tastes like shit and the kids won't eat it?

Kids like what they are familiar with. If you feed kids white rice, white bread, potato chips, and McDonalds all their life, then they expect it. But that is shit food - no flavor - no nutrition. A grilled chicken breast with asparagus is a lot more expensive than 70% ground beef with the grease made into gravy over white bread - which is literally what schools served when I was a kid - but which of the two tastes like shit?

For my pallet, the second is shit, and tastes like shit.
I have a child in school, do you??? I don't want the school dictating what she eats.. THAT'S MY FUCKING right, period.. she takes her lunch to school but if these Gestapo liberal fanatics have their way, that will end.. Michelle O's program is for ALL KIDS.. she wants it uniform.. I suggest you go and educate yourself.. The slippery slope to tyranny.. Quite frankly I'm surprised at you.. Never seen this kind of pure VOMIT project out of your mouth.. you're normally smart than this.. But I get it.. You can NEVER trust liberals, never.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Passed by the Dems and Obama pretty much down party lines...............

How are they going to pay for it..................Tax Revenues that aren't there.........and by making all the other kids pay for it..............

It expanded the meals as well.......More can get breakfast now, and they can get dinner as well..............Any State that doesn't join this program will not get the Federal Funds that we have to borrow to spend............

It's another Welfare Program mandating bland foods to our kids............We already had nutrition standards that were adequate before this became law..........................
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.


True statement. If the child does not like the school menu he/she is allowed to go hungry the rest of the day.
What good is a nutritious meal if it looks like shit and tastes like shit and the kids won't eat it?

Kids like what they are familiar with. If you feed kids white rice, white bread, potato chips, and McDonalds all their life, then they expect it. But that is shit food - no flavor - no nutrition. A grilled chicken breast with asparagus is a lot more expensive than 70% ground beef with the grease made into gravy over white bread - which is literally what schools served when I was a kid - but which of the two tastes like shit?

For my pallet, the second is shit, and tastes like shit.
Let's not slow ourselves down unnecessarily with a lot of multi-culti horseshit, in the face of extremely poor performance on the part of involved dieticians and purchasing agents and master chefs and preparers and servers and quality control folk.

Institutional shit-food is institutional shit-food, made even worse by autocratic interference from the Feds.

Let's have those responsible for recommending and implementing such programming, to live off such meals for some considerable period of time, to understand the consequences of their actions, at the gut level.

Really bad pun intended.
Passed by the Dems and Obama pretty much down party lines...............

How are they going to pay for it..................Tax Revenues that aren't there.........and by making all the other kids pay for it..............

It expanded the meals as well.......More can get breakfast now, and they can get dinner as well..............Any State that doesn't join this program will not get the Federal Funds that we have to borrow to spend............

It's another Welfare Program mandating bland foods to our kids............We already had nutrition standards that were adequate before this became law..........................
The real gem is in the details.. just like Obamacare.. they want this uniform for all kids.. Just like that idiot Bloomberg who wanted to ban Big Slurps.. LOL
Just like Secty Kerry said, Americans have the right to be stupid. Apparently, they also have the right to be fight and diabetic.

If you RWs really wanna make your point, buy your kids cigarettes too. Preferabley, unfiltered Camels.

That'll show her.
OP- Brainwashed, fear mongered RW idiocy lol...healthier food choices, fewer processed food vending machines. You'd think intelligence were satanism...

Literally everything you spew from your rotted and cracked lips is a lie.. Move along before someone drops a house on you.
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.


Why are you lying??? These kids are forced to eat that lunch or go hungry..

Who's lying you idiot. You even said it yourself that the kids have a choice.

My God that was TOO easy
No.....They are not "forced"....However, when kids are barred from eating lunch made at home, their choices are go hungry.....eat the Moochelle Obama mandated plate of shit.

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