Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

Here kid.. your mom is poor so you only get water and gruel.. Now eat it and like it.
This reply perfectly illustrates the rabid anti-Obama brigade's confusion.
On the one hand, federal funding for lunched should be abolished because it's commie welfare - Obama is a tyrant.
On the other hand the food is awful and shouldn't forced on the poor wee tykes - Obama is a tyrant.

I've always made it clear I lean liberal when it comes to hunger, especially in children.. I never argue against federal welfare programs.. I experienced hunger and so I know what that's like.. it's painful physically and emotionally thus , I champion hunger programs.. Just because a parent is poor doesn't mean her child has to shut the fuck up and eat stinkingazz slop..

should we continue to encourage and enable people who are unwilling or unable to provide for children to breed?

I wouldn't call it breeding but I would enforce rules within the system. If you apply for welfare with one child and you have another while on the taxpayers dime, you just lost the assistance. If you cannot be responsible, the government has no business in subsidizing bad behavior.
I sure as hell don't remember voting for Mabell Obama to do anything but be FIRST LADY of our country. don't think she isn't making money off this? she should tend to her own kids as neither one of them are ever there with them. control freak witch and then has the nerve to warn Congress not to TOUCH her program.

Michelle Obama: Changes to School Lunch Menu 'Unacceptable'
by Charlie Spiering 27 May 2014 1925 post a comment
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch...
Washington Times
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and...



Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandate
This video player must be at least 300x170 pixels in order to operate.
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandates
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.
First Lady Michelle Obama sent a strong message to Republicans in Congress who want to allow local school districts to opt out of the federal regulations on school lunches.
"This is unacceptable," she said during a roundtable discussion of the issue. “It's unacceptable to me not just as First Lady but also as a mother."
The strict rules, passed in 2010, limit the amount of fat, calories, sugar, and sodium served in school meals.

all of it here:
by Charlie Spiering 27 May 2014 1925 post a comment
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch...
Washington Times
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and...



Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandates
Linking and embedding are disabled for this video. Copy video embed code: <iframe width="590" height="332" src="News Distribution Network Inc." frameborder="no" scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe> Copy video link: Michelle Obama digs in for GOP assault on lunch mandates
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This video player must be at least 300x170 pixels in order to operate.
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandates
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.

Up Next
First Lady Michelle Obama sent a strong message to Republicans in Congress who want to allow local school districts to opt out of the federal regulations on school lunches.
"This is unacceptable," she said during a roundtable discussion of the issue. “It's unacceptable to me not just as First Lady but also as a mother."
The strict rules, passed in 2010, limit the amount of fat, calories, sugar, and sodium served in school meals.
{But even when the facts are correctly stated, as I’m assuming was the case with the Manitoba Ritz crackers (for which Dr. Freedhoff actually posts a screen shot of the school’s note to the parent), it’s important to reflect for a moment why schools might be peering into kids lunch boxes. - See more at: http://civileats.com/2013/11/21/schools-interfere-with-home-packed-lunches/#sthash.dURERX87.dpuf}

Is that what you mean by "debunked?" :eek:

Manitoba. Canada, right? Not Manitoba, Alabama. Canada. So that has nothing to do with the Obamas, unless people now think he's a Kenyan and a Canadian.

By debunked, I mean the overblown chicken nuggets story, in North Carolina, which turned out to be a misunderstanding. Someone apparently thought she could go through the line and get milk to go with her home lunch, and she thought she had to get a whole new lunch.
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."
Excerpt from the Inaugural Address on January 20, 2017...

"...My fellow Americans, the long national nightmare is over..."
I sure as hell don't remember voting for Mabell Obama to do anything but be FIRST LADY of our country. don't think she isn't making money off this? she should tend to her own kids as neither one of them are ever there with them. control freak witch and then has the nerve to warn Congress not to TOUCH her program.

Michelle Obama: Changes to School Lunch Menu 'Unacceptable'
by Charlie Spiering 27 May 2014 1925 post a comment
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch...
Washington Times
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and...



Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandate
This video player must be at least 300x170 pixels in order to operate.
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandates
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.
First Lady Michelle Obama sent a strong message to Republicans in Congress who want to allow local school districts to opt out of the federal regulations on school lunches.
"This is unacceptable," she said during a roundtable discussion of the issue. “It's unacceptable to me not just as First Lady but also as a mother."
The strict rules, passed in 2010, limit the amount of fat, calories, sugar, and sodium served in school meals.

all of it here:
by Charlie Spiering 27 May 2014 1925 post a comment
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch...
Washington Times
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and...



Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandates
Linking and embedding are disabled for this video. Copy video embed code: <iframe width="590" height="332" src="News Distribution Network Inc." frameborder="no" scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe> Copy video link: Michelle Obama digs in for GOP assault on lunch mandates
Privacy Policy | Terms of Use
This video player must be at least 300x170 pixels in order to operate.
Michelle Obama digs in for GOP ‘assault’ on lunch mandates
First lady Michelle Obama is gearing up to defend her school lunch menus from Republicans in Congress who are calling for a scale-back to the regulations, based on student complaints of going hungry and districts’ claims of losing money.

Up Next
First Lady Michelle Obama sent a strong message to Republicans in Congress who want to allow local school districts to opt out of the federal regulations on school lunches.
"This is unacceptable," she said during a roundtable discussion of the issue. “It's unacceptable to me not just as First Lady but also as a mother."
The strict rules, passed in 2010, limit the amount of fat, calories, sugar, and sodium served in school meals.

So now here we have Michelle Obama, thinking she's been elected to some fucking office telling US ELECTED CONGRESSMEN who are giving the schools the right to opt out, "THAT'S UNACCEPTABLE."
I've always made it clear I lean liberal when it comes to hunger, especially in children.. I never argue against federal welfare programs.. I experienced hunger and so I know what that's like.. it's painful physically and emotionally thus , I champion hunger programs.. Just because a parent is poor doesn't mean her child has to shut the fuck up and eat stinkingazz slop..

Sliced carrots, celery, apples, whole grain pasta, poultry, etc. is "stinking slop?" :eek:

Again, if you want your kids to eat Super Candy Coated Sugar Bombs for every meal, provide the food yourself. BUT if the taxpayers are footing the bill, then it seems more than reasonable to provide nutritionally valuable foods.

I've never been in a 5 star establishment that did NOT serve whole grain products and fresh vegetables. Do you ever watch the Food Network? Junk food is the slop, it is the crap that people of means refuse to eat.
I know how all of you lefties love the feel good mantra.. you must feel great with kids being starved and being malnourished.

Brunig told KRLD that, as a result, a lot of food wound up in the trash. "With the new program in place, the new meal pattern, our participation started to drop. And the other thing was there was food waste. Children were not eating the food," she said. "If the children aren't eating the food, there's no nutrition."

You are hysterical.

In the bad way (I picture you weeping and gnashing your teeth) and the good way (hilarious!).
Again, FE
I've always made it clear I lean liberal when it comes to hunger, especially in children.. I never argue against federal welfare programs.. I experienced hunger and so I know what that's like.. it's painful physically and emotionally thus , I champion hunger programs.. Just because a parent is poor doesn't mean her child has to shut the fuck up and eat stinkingazz slop..

Sliced carrots, celery, apples, whole grain pasta, poultry, etc. is "stinking slop?" :eek:

Again, if you want your kids to eat Super Candy Coated Sugar Bombs for every meal, provide the food yourself. BUT if the taxpayers are footing the bill, then it seems more than reasonable to provide nutritionally valuable foods.

I've never been in a 5 star establishment that did NOT serve whole grain products and fresh vegetables. Do you ever watch the Food Network? Junk food is the slop, it is the crap that people of means refuse to eat.
I don't know what lame ass propaganda you've been reading but that doesn't jive with the regulations.. these kids are NOT eating a well rounded balanced meal.. you need to read the exact RULES on this.
I know how all of you lefties love the feel good mantra.. you must feel great with kids being starved and being malnourished.

Brunig told KRLD that, as a result, a lot of food wound up in the trash. "With the new program in place, the new meal pattern, our participation started to drop. And the other thing was there was food waste. Children were not eating the food," she said. "If the children aren't eating the food, there's no nutrition."

You are hysterical.

In the bad way (I picture you weeping and gnashing your teeth) and the good way (hilarious!).

< grins > I love it when leftist brainrotted junkies begin fantasizing about me.. Thank you.. glad I'm in your head.. More to come dopey.

What an unappetizing looking meal. In general, I'm a fan of fresh fruits an vegetables...but look at that awful slad. And what they hell is the brown stuff? Deep fried cardboard?
The School Nutrition Association conducted a survey at the group’s annual conference recently that showed roughly 25 percent of school lunch programs have lost money for more than six months because of the federally inspired bland school food options, the Detroit News reports.

“The association says that according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, student lunch participation is down in 49 states under the new standards, with more than 1 million fewer students choosing school lunch each day,” according to the News.

A recent Government Accountability Institute report estimates the total amount of wasted school lunches has also reached about $1 billion per year, according to Fox.

In Michigan’s Oakland County, for example, 4,700 fewer students are eating school lunches than when the federal regulations went into effect in 2012.

“The challenge has been in maintaining student participation along with managing the rising costs associated with the new regs,” Oakland schools’ child nutrition consultant Lori Adkins told the News.


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