Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.

That pack your kid's lunch FUCKING DUH!!!
Just like Secty Kerry said, Americans have the right to be stupid. Apparently, they also have the right to be fight and diabetic.

If you RWs really wanna make your point, buy your kids cigarettes too. Preferabley, unfiltered Camels.

That'll show her.
Idiocy from the liberal Zombie chorus.. We know you leftists support lockstep commands from Barack and Michelle.. fine.. YOU live by them.. as for the rest of us who love freedom, NO FUCKING THANKS.
OP- Brainwashed, fear mongered RW idiocy lol...healthier food choices, fewer processed food vending machines. You'd think intelligence were satanism...

Literally everything you spew from your rotted and cracked lips is a lie.. Move along before someone drops a house on you.

says the woman who still wont admit that there is no provision in the law for checking homemade lunches
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.


Why are you lying??? These kids are forced to eat that lunch or go hungry..

Who's lying you idiot. You even said it yourself that the kids have a choice.

My God that was TOO easy

THERE IT IS.. THE CHOICE TO GO HUNGRY or be forced to eat what the GOVERNMENT decides for you.

Nice meltdown loser.

LOL you may want to rethink who's melting down here .

Here's a hint

It's you

You CLEARLY stated that kids were being forced to eat "slop" end quote until called on it you added "oh yeah they have a choice"

You are STUPID, I mean if your IQ is above 90 I would be SHOCKED
Umm.....How wonderful for you to be able to live in your own reality.
The facts are clear. "Eat what we tell you to eat or you may go hungry. You're sandwich, milk and snack are unacceptable."
New York schools drop Michelle O 8217 s lunch program - EAGnews.org powered by Education Action Group Foundation Inc.

Just more schools to dump the overreaching governmental gulag of lunch protocol. The government has NO BUSINESS what so ever in forcing kids to eat what they demand. NONE. If some kids wants to down 5 hot dogs and his mom says fine, fuck the government.. None of your damn business.. If he's overweight, that's between his parents and himself.. The Constitution does not provide for the government to force people to eat what they decide is right.


True statement. If the child does not like the school menu he/she is allowed to go hungry the rest of the day.

So the food sucks, EAT IT OR ELSE................You can have good healthy foods without trashing the taste.......Second it is raising the prices on those who don't qualify...........Finally, it's costing 10 Billion a year already.............

When I grew up the meals had all the necessary elements in it, and it wasn't really that bad and it was healthy.................We had burger days and pizza days as well, but not all the time.............and kids LOVED IT................Stop being dicks to our children....................

If you want to end Childhood Obesity then mandate EXERCISE AND PE again.......Not make them eat cardboard because it's good for them............

The meals were fine before this BS, and it cost a hell of a lot less.
Top post by a conservative :
Elected to nothing, Queen Michelle, quite famous for her $400 taxpayer-funded lobster lunches, mandates what your children can and cannot eat at school. This despicable, reprehensible totalitarian witch needs to get out of our lives.

lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

I got a question:

How can these kids presumably have phones to take photos of these lunches, and not be able to bring a lunch from home?????

I didn't have a phone when I was in school, and I ate the lunch (which my parents paid for). And let me tell you, I remember white bread, processed turkey, drowned in gravy, canned vegetables that died a horrible death, macaroni and cheese that must have had butter added, it was swimming in so much fat. And I ate it. I didn't have a phone to take a photo and bitch about it to social media. And even if I did, my parents would have been ashamed to have me do it, and would have told me to pack my own lunch.

And DON'T bring up again that I wouldn't be able to have my own home-prepared lunch.......because in 99.99% of cases that's not true.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
But we don't have the freedom to choose which school our kids can attend because you leftists are owned by the teachers unions so you sell out kids again for the dollar and power.
1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards
By Elizabeth Harrington — The Washington Free Beacon - The Washington Times - Thursday, March 6, 2014
New school lunch standards implemented as a result of First Lady Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign have led to more than 1 million children leaving the lunch line, according to a new report.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a wide-ranging audit of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act nutrition standards last week, finding 48 out of 50 states faced challenges complying with Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
SEE ALSO: Kentucky kids to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’
The new standards led to kids throwing out their fruits and vegetables, student boycotts, higher lunch costs, and odd food pairings such as “cheese stick with shrimp” in order for schools to comply with the complicated rules.
The National School Lunch Program saw a sharp decline in participation once the healthy standards went into effect during the 2012-2013 school year. A total of 1,086,000 students stopped buying school lunch, after participation had increased steadily for nearly a decade.
The report found that 321 districts left the National School Lunch Program altogether, many of which cited the new standards as a factor.
The decline was “influenced by changes made to comply with the new lunch content and nutrition standards,” state and local officials said.
Though the USDA has claimed the standards were “proving popular,” the GAO report cited numerous cases where kids are unhappy with their new menus.
The standards forced some schools to stop serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and led middle school and high school students to opt for vending machines or buying food off campus to avoid the lunch line.
The GAO conducted a nationwide survey of nutrition directors and visited 17 schools in eight school districts for the audit. In each district, “students expressed dislike for certain foods that were served to comply with the new requirements, such as whole grain-rich products and vegetables in the beans and peas (legumes) and red-orange sub-groups, and this may have affected participation.”
GAO visited “modified or eliminated” popular food items. One district had to cut cheeseburgers because “adding cheese to the district’s burger patties would have made it difficult to stay within the weekly meat maximums.”
The new standards are exhaustive, including calorie ranges for each age group, sodium limits, zero tolerance for trans fats, and specific ounce amounts for meats and grains. White bread will be mostly phased out beginning in 2014 because only “whole grain rich” items will be allowed.
Portion requirements and calorie limits are also in conflict, leading some SFAs to add unhealthy food such as pudding or potato chips to the menu, and serve odd food combinations in order to meet the rules.
“For example, one SFA served saltine crackers and croutons with certain salads to meet the minimum daily grain requirement and a cheese stick with shrimp to meet the minimum daily meat requirement,” the GAO said.
Unappetizing food led to the biggest problem school officials faced: food waste.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/6/1m-kids-stop-school-lunch-due-michelle-obamas-stan/#ixzz3CIcUJKom
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I got a question:

How can these kids presumably have phones to take photos of these lunches, and not be able to bring a lunch from home?????

I didn't have a phone when I was in school, and I ate the lunch (which my parents paid for). And let me tell you, I remember white bread, processed turkey, drowned in gravy, canned vegetables that died a horrible death, macaroni and cheese that must have had butter added, it was swimming in so much fat. And I ate it. I didn't have a phone to take a photo and bitch about it to social media. And even if I did, my parents would have been ashamed to have me do it, and would have told me to pack my own lunch.

And DON'T bring up again that I wouldn't be able to have my own home-prepared lunch.......because in 99.99% of cases that's not true.

I'm with you on the phone thing. My cousin has a daughter in school who is only 9, the same age as my daughter and she has a cell phone already. I won't let my child have a cell phone.. she doesn't need one.
What a program.............They are throwing the lunches in the trash..............

What is a WELLNESS program that is mandated in all schools? Can someone tell me what this mandate is so I don't have to look it up.

Thanks in advance....

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