Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

Homeschool you children if possible
They are using your children as lab rats and teaching them social justice instead social studies, math, reading and writing
little commie camps is what they've become

I shudder to think what kind of illiterate, unthinking morons most on this board would produce if they home schooled their kids.

I pity the fool who is clueless about Freedom.......At what point does the Gov't stop butting into every damned thing.............They have mandated food that the kids don't like, so you are wasting money. And unless you live under a rock......We don't have 10 Billion Dollars to spend here........

Has anybody told you that this country is basically bankrupt and can't pay the bills already.

This shouldn't have been passed, but was passed by a temporary FART from the Asses of the Democratic Party.
Homeschool you children if possible
They are using your children as lab rats and teaching them social justice instead social studies, math, reading and writing
little commie camps is what they've become

I shudder to think what kind of illiterate, unthinking morons most on this board would produce if they home schooled their kids.

I pity the fool who is clueless about Freedom.......At what point does the Gov't stop butting into every damned thing.............They have mandated food that the kids don't like, so you are wasting money. And unless you live under a rock......We don't have 10 Billion Dollars to spend here........

Has anybody told you that this country is basically bankrupt and can't pay the bills already.

This shouldn't have been passed, but was passed by a temporary FART from the Asses of the Democratic Party.

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

He he he ha ha ha.........

You posted the vote and then state they all voted for it............LOL

17 Republicans jumped ship on it........It was a party line vote..............

Your funny.

Re-read my post. I stated that Senate Wrongpublicans all voted for it, because they did. The Senate vote was unanimous. The House vote was more divided, and my post reflected that.

Selective reading just isn't working out for you. You might try paying attention next time.

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

He he he ha ha ha.........

You posted the vote and then state they all voted for it............LOL

17 Republicans jumped ship on it........It was a party line vote..............

Your funny.

Re-read my post. I stated that Senate Wrongpublicans all voted for it, because they did. The Senate vote was unanimous. The House vote was more divided, and my post reflected that.

Selective reading just isn't working out for you. You might try paying attention next time.
Come on Systyr, only ONE Democrat voted NO. lol
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

THis whole arument is so stupid.

when I was in school the food tasted like shit. I graduated in 1989. Was there some magical improvement where school food tasted good until MO came along? Fuck no.

Just a dumb argument to be made.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

THis whole arument is so stupid.

when I was in school the food tasted like shit. I graduated in 1989. Was there some magical improvement where school food tasted good until MO came along? Fuck no.

Just a dumb argument to be made.

This. Suffering through bad school lunches is a rite of passage for public schoolers everywhere.

Although I (as a white-privileged private schooler) never did have to do this, it just seems to suit public school students.
OOOH that mean old Michelle Obama she changed the rules so that kid's who's parents are too lazy to make their lunch had to go from eating stuff that isn't very good to eat AND is bad for you to stuff that isn't very good to eat, but is much healthier for you.

What a bitch!!
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

THis whole arument is so stupid.

when I was in school the food tasted like shit. I graduated in 1989. Was there some magical improvement where school food tasted good until MO came along? Fuck no.

Just a dumb argument to be made.

This. Suffering through bad school lunches is a rite of passage for public schoolers everywhere.

Although I (as a white-privileged private schooler) never did have to do this, it just seems to suit public school students.
LGS wouldn't have any idea what school lunches tasted like, having herself obviously dropped out of school in the 4th grade. Who the hell remembers what lunch from the 4th grade tastes like?


This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

He he he ha ha ha.........

You posted the vote and then state they all voted for it............LOL

17 Republicans jumped ship on it........It was a party line vote..............

Your funny.

Re-read my post. I stated that Senate Wrongpublicans all voted for it, because they did. The Senate vote was unanimous. The House vote was more divided, and my post reflected that.

Selective reading just isn't working out for you. You might try paying attention next time.

Ah shut up you tool. Maybe your right and maybe I'll look at it. There is a reason the Congress is called the people's house. Maybe one day you'll figure that out and maybe one day you'll understand the concept of Freedom.

It is ok to suggest and incourage, it is wrong to force or the OR ELSE YOU'LL GO HUNGRY APPROACH.

Freedom is even the right to be stupid or fat if that is what that individual wants whether you like it or not.........It's ok to say, man your spare tire is growing dude, maybe you should lay off the 40 burgers diet for your own good. It is then is right to tell me to mind my own business and Shut up because that is his decision and his or her's right.

Kids going to school by guidlines have to have a healthy diet because it is required for the overall equation, but not to the point of the food being trashed which is a waste of taxpayers dollars.
Why should we conservatives worry about waste of taxpayer dollars - after all, it's just allowing the liberals to do wot comes naturally. To restrain them would be to violate their friggin' precious civil rights!
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

THis whole arument is so stupid.

when I was in school the food tasted like shit. I graduated in 1989. Was there some magical improvement where school food tasted good until MO came along? Fuck no.

Just a dumb argument to be made.

Your probably a damned yankee as I graduated before that date and most of the Food tasted pretty good. Perhaps they might have taken a lesson in Southern Cooking.

But, lets ignore that. You say your food tasted like shit, so lets make sure todays kids get bland food that tastes like ajdkfjafjj as well. That's kinda suffer kids, because I had to. Pretty stupid actually.

Again, how are we going to pay for it and why are you ok with the other kids having to pay more for less..........
Why should we conservatives worry about waste of taxpayer dollars - after all, it's just allowing the liberals to do wot comes naturally. To restrain them would be to violate their friggin' precious civil rights!

fuck it man, we;ll just raise taxes on those evil 1%ers. fuckers aint paying their share anyway.

I say we expand the program and if you don't want your kids eating that nasty shit at the cafeteria, just swing by your local school and they will give you $20 every monday to buy lunch for the week, that's per kid now.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

THis whole arument is so stupid.

when I was in school the food tasted like shit. I graduated in 1989. Was there some magical improvement where school food tasted good until MO came along? Fuck no.

Just a dumb argument to be made.

Your probably a damned yankee as I graduated before that date and most of the Food tasted pretty good. Perhaps they might have taken a lesson in Southern Cooking.

But, lets ignore that. You say your food tasted like shit, so lets make sure todays kids get bland food that tastes like ajdkfjafjj as well. That's kinda suffer kids, because I had to. Pretty stupid actually.

Again, how are we going to pay for it and why are you ok with the other kids having to pay more for less..........

I'm a southerner son and I was speaking from the kid's perspective. I'm sure the food wasn't near as bad as I remember it, and I've eaten at the schools recently and the food isn't as bad as my kid makes it out to be either.
OOOH that mean old Michelle Obama she changed the rules so that kid's who's parents are too lazy to make their lunch had to go from eating stuff that isn't very good to eat AND is bad for you to stuff that isn't very good to eat, but is much healthier for you.

What a bitch!!

What was broken before she showed up.............hmmmm They already had health requirements for schools in place that were FINE AND DANDY and the kids actually ate it instead of throwing it in the garbage.

If it isn't broken don't fix it.

Finally, PE is the answer.....Exercise..............To burn off the calories, and again kids burn more calories unless they aren't active at all.

Seems the cure misses the main point of the problem. Again, how do we pay for that 10 BILLION A YEAR....
OOOH that mean old Michelle Obama she changed the rules so that kid's who's parents are too lazy to make their lunch had to go from eating stuff that isn't very good to eat AND is bad for you to stuff that isn't very good to eat, but is much healthier for you.

What a bitch!!

What was broken before she showed up.............hmmmm They already had health requirements for schools in place that were FINE AND DANDY and the kids actually ate it instead of throwing it in the garbage.

If it isn't broken don't fix it.

Finally, PE is the answer.....Exercise..............To burn off the calories, and again kids burn more calories unless they aren't active at all.

Seems the cure misses the main point of the problem. Again, how do we pay for that 10 BILLION A YEAR....
THIS^^^ Bring back Physical Education
OOOH that mean old Michelle Obama she changed the rules so that kid's who's parents are too lazy to make their lunch had to go from eating stuff that isn't very good to eat AND is bad for you to stuff that isn't very good to eat, but is much healthier for you.

What a bitch!!

What was broken before she showed up.............hmmmm They already had health requirements for schools in place that were FINE AND DANDY and the kids actually ate it instead of throwing it in the garbage.

If it isn't broken don't fix it.

Finally, PE is the answer.....Exercise..............To burn off the calories, and again kids burn more calories unless they aren't active at all.

Seems the cure misses the main point of the problem. Again, how do we pay for that 10 BILLION A YEAR....

our school has mandatory PE, yours doesn't?
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

THis whole arument is so stupid.

when I was in school the food tasted like shit. I graduated in 1989. Was there some magical improvement where school food tasted good until MO came along? Fuck no.

Just a dumb argument to be made.

Your probably a damned yankee as I graduated before that date and most of the Food tasted pretty good. Perhaps they might have taken a lesson in Southern Cooking.

But, lets ignore that. You say your food tasted like shit, so lets make sure todays kids get bland food that tastes like ajdkfjafjj as well. That's kinda suffer kids, because I had to. Pretty stupid actually.

Again, how are we going to pay for it and why are you ok with the other kids having to pay more for less..........

I'm a southerner son and I was speaking from the kid's perspective. I'm sure the food wasn't near as bad as I remember it, and I've eaten at the schools recently and the food isn't as bad as my kid makes it out to be either.

I'm not your son, and now you've gone 180 degrees out of your original post. The food wasn't that bad, but kids will say so..........But bottom line I see the kids dumping it in the garbage so obviously it isn't working..........

I see no need to waste more money that we don't have, when the old meals were working at a better bang for the buck. That given I do encourage the promotion of healthy foods to kids, but not with an iron fist approach.
OOOH that mean old Michelle Obama she changed the rules so that kid's who's parents are too lazy to make their lunch had to go from eating stuff that isn't very good to eat AND is bad for you to stuff that isn't very good to eat, but is much healthier for you.

What a bitch!!

What was broken before she showed up.............hmmmm They already had health requirements for schools in place that were FINE AND DANDY and the kids actually ate it instead of throwing it in the garbage.

If it isn't broken don't fix it.

Finally, PE is the answer.....Exercise..............To burn off the calories, and again kids burn more calories unless they aren't active at all.

Seems the cure misses the main point of the problem. Again, how do we pay for that 10 BILLION A YEAR....

our school has mandatory PE, yours doesn't?

Before my last kid graduated in was optional in high school.

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