Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

The HELL if it doesn't. It has everything to with MaBella Obama. who's going to go against the her? She lobbied for it, acted like she was some elected Representative and You see what happens when they (Republicans) stand up against Obama. IT HAS EVERYTHING to do with Mabell

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

The HELL if it doesn't. It has everything to with MaBella Obama. who's going to go against the her? She lobbied for it, acted like she was some elected Representative and You see what happens when they (Republicans) stand up against Obama.

What happens? They get outed for being the head-in-the-sand racists they are?

Why are you so opposed to members of Congress being held responsible for their own votes? Does governmental responsibility and accountability only apply to those with a D beside their name?
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

Our Tax dollars are paying for this, so FO............Clear enough..........Some of us want our moneys worth............10 BILLION more in spending for bland food that the kids are dumping in the garbage.........Low carbs...........Kids need higher carbs if they are in sports after school...........They burn a hell of a lot of calories there..............

High School Students want a full meal, not a happy meal.............Some schools still have burgers, but can't add cheese because they violate the new law.......And in the other video they are locking up salt and catsup.............

This is lame law, written and passed by a Temporary Majority of RETARDS....................Large cost so kids can dump the dang lunches in the garbage..................

And then they say EAT IT OUR GO HUNGRY.........We say so..............It's the LAW..............Tell that to a 240 pound lineman in high school who needs the carbs for energy as they practice 2 hours plus after school...............He looks at the meal and goes WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.........I'M NOT A RABBIT............
Here's Think Progress, a liberal propaganda arm of the DNC who posted this, slamming republicans who voted against it.. NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted against it.. NOT ONE.

157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids ThinkProgress

Peter Welch did.

Wha?????? ANOTHER lie by Lady Cum Slinger? Say it aint so..............

I am unable to mark your post "Disagree" to express my disgust at your inappropriate sexualization of a fellow fymynyst social justice warrior, so I am communicating it to you via text instead.
Here's Think Progress, a liberal propaganda arm of the DNC who posted this, slamming republicans who voted against it.. NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted against it.. NOT ONE.

157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids ThinkProgress

Peter Welch did.
I happen to like Pete Welch.. he's a stand up Democrat and I can't say that about hardly any liberal.. He stands with Veterans..
Here's Think Progress, a liberal propaganda arm of the DNC who posted this, slamming republicans who voted against it.. NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted against it.. NOT ONE.

157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids ThinkProgress

Peter Welch did.

Wha?????? ANOTHER lie by Lady Cum Slinger? Say it aint so..............

I am unable to mark your post "Disagree" to express my disgust at your inappropriate sexualization of a fellow fymynyst social justice warrior, so I am communicating it to you via text instead.
Systyr, to whom are you referring to?
Here's Think Progress, a liberal propaganda arm of the DNC who posted this, slamming republicans who voted against it.. NOT ONE DEMOCRAT voted against it.. NOT ONE.

157 Republicans Vote Against Deficit-Reducing Bill That Gives Free Healthy Meals To Hungry Kids ThinkProgress

Peter Welch did.
I happen to like Pete Welch.. he's a stand up Democrat and I can't say that about hardly any liberal.. He stands with Veterans..

It has been suggested to me that Lady Shit Slinger is the appropriate name anyway, So I apologize.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

This is, in fact, not the doing of Michelle Obama. This is the doing of every single U.S. Senator, Democrat and Republican, because all of them voted in favor of S3307, or the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Mitch McConnell voted for this. Rand Paul voted for this. Ted Cruz voted for this. All of those horrible Wrongpublican bigots in the Senate you conservatards worship approved this, in a fleeting moment of sanity.

And in the House: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2010/roll603.xml

Look at the Wrongpublicans who voted in favor of it. They include Walter B. Jones, who represents numerous military bases across North Carolina. The USMC's largest base falls within his Congressional district, and of course, thousands upon thousands of his loyal voting constituents are military veterans. Despite this, Jones voted for the "No Bake Sales for Veterans Act".

Magneto could use the irony here to slaughter millions.

He he he ha ha ha.........

You posted the vote and then state they all voted for it............LOL

17 Republicans jumped ship on it........It was a party line vote..............

Your funny.
Homeschool you children if possible
They are using your children as lab rats and teaching them social justice instead social studies, math, reading and writing
little commie camps is what they've become
Homeschool you children if possible
They are using your children as lab rats and teaching them social justice instead social studies, math, reading and writing
little commie camps is what they've become

I agree with this...
1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards
By Elizabeth Harrington — The Washington Free Beacon - The Washington Times - Thursday, March 6, 2014
New school lunch standards implemented as a result of First Lady Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign have led to more than 1 million children leaving the lunch line, according to a new report.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a wide-ranging audit of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act nutrition standards last week, finding 48 out of 50 states faced challenges complying with Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.
SEE ALSO: Kentucky kids to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’
The new standards led to kids throwing out their fruits and vegetables, student boycotts, higher lunch costs, and odd food pairings such as “cheese stick with shrimp” in order for schools to comply with the complicated rules.
The National School Lunch Program saw a sharp decline in participation once the healthy standards went into effect during the 2012-2013 school year. A total of 1,086,000 students stopped buying school lunch, after participation had increased steadily for nearly a decade.
The report found that 321 districts left the National School Lunch Program altogether, many of which cited the new standards as a factor.
The decline was “influenced by changes made to comply with the new lunch content and nutrition standards,” state and local officials said.
Though the USDA has claimed the standards were “proving popular,” the GAO report cited numerous cases where kids are unhappy with their new menus.
The standards forced some schools to stop serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and led middle school and high school students to opt for vending machines or buying food off campus to avoid the lunch line.
The GAO conducted a nationwide survey of nutrition directors and visited 17 schools in eight school districts for the audit. In each district, “students expressed dislike for certain foods that were served to comply with the new requirements, such as whole grain-rich products and vegetables in the beans and peas (legumes) and red-orange sub-groups, and this may have affected participation.”
GAO visited “modified or eliminated” popular food items. One district had to cut cheeseburgers because “adding cheese to the district’s burger patties would have made it difficult to stay within the weekly meat maximums.”
The new standards are exhaustive, including calorie ranges for each age group, sodium limits, zero tolerance for trans fats, and specific ounce amounts for meats and grains. White bread will be mostly phased out beginning in 2014 because only “whole grain rich” items will be allowed.
Portion requirements and calorie limits are also in conflict, leading some SFAs to add unhealthy food such as pudding or potato chips to the menu, and serve odd food combinations in order to meet the rules.
“For example, one SFA served saltine crackers and croutons with certain salads to meet the minimum daily grain requirement and a cheese stick with shrimp to meet the minimum daily meat requirement,” the GAO said.
Unappetizing food led to the biggest problem school officials faced: food waste.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/6/1m-kids-stop-school-lunch-due-michelle-obamas-stan/#ixzz3CIcUJKom
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

But...that's a good thing isn't it?
Make welfare so unpleasant to be on that the moochers will start to take responsibility for themselves.
Homeschool you children if possible
They are using your children as lab rats and teaching them social justice instead social studies, math, reading and writing
little commie camps is what they've become

I shudder to think what kind of illiterate, unthinking morons most on this board would produce if they home schooled their kids.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.
lmao Eagle.. Heart you.. It's funny but sadly it's true.. KIDS having 850 calories all day long is ABUSIVE.

I agree. But the video said that they were getting 850 calories for lunch.

850 calories for one meal is hardly abusive.
Not their decision nor yours. I decide how much and what my child eats.. Not some dingbat First Lady who plants a garden for her servants to tend.
Quite right.
The government should return your right to send your kids to school with a packed lunch immediately!

If we had freedom of choice like you LIBERAL HYOCRITES champion on slaughtering kids, in where to send our kids to school, there would be competition and the public school system wouldn't be such a wretched failure.
I'm supporting you.
You SHOULD have the right to send your kids to school with lunch made at home.

I'm supportive of throwing the Dems out of office and changing this expensive waste of Tax payers dollars.........

As a tax payer, I consider this law a waste of money............If we are going to pay this kind of money then I want to see some REAL DANG FOOD ON THE PLATE..........not rabbit food..........

I believe in a healthy diet, but the kids aren't going to eat it because its bland. They are throwing the stuff in the trash.............And to pay for it, they are raising the prices on all other kids for that wimpy meal.

Yeah, my kids are out of school......but they'd be brown bagging lunches for sure as I'd never participate in the BS.

You tell em baby! ;-)

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