Michelle O's tyrannical lunch program dumped by NY Schools

Five Hundred posts on the topic and in not one of them has Cum Slinger managed to post the part of the federal law which allegedly dictates that schools patrol homemade lunches and force kids to take school lunches.

Hey Cum Slinger have you noticed that not ONE person has came to your aid in this thread? Not one, That would suggest to a mentally stable person that maybe just maybe their position is untenable.

Long story short, you're an idiot and no one wants anything to do with you or your stupid opinion.

Your constant barrage of insults serve to do nothing but reflect back on you. I don't need the friend of a liberal to take my part in this thread.. if he wants to sell out, that;s his fucking problem, not mine.. Also, I'm not the only conservative.. guess again.
Your constant barrage of insults serve to do nothing but reflect back on you. I don't need the friend of a liberal to take my part in this thread.. if he wants to sell out, that;s his fucking problem, not mine.. Also, I'm not the only conservative.. guess again.

The ENTIRE law is available online, it should be VERY easy for you to quote the section where schools are required, hell even encouraged, to check homemade lunches OR told to force kids to eat.
Michelle Obama has champoined child obesity from the beginning of her role as First Lady. It seems I remember her promoting this particular program. If a public school employee checks a lunch on behalf of the program, they function as a de facto federal official. So did this happen? Is that the reason NY dropped the program? Seems like if the answers are both yes, there is no real argument left.

IF an actual inspector looked in my grand kids home packed lunch, said inspector would be in recovery for at least 6 month - regardless of prison term for me.

The problem I have with the stories is that they always fall apart under close examination, but if one ever turns out true, then the government thugs involved need some quality, one on one time with a parent and a baseball bat.

What goes in a free lunch is the government's business. What a child takes from home is absolutely not. The MINUTE administrators or other thugs move that direction, they need a serious lesson on boundaries. Nothing better than a tire iron to teach such a lesson.

{But even when the facts are correctly stated, as I’m assuming was the case with the Manitoba Ritz crackers (for which Dr. Freedhoff actually posts a screen shot of the school’s note to the parent), it’s important to reflect for a moment why schools might be peering into kids lunch boxes. - See more at: http://civileats.com/2013/11/21/schools-interfere-with-home-packed-lunches/#sthash.dURERX87.dpuf}

Is that what you mean by "debunked?" :eek:
Michelle Obama has champoined child obesity from the beginning of her role as First Lady. It seems I remember her promoting this particular program. If a public school employee checks a lunch on behalf of the program, they function as a de facto federal official. So did this happen? Is that the reason NY dropped the program? Seems like if the answers are both yes, there is no real argument left.

NO ONE is checking lunches on behalf of the program.

Here's an analogy.

Let's say you are hiding something illegal in your closet and your girlfriend gets mad at you and takes it and gives it to the cops telling them where she found

That is NOT her acting as an agent of the police because they didn't ask her to look for illegal things.

If on the other hand , a police officer asked her to look through your shit for anything illegal, that is an ILLEGAL search becuase she is acting as an agent of the police.

The program here has NOT asked anyone to search home packed lunches. How much of a simpleton are some of you morons?
Michelle Obama has champoined child obesity from the beginning of her role as First Lady. It seems I remember her promoting this particular program. If a public school employee checks a lunch on behalf of the program, they function as a de facto federal official. So did this happen? Is that the reason NY dropped the program? Seems like if the answers are both yes, there is no real argument left.

NO ONE is checking lunches on behalf of the program.

Here's an analogy.

Let's say you are hiding something illegal in your closet and your girlfriend gets mad at you and takes it and gives it to the cops telling them where she found

That is NOT her acting as an agent of the police because they didn't ask her to look for illegal things.

If on the other hand , a police officer asked her to look through your shit for anything illegal, that is an ILLEGAL search becuase she is acting as an agent of the police.

The program here has NOT asked anyone to search home packed lunches. How much of a simpleton are some of you morons?

That is a blatant lie and one which liberals want to continue to spew. Your propaganda campaign doesn't work.
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?

If the lunch is paid for by others, then others decide what is in it. I can't figure out what is wrong with that?

If I buy tacos for the homeless as I drive through Del Taco, I decide what I will buy, not they.
All Heil Mabella Obama
all I can say is parents you should be packing your kids lunch's
some of the stuff they served I wouldn't eat or give my dog
It's amazing just how far the Obama Presidency has used the force of the Federal Government to enslave Americans. He wasn't lying, "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE."

What we are talking about here are free lunches given to illegal aliens, for the most part. Any child is free to take a lunch from home and eat what they please, we are only talking about the free lunch from the cafeteria. So honestly, I have to say at the point that one is accepting free lunch from the government, the government does have a right to say what is in that lunch,

No we're not.. IT'S ALL FREE and REDUCED lunches, PERIOD.. WTF?

If the lunch is paid for by others, then others decide what is in it. I can't figure out what is wrong with that?

If I buy tacos for the homeless as I drive through Del Taco, I decide what I will buy, not they.
Really?? SO when my date takes me out and pays for my dinner I forfeit the right to order what I like????
What a flimsy argument some of you conservatives are coming up with in order to revert to type and align with leftists.. WTG
Breibart disagree's with you CONS who say it's only free lunches.. I guess Breibart lies.
On July 1, the standards got stricter for all participants in the National School Lunch Program that is shepherded out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and has forced schools to limit calories, trans fats and sodium, while serving students a wider variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and axe portion sizes. However, the lunch lady in chief's program's been working out so well that the only increase the feds have seen is a noticeable uptick in food thrown in the garbage.

Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy
NO ONE is checking lunches on behalf of the program.

It appears from the dozen or so links that were posted, that they are.

Since the checks were at pre-school, I smell Head Start - another federal program, involved. Again, if you dance with the devil, he calls the song. If you care about civil liberty, what the fuck are you doing putting your kid in Head Start?

Here's an analogy.

Let's say you are hiding something illegal in your closet and your girlfriend gets mad at you and takes it and gives it to the cops telling them where she found

That is NOT her acting as an agent of the police because they didn't ask her to look for illegal things.

If on the other hand , a police officer asked her to look through your shit for anything illegal, that is an ILLEGAL search becuase she is acting as an agent of the police.

The program here has NOT asked anyone to search home packed lunches. How much of a simpleton are some of you morons?

Your analogy has no validity.

In the documented cases presented, school officials randomly searched sack lunches. BUT it appears that in each case, it was a Head Start pre-school, not a legitimate public school.
Breibart disagree's with you CONS who say it's only free lunches.. I guess Breibart lies.
On July 1, the standards got stricter for all participants in the National School Lunch Program that is shepherded out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and has forced schools to limit calories, trans fats and sodium, while serving students a wider variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and axe portion sizes. However, the lunch lady in chief's program's been working out so well that the only increase the feds have seen is a noticeable uptick in food thrown in the garbage.

Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy

From your own article;

{NSLP provides per meal cash reimbursements to schools as an entitlement to provide nutritious meals to children. This means that all eligible schools can participate and all children attending those schools can participate. Schools participating in NSLP also receive agricultural commodities (unprocessed or partially processed foods) as a supplement to the per-meal cash reimbursements, in amounts based on the number of lunches they serve.}

It's welfare.

IF you want free food, then you get what is given.
What a slippery slope we travel when we try to excuse the left's power grab at all levels. The article SAYS ALL PARTICIPANTS, not free and reduced lunches.
Breibart disagree's with you CONS who say it's only free lunches.. I guess Breibart lies.
On July 1, the standards got stricter for all participants in the National School Lunch Program that is shepherded out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and has forced schools to limit calories, trans fats and sodium, while serving students a wider variety of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and axe portion sizes. However, the lunch lady in chief's program's been working out so well that the only increase the feds have seen is a noticeable uptick in food thrown in the garbage.

Michelle Obama s Federal Forced Food Efforts Stir Controversy

From your own article;

{NSLP provides per meal cash reimbursements to schools as an entitlement to provide nutritious meals to children. This means that all eligible schools can participate and all children attending those schools can participate. Schools participating in NSLP also receive agricultural commodities (unprocessed or partially processed foods) as a supplement to the per-meal cash reimbursements, in amounts based on the number of lunches they serve.}

It's welfare.

IF you want free food, then you get what is given.
The National School Lunch Program serves 30.5 million or over 60% children National School Lunch Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What a flimsy argument some of you conservatives are coming up with in order to revert to type and align with leftists.. WTG

some of foods were so bland, and they cut down on portions so the kids either weren't eating it and throwing it away or were still hunger for the rest of school. I was a baker, I baked the regular size cinnamon rolls for three years, 500 of them for the school. then when MaBella came involved they wanted to cut down the portions, so they ended up looking like little eyeballs and I had to make 1500 -1600 of those and it took me two days because I also had to make breakfast serve both breakfast and lunch, clean up, all in 5.75 hrs.
They made the kids go back into the lunch room,( I worked in a grade school kindergartner to 5th) and GET a fruit or vegetable if they didn't have it on their trays. Kids crying all over the lunch room and decided I wasn't going to be their food Nazi. so I quit.
Parents need to go see what they are doing to your children.
A family with two kids can make 42k a year and get reduced lunches which means just about every kid in school is on this lunch program... WHICH IS WHY Michelle and Barack targeted it.
What a flimsy argument some of you conservatives are coming up with in order to revert to type and align with leftists.. WTG

some of foods were so bland, and they cut down on portions so the kids either weren't eating it and throwing it away or were still hunger for the rest of school. I was a baker, I baked the regular size cinnamon rolls for three years, 500 of them for the school. then when MaBella came involved they wanted to cut down the portions, so they ended up looking like little eyeballs and I had to make 1500 -1600 of those and it took me two days because I also had to make breakfast serve both breakfast and lunch, clean up, all in 5.75 hrs.
They made the kids go back into the lunch room,( I worked in a grade school kindergartner to 5th) and GET a fruit or vegetable if they didn't have it on their trays. Kids crying all over the lunch room and decided I wasn't going to be their food Nazi. so I quit.
Parents need to go see what they are doing to your children.

Good for you Stephie.. < hug > I so admire you.

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