Michelle Wants Kids to Monitor Family for Racism

Michelle and her family needs to stay out of my home..

Media silent as Michelle Obama tells students to monitor families for racism - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com

It almost sounds like something straight out of George Orwell's "1984." While speaking to high school graduates in Topeka, Kansas, First Lady Michelle Obama said students should monitor family members, friends and co-workers for racially insensitive remarks and correct them as needed, The Blaze reported Monday. Aside from The Blaze and various conservative blogs, no mainstream media outlet reported the comments as of this writing.

Obama also referenced this in remarks published on the White House website, The Blaze added.

“[O]ur laws may no longer separate us based on our skin color, but nothing in the Constitution says we have to eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods,” the first lady said. “There’s no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny.”

She asked students to “drag my generation and your grandparents’ generation along with you” in the fight against racism.

“Maybe that starts simply in your own family, when grandpa tells that off-colored joke at Thanksgiving, or you’ve got an aunt [that] talks about ‘those people,’” she added. “Well, you can politely inform them that they’re talking about your friends."

Radio talk show host Glenn Beck noted Obama's comments and sarcastically wondered if segregation was making a comeback under the radar.

"Michelle Obama gave a speech where… they’re worried about segregation again, and I don’t think that that was something that any of us worried about six years ago,” he said. “Was anybody on the, ‘Hey, we might all be segregated again?’ I don’t know. It’s strange how their policies to bring us all together is just driving a stake in our heart and a wedge between all of us.”

Obama is promoting what amounts to block monitors within the family, a favorite tactic of Stalinists and PC Nazis of the past century.
Please source your claim the Nazi's were asking the children to report - what was it they were to report. Were you there? And if you read the piece, the First Lady asked that they challenge not report, kinda like the people here are challenging each other all the time. Another dumb distraction from the right wing clown car.

1) I am not going to bother to source my statement about the Nazis encouraging youth to report on their parents. If you dont know that already then I am sure my feeble powers cannot remedy your affliction.

2) Telling children to 'challenge' their parents is an oblique way of getting them to report on their parents, as such 'correcting' will cause conflict which the child will lose, then the self-righteous little bastard will tell his teachers, 'I tried to correct them, but then they grounded me for a month!' etc.

This is why frauds like Obama keep getting over on the public, serving the Wall Street banks while making you think he is there for you instead. That reason? You are idiots.
Challenging and correcting are far more expedient and productive than reporting.

When you report someone's supposed racism ... Then you hobble the effectiveness in correction through unnecessary litigation or process in determining fault. The administration would also have to take personal responsibility for how they handle ... Or fail to handle any such reporting.

So I assume the way the Government knows that my child has "challenged and corrected" me for something is when he/she doesn't show up for school multiple days because they've been locked in their bedroom for the next three weeks?

So essentially they get the kids to not only do their dirty work but to take the brunt of the retaliation from their parents. Neat idea. Another reason to NEVER send any child to any Government-run or funded facility (school, daycare, etc....)

It is a lot easier to incite a bunch of mush-headed children to become misguided race vigilanties. That way there no need to establish any kind of responsible response measured on actual fact of fault.

And more impotantly to get the kids to become the focus of the retaliation by the parents, rather than the Government.
Obama is promoting what amounts to block monitors within the family, a favorite tactic of Stalinists and PC Nazis of the past century.

Yes, all authoritarian groupings do this. Included with those above are far right wing evangelical churches, parents who can't let go of their children's lives after majority, and many other organizations from left to right.
Media silent as Michelle Obama tells students to monitor families for racism - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com

It almost sounds like something straight out of George Orwell's "1984." While speaking to high school graduates in Topeka, Kansas, First Lady Michelle Obama said students should monitor family members, friends and co-workers for racially insensitive remarks and correct them as needed, The Blaze reported Monday. Aside from The Blaze and various conservative blogs, no mainstream media outlet reported the comments as of this writing.

Obama also referenced this in remarks published on the White House website, The Blaze added.

“[O]ur laws may no longer separate us based on our skin color, but nothing in the Constitution says we have to eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods,” the first lady said. “There’s no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny.”

She asked students to “drag my generation and your grandparents’ generation along with you” in the fight against racism.

“Maybe that starts simply in your own family, when grandpa tells that off-colored joke at Thanksgiving, or you’ve got an aunt [that] talks about ‘those people,’” she added. “Well, you can politely inform them that they’re talking about your friends."

Radio talk show host Glenn Beck noted Obama's comments and sarcastically wondered if segregation was making a comeback under the radar.

"Michelle Obama gave a speech where… they’re worried about segregation again, and I don’t think that that was something that any of us worried about six years ago,” he said. “Was anybody on the, ‘Hey, we might all be segregated again?’ I don’t know. It’s strange how their policies to bring us all together is just driving a stake in our heart and a wedge between all of us.”

Obama is promoting what amounts to block monitors within the family, a favorite tactic of Stalinists and PC Nazis of the past century.

I don't know.

If she wasn't the FLOTUS--and said the same thing--I would be ok with this. I guess.

Coming from a religious background--things like this have been said.

It would not have done any good in my family--'I have a right to say what I want'---just like this message board.

For myself--I keep trying to strive for some better way.

Before anyone gets upset with me--I clearly see the other side of this issue.

Thinking out loud I suppose. 'Not fair'---I could write a book.

This is Michelle Obama--she has a 'right' to say what she thinks and so on and so on and so on. Do I like it---completely agree with it --No. Will it work--no. She made a speech.

I have to leave it at that. So many really good people of all kinds in the world --I try to remember that----all I can do. How are you going to live?

The hatred isn't good for anyone?
she said something obvious and you all freak

do you even LIVE your own lives, or just vicariously through the obamas mistakes?

She said something that any traditional family is OBVIOUSLY going to take significant offense to. Where I come from, children do not attempt to "correct" or "teach" their parents ANYTHING. That's a one way trip to a very unpleasant (and quite painful) place for the child.

"Traditional" families punish kids by beating them?

You can save that tradition, thanks.

"Traditional" families are like that dimwad this week who's email was exposed to be calling Obama a ******, and if he's challenged by a kid who is smarter than he is the kid gets his ass kicked?

You can save that tradition, thanks.

Beating? Who said anything about a beating? You can punish a child without beating them.
Now you see why parents didn't want her to come and speak

I wouldn't let my children near that woman or her husband

horrible people and horrible parents as they are NEVER home with their own children..

Stephanie--I've read a number of your posts and I think I understand your points.

I don't like 'all this either'--but I think the Obamas are good parents.

It is just so hard--all the political issues that divide the country.

I have a feeling the problems with the VA are going to make a major difference---not related to this thread but we need to collectively do some serious thinking.

Probably shouldn't have said any of that. Very concerned about what should be next for this nation. fyi.
Now you see why parents didn't want her to come and speak

I wouldn't let my children near that woman or her husband

horrible people and horrible parents as they are NEVER home with their own children..

Stephanie--I've read a number of your posts and I think I understand your points.

I don't like 'all this either'--but I think the Obamas are good parents.

It is just so hard--all the political issues that divide the country.

I have a feeling the problems with the VA are going to make a major difference---not related to this thread but we need to collectively do some serious thinking.

Probably shouldn't have said any of that. Very concerned about what should be next for this nation. fyi.

Do you think the Obama's are the type of parents that teach their own children to challenge and/or correct them and if so do you think they would take their corrections calmly?
Now you see why parents didn't want her to come and speak

I wouldn't let my children near that woman or her husband

horrible people and horrible parents as they are NEVER home with their own children..

Stephanie--I've read a number of your posts and I think I understand your points.

I don't like 'all this either'--but I think the Obamas are good parents.

It is just so hard--all the political issues that divide the country.

I have a feeling the problems with the VA are going to make a major difference---not related to this thread but we need to collectively do some serious thinking.

Probably shouldn't have said any of that. Very concerned about what should be next for this nation. fyi.

Do you think the Obama's are the type of parents that teach their own children to challenge and/or correct them and if so do you think they would take their corrections calmly?

I think they 'talk' about things. Some families do. I wouldn't really know much about that--my family argues. We cannot talk about a lot of things --racism being one.

It is almost more than I can stand. fyi.

An African American man just came to cut my 93 yr old mother's grass. He is as kind of a human as anyone can be. So many kind people of all kinds.
who wants to listen o this crap at a graduation? Just like Michelle taking about racism...these two are such downers...they have nothing uplifting to say to kids


Obama urges graduates not to fear government

Delivers message of optimism as economy ralles

By Jackie Calmes | New York Times May 06, 2013

“Yours has become a generation possessed with that most American of ideas — that people who love their country can change it for the better,” President Obama said.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Acknowledging that commencement addresses are no place for partisanship, President Obama nonetheless hovered close to that political line on Sunday, telling graduates at Ohio State University to ignore antigovernment movements that ‘‘gum up the works.’’

Instead, he said, they should aspire to be citizens who are engaged in their government and who value both individual rights and community responsibilities.

‘‘Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that’s at the root of all our problems,’’ Obama told the crowd at the Ohio State commencement ceremony, which totaled almost 60,000 people. ‘‘They’ll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.’’

ALL of it here
Obama tells graduates to reject cynical views of government - Politics - The Boston Globe
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sigh--They can say it. Others can 'say' whatever.

Think for yourself--all I know. It's a mess of epic proportions.
"Traditional" families punish kids by beating them? You can save that tradition, thanks.

Traditional families employ corporal punishment as a means to ensure that children and wives learn the lesson the first time rather than having to repeat it on multiple occasions.

"Traditional" families are like that dimwad this week who's email was exposed to be calling Obama a ******, and if he's challenged by a kid who is smarter than he is the kid gets his ass kicked? You can save that tradition, thanks.

Children are PROPERTY until the point where they are capable of supporting themselves. Until that point in time they do not have opinions or views of their own.

That was either a very poor attempt at humor or a very good attempt at being stupid.
That was either a very poor attempt at humor or a very good attempt at being stupid.

I do not believe in humor or sarcasm as appropriate means of communication, Unkotoare. You will never see me use either one in conversation. Life is a serious business and always will be. There is no place in it for humor, sarcasm, or people who cannot follow the proper rules of society and the family.
Stephanie--I've read a number of your posts and I think I understand your points.

I don't like 'all this either'--but I think the Obamas are good parents.

It is just so hard--all the political issues that divide the country.

I have a feeling the problems with the VA are going to make a major difference---not related to this thread but we need to collectively do some serious thinking.

Probably shouldn't have said any of that. Very concerned about what should be next for this nation. fyi.

Do you think the Obama's are the type of parents that teach their own children to challenge and/or correct them and if so do you think they would take their corrections calmly?

I think they 'talk' about things. Some families do. I wouldn't really know much about that--my family argues. We cannot talk about a lot of things --racism being one.

It is almost more than I can stand. fyi.

An African American man just came to cut my 93 yr old mother's grass. He is as kind of a human as anyone can be. So many kind people of all kinds.

Yes there are kind people in this world of all stripes and vice versa. But that has nothing to do with the topic. A child challenging their parent is never a good idea and I am willing to bet the Obama's wouldn't appreciate it from their own children.
Do you think the Obama's are the type of parents that teach their own children to challenge and/or correct them and if so do you think they would take their corrections calmly?

I think they 'talk' about things. Some families do. I wouldn't really know much about that--my family argues. We cannot talk about a lot of things --racism being one.

It is almost more than I can stand. fyi.

An African American man just came to cut my 93 yr old mother's grass. He is as kind of a human as anyone can be. So many kind people of all kinds.

Yes there are kind people in this world of all stripes and vice versa. But that has nothing to do with the topic. A child challenging their parent is never a good idea and I am willing to bet the Obama's wouldn't appreciate it from their own children.

As rare as they may be--I do think there are families that discuss issues--children ask questions--not certain that is challenging authority. I can't explain.

Had I asked these sort of questions---to my father in the early 60's---I really don't know what he would have said or done--I almost wish I had.

Go to church---and we did---'love others'--that was supposed to be the unifying philosophy in my family. Never understood 'the hatred'---lots of problems still from that.

I wouldn't expect to hear anything different from Michelle Obama--don't really agree. fwiw.

I don't know what the 'answer' is ---just know I have to hold onto something positive.
I don't like to bring in the children of a politician

but I feel sorry for the Obama's children

they are being fed this constant hate of how they are being brought down because of their skin color

It's just ugly by ugly people who happen to be in power over us

If you don't like it..why you still do it anyways? You don't give a shit...

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