Michelle Wolf To Vulgar For The P***Y Grabber In Chief

As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.
Ever heard of a roast? Oh, that's right.....trumpanzees are snowflakes....don't hurt their delicate feelings.
As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.
Ever heard of a roast? Oh, that's right.....trumpanzees are snowflakes....don't hurt their delicate feelings.
This was not a roast.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
Why is Wolf allowed to say nasty things about her political opposition, but the opposition can't respond in kind? As far as I'm concerned, she has every right to say what she wants, but everyone else has that same right. Why are you lefties such hypocrites?
As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.
Ever heard of a roast? Oh, that's right.....trumpanzees are snowflakes....don't hurt their delicate feelings.
This was not a roast.
Bodecea isn't the brightest Jew in Dachau.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?


Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?


It never ceases to amaze me how the rightwing snowflakes can't stomach the taste of their own medicine. What made Michelle especially effective is how she kicked their asses up one side of the street, and back down the other with comedy.

Yeah, joking about abortion is funny
What the hell is wrong with you people?

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?


It never ceases to amaze me how the rightwing snowflakes can't stomach the taste of their own medicine. What made Michelle especially effective is how she kicked their asses up one side of the street, and back down the other with comedy.

Liberals only like vulgarity when they are dishing it out.

Otherwise they miraculously pull morals and scruples out of their ass.
O my, eesh! OP should be closed just for posting that horrid pic! Not only is she ugly, that voice is like nails on a chalkboard! I thought she was done after her pre-election Trump rantings.

That latest thing she did was beyond poor taste and smacked of failure, to the point where you almost feel sorry for her. Almost.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?

As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.

I'm willing to bet that schtick of hers turned off a majority of Democrats as well.

But Bodey likes it!
As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.
Ever heard of a roast? Oh, that's right.....trumpanzees are snowflakes....don't hurt their delicate feelings.
This was not a roast.

It was a "Hatenanny"

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?


It never ceases to amaze me how the rightwing snowflakes can't stomach the taste of their own medicine. What made Michelle especially effective is how she kicked their asses up one side of the street, and back down the other with comedy.

Liberals only like vulgarity when they are dishing it out.

Otherwise they miraculously pull morals and scruples out of their ass.
:71: that you think that applies only to liberals. She was just telling it like it is.
As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.
Ever heard of a roast? Oh, that's right.....trumpanzees are snowflakes....don't hurt their delicate feelings.
This was not a roast.

It was a "Hatenanny"

That rolls off the tongue well. :113:


Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?


It never ceases to amaze me how the rightwing snowflakes can't stomach the taste of their own medicine. What made Michelle especially effective is how she kicked their asses up one side of the street, and back down the other with comedy.


That's about the lowest I've ever seen any comedian stoop, ever!

Her schtick was too low and crass to even be funny. Fail.

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