Michelle Wolf To Vulgar For The P***Y Grabber In Chief

I only saw a couple of her horrible jokes about foreign oil in Don Jr. hair. WTF? :confused-84: The Liberal definition of hero is anyone who bashes Donald Trump publicly. She sucks but nobody knew her until yesterday so she has that going for her.
The last dinner Michelle went to was at Planned Parenthood. As she sat down to eat she demanded to know where the eyeballs were. "I hear baby eyeballs taste like puddin', where's mine?"

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?

Seems, according to what I've read online, and heard on MTP and FTN today, she was too vulgar for a number of people
If last night's WHCD did anything, it provided Trump with more fodder for his "fake news, media bias" screed. Republicans and "conservatives" should be rejoicing, the media should be taking a long hard look at itself, and of not, it should at least be looking at what the WHCD has become.
Let me be blunt if a so called comedian had said the same type of stuff about President Obama and any women in his administration the same left on here and around the country would be calling that person a racist and sexist not hero. Now this woman has the right to be as vile and vulgar as she wishes that is her right but those who disagree with her have the right label her as a vile hate filled bitch freedom of speech will always cut both ways.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
Vile and disgusting is not funny. Most of the so called journalists there were liberals. I bet they would have sang a different tune if barry butt boi was prez still huh? The dick grabber in chief.

This horrid display by the left will be another nail in your coffin.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
Michelle Wolf has done more to re-elect Donald Trump President Than Kathy Griffin. Out of touch metropolitan liberals don’t get it. Out in the hinterlands millions of Americans reside...and they love their country.
You have to hand it to Michelle Wolf. She's one smart cookie. She cuts her bras in two and sells them as yalmulke's with chin straps. That's how she makes her real money.
I find her non attractive and not humorous. I can see why she has so much anger. Who would even want to have a cup of coffee with her as a human being? No wonder she has drug addiction problems.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
Marine who covers grenade to save his fellow Marines is a hero. Wolf is just a worthless ****. I would never say that about a woman or a lady...but because she is neither...fuck her and her ugly face.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?


It never ceases to amaze me how the rightwing snowflakes can't stomach the taste of their own medicine. What made Michelle especially effective is how she kicked their asses up one side of the street, and back down the other with comedy.


Not one backed horrid jokes on the first lady. Go for it fuck face...you cannot find that any one made jokes like this. Now for fun. Get fucking ready.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
Marine who covers grenade to save his fellow Marines is a hero. Wolf is just a worthless ****. I would never say that about a woman or a lady...but because she is neither...fuck her and her ugly face.

Another hypocrite that can't stomach the taste of his own medicine.

I'm going to do something that I never do. Explain. I realize turds like you have short and selective memories, so pay very close attention.

It was the likes of AM talk radio clowns like Rush Limbaugh, that set this kind of precedent a long time ago, which still continues ad nauseum to this day. And if that wasn't bad enough, along comes Fox News with their own special form of vomit everyone has to smell.

And the end product of that shit hole ends up being Donald Trump, who continues setting the precedent during the campaign, and to this day as the grifter in chief. With actual evidence he is a traitor to the country.

And where was the coward ass draft dodger?

So a girl, rubs your noses in it at a correspondence dinner, and you fuck wits have the unmitigated gall to act offended?

Fuck you dude. Seriously.

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
hero ?? hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahah--- and--- ahahahhahahahahahahhahahah
your definition of a hero must be:
1. publicly foul mouth wh*re which is unappetizing to look at , which is not funny at all
In a 2005 interview, Clint Eastwood put it bluntly: “Extremism is so easy. You’ve got your position, and that’s it. It doesn’t take much thought.”
Why Humans Increasingly Are Unaware of Their Ignorance (And Why it's a Big Problem)


Except when the opposite of that extremism starts to push back, then it doesn't seem so easy anymore.

Let me think for a moment of all of the cliches that come to mind rightwing extremists don't seem to ever get.

Don't start no shit, and there won't be none.

Don't let your alligator mouth overload your canary asshole.

What goes around comes around.

Karma is a bitch.

Or if you're a conservative snowflake, there is the biblical version

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Just remember who it was who set this precedent. Because I can promise you, we're not going to let you forget it from where I sit.
In a 2005 interview, Clint Eastwood put it bluntly: “Extremism is so easy. You’ve got your position, and that’s it. It doesn’t take much thought.”
Why Humans Increasingly Are Unaware of Their Ignorance (And Why it's a Big Problem)


Except when the opposite of that extremism starts to push back, then it doesn't seem so easy anymore.

Let me think for a moment of all of the cliches that come to mind rightwing extremists don't seem to ever get.

Don't start no shit, and there won't be none.

Don't let your alligator mouth overload your canary asshole.

What goes around comes around.

Karma is a bitch.

Or if you're a conservative snowflake, there is the biblical version

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Just remember who it was who set this precedent. Because I can promise you, we're not going to let you forget it from where I sit.
I see ya put a lot of thought into that talking point parade

Let me be blunt: Michelle Wolf is a Hero.

She did something that frankly a lot of so-called journalist have failed to to do, which is to tell the damn truth in front of Trumpers. They can’t handle the truth. They lie and lie and then they lies some more.

They’re god damn delusional.

And they’re mean. Viciously mean.

Trump brags about how mean he is. He bragged about what he does to women, he has his paid Russian-Mob-Thug-Consigliere pay off those women. And now when one woman stands up to them, when one woman shines a mirror back into their face at their own disrespect of the American people. At their own disrespect of our intelligence, our good sense and what’s left of our basic human empathy.

All I gotta say is : about time.

And I’m not alone.

So Michelle Wolf was too vulgar for the Spokeshill of the P*ssy Grabber in Chief?
Marine who covers grenade to save his fellow Marines is a hero. Wolf is just a worthless ****. I would never say that about a woman or a lady...but because she is neither...fuck her and her ugly face.

Another hypocrite that can't stomach the taste of his own medicine.

I'm going to do something that I never do. Explain. I realize turds like you have short and selective memories, so pay very close attention.

It was the likes of AM talk radio clowns like Rush Limbaugh, that set this kind of precedent a long time ago, which still continues ad nauseum to this day. And if that wasn't bad enough, along comes Fox News with their own special form of vomit everyone has to smell.

And the end product of that shit hole ends up being Donald Trump, who continues setting the precedent during the campaign, and to this day as the grifter in chief. With actual evidence he is a traitor to the country.

And where was the coward ass draft dodger?

So a girl, rubs your noses in it at a correspondence dinner, and you fuck wits have the unmitigated gall to act offended?

Fuck you dude. Seriously.

Another sign of just how great the economy is.

The Soros International Communist Cabal is reduced to hiring low IQ turds like you to spread the lies and hatred of the party.

Face it fuckface, your evil party has nothing to offer the nation other than mindless hate of the sort you spew here.

The treason you have engaged in with this coup d'etat has failed. McCabe is going to prison. The FBI, or rather FSB has been exposed for rigging the election in favor of Clinton and then engaging in treason by attempting to bring down the duly elected president. Comey has confessed to dozens of federal crimes. The nation watches to see if laws apply to him or not. The witch hunter, Mewler-Torquemada now must contend with Guilliani.

You filthy little Communists are in some deep shit.

Hey but the "blue wave' is coming. Make sure that you tell America you will take our guns, our tax cuts, and our freedom of speech. :thup:
As the white house press secretary, Sarah Sanders and Kelly Conway were INVITED GUESTS who sat at the head table as a place of HONOR.

They weren't exactly gate crashers. The reason they were invited and told that they would be guests of honor, was specifically to ridicule them in a position where they would be unable to defend themselves. Rush Limbaugh does nothing remotely like this. Trump, who only punches back does nothing like this. Only democrats invite someone to be an "honored guest" and then treats them this badly then think it's funny.

That's why this is not going over well with those who are not democrat bagmen.
It never ceases to amaze me how the rightwing snowflakes can't stomach the taste of their own medicine. What made Michelle especially effective is how she kicked their asses up one side of the street, and back down the other with comedy.


You're a hate filled little shit sniffing after a bitter kunt.

You're not stable and should be institutionalized before you do something violent.
Oh dear....there's nothing funnier than someone using your kind of language while complaining about someone being too vulgar. :abgg2q.jpg:

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