Michigan School District Allows Sikh Students to Wear Religious Dagger to School

The Latin Kings are going to form their own religions that makes it mandatory for them to carry a Colt 45 with them everywhere they go.
Sorry bout that,

1. Sihks work together with Muslims in taking over a area of the world, they both fight for each others rights to thier religios take overs.
2. Then once they have secured an area, the Sihks get run off, as planned.
3. Thats why you can't tell them apart.
4. And thats how easy it is to fool a fool.
5. Play along with them GT and you are a sucker, well either way your a sucker, carry on, you can't fix stupid, its been said.
6. Stay thirst my friends.

7. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikh

"Protecting the religious and political rights of all people and preventing discrimination is an integral part of the Sikh faith.".[30]"

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A Detroit-area district says it's allowing Sikh students to wear a small, religious dagger to school, MyFoxDetroit.com reports.

The decision by the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools reverses a ban put in place in December after a fourth-grader at a Canton Township elementary school was found with a dull, 3- to 5-inch kirpan.

The kirpan represents a commitment to fight evil in the Sikh tradition. The dagger is a religious symbol that baptized Sikh males are expected to carry.

Michigan School District Allows Sikh Students to Wear Religious Dagger to School - FoxNews.com

Well, looks like the rest of the kids will have to bring their "guns to the knife fight"

We can't say prayers in school but little Sikh's can bring religious knives to school.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

It won't be long before they change their minds when the media gets hold of this. Thank goodnness for the media to point out the idiots.
Sorry bout that,

1. Sihks work together in taking over a area of the world, they both fight for each others rights to thier religios take overs.
2. Then once they have secured an area, the Sihks get run off, as planned.
3. Thats why you can't tell them apart.
4. And thats how easy it is to fool a fool.
5. Play along with them GT and you are a sucker, well either way your a sucker, carry on, you can't fix stupid, its been said.
6. Stay thirst my friends.


#1. I disagreed with the school's decision.
#2. Sihks are still not Muslims, moron.
#3. This is still not a "take over" of Detroit schools, moron.
#4. Your whole premise failed on all levels, back to your cave.

^sorry bout that
If the kid was wearing a cross would you be concerned with him crucifying other students?

This is a piss poor comparison.

I could barely hurt you with a cross, but I can kill you quickly with a 3" blade, dull or not.

The school administrators obviously looked at this sword and considered it not to be a threat. Is there a difference between a 3 inch crucifix and a 3 inch sword if neither is dangerous?

Yet we have schools banning plastic forks in a lunch from home. Common sense and intent have been abandoned.
What a testament to the world that TruthMatters was making the most sense out of all the liberals that posted until Goldcatt showed up.

The idea that it's ok to carry an actual weapon to school b/c of something else that happens is just mental.

My kids should get to carry 5 pointed throwing stars b/c they are in our Flag and we love our country.

that makes as much sense as letting a hormone driven teen walk around armed at all times, b/c he needs to be able to fight evil.
I am going to make up my own religion that requires me to wear a ski mask and carry a M-16 at all times.
This is a piss poor comparison.

I could barely hurt you with a cross, but I can kill you quickly with a 3" blade, dull or not.

The school administrators obviously looked at this sword and considered it not to be a threat. Is there a difference between a 3 inch crucifix and a 3 inch sword if neither is dangerous?

Yet we have schools banning plastic forks in a lunch from home. Common sense and intent have been abandoned.

His defense was baseless in the face of actual reality.

some high priced lawyer threatend to further impovrish an inner city school so they caved.
The school administrators obviously looked at this sword and considered it not to be a threat. Is there a difference between a 3 inch crucifix and a 3 inch sword if neither is dangerous?

Yet we have schools banning plastic forks in a lunch from home. Common sense and intent have been abandoned.

His defense was baseless in the face of actual reality.

some high priced lawyer threatend to further impovrish an inner city school so they caved.

The schools better hope this Sikh kid doesn't lose his mind and use that dagger to stab another child, because this school wil get the pants sued off of it.
I am going to make up my own religion that requires me to wear a ski mask and carry a M-16 at all times.

Not me.

I'm the Prophet of Beerism, and the great and mighty Brewer in the Sky commands all his followers carry cold ones with them where they go.

Wanna join?

We have holy days too. Friday night through Sunday. Monday - Thursday 6pm - 7pm
And any other day that ends in "y".
I am going to make up my own religion that requires me to wear a ski mask and carry a M-16 at all times.

Not me.

I'm the Prophet of Beerism, and the great and mighty Brewer in the Sky commands all his followers carry cold ones with them where they go.

Wanna join?

We have holy days too. Friday night through Sunday. Monday - Thursday 6pm - 7pm
And any other day that ends in "y".

I am in, and if someone tries to say anything to me about carrying a beer mug around at work I will sue the fuck out of them for offending my religion.
Yet we have schools banning plastic forks in a lunch from home. Common sense and intent have been abandoned.

His defense was baseless in the face of actual reality.

some high priced lawyer threatend to further impovrish an inner city school so they caved.

The schools better hope this Sikh kid doesn't lose his mind and use that dagger to stab another child, because this school wil get the pants sued off of it.

I remeber how calm and collected I was as a teen. :eusa_angel:
I almost went a hole month w/o getting into some kind of dust up, and I never saw anyone pull out a chain and beat the crap outta someone with it. :lol:
Sorry bout that,

1. Sihks work together with Muslims in taking over a area of the world, they both fight for each others rights to thier religios take overs.
2. Then once they have secured an area, the Sihks get run off, as planned.
3. Thats why you can't tell them apart.
4. And thats how easy it is to fool a fool.
5. Play along with them GT and you are a sucker, well either way your a sucker, carry on, you can't fix stupid, its been said.
6. Stay thirst my friends.

7. Link: Sikh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Protecting the religious and political rights of all people and preventing discrimination is an integral part of the Sikh faith.".[30]"



6. Stay thirst my friends
I never knew a Sikh who carried a real dagger either. That's odd to me.

The school is wrong. Allowing kids to carry even dulled ceremonial knives when all the others are under zero tolerance isn't a "reasonable accommodation".

Again..the "criteria" wasn't printed.

Until we see that..this is all about the "outrage".

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