Michigan starts Martial law today

Well, well, well, so China knew about the Virus early on without telling anyone (highly suspicious), and to top it all off they increased their imports of medical supplies (stock piling mask etc.), and yet cutting back on their exports of medical supplies in order to starve or deprive the world of them (caring or thinking only of themselves in the crisis they now have perpetrated on the world) ?? Wow, to diabolical if you ask me, just way to diabolical these Chinese are.
milita stocking up.jpg

I mean you have to admit it's consistent that people who have spent their entire lives stockpiling guns & ammo and publishing newsletters about preparing to resist tyrannical government action are the ones having protests because they can't leave their homes.

Fixed it for you. Find me a newsletter mentioning sheltering in place or the cheesecake factory. Memes are easy when you invent facts.
The reality is that only herd immunity can stop deaths, and a Lock Down slows getting herd immunity, so is murder.
The only excuse for a Lock Down is if we could wait for a vaccine.
But since that would be at least 2 years, clearly we can not wait.
So then herd immunity should be accelerated, by asking for healthy, young, volunteers, to be deliberately infected with the strain of COVID-19 that is not lethal normally.

That seems like a pretty stupid post because tens of millions of small businesses are being forced into bankruptcy and their lives destroyed.
To compare this to the Cheesecake Factory, which has NOT been shut down, is just a lie.

Well being from Michigan I can tell you a majority of the stupid mf's do not own a business, ever owned a business and several haven't had a job in years. You took the post wrong it meant they had been preparing for a period of time they would be underground and out of sight but they can't handle a lock down for a few weeks. It's true these guys stock up on ammo, food and other nessities.

That seems like a pretty stupid post because tens of millions of small businesses are being forced into bankruptcy and their lives destroyed.
To compare this to the Cheesecake Factory, which has NOT been shut down, is just a lie.

Well being from Michigan I can tell you a majority of the stupid mf's do not own a business, ever owned a business and several haven't had a job in years. You took the post wrong it meant they had been preparing for a period of time they would be underground and out of sight but they can't handle a lock down for a few weeks. It's true these guys stock up on ammo, food and other nessities.

Okay, but you also still have to be aware of how harmful this Lock Down is.
I now have to spend half my time waiting in lines to get into building supplies businesses, and my renters can't pay up. The banks can't foreclose right now, but I have to pay them anyway out of my own pocket, because the moratorium on foreclosing can't go on. The entire situation is not sustainable.
And there is no reason for it, because the Lock Down is not saving lives.
Slowing the curve does not reduce the area under, but actually increases it by delaying herd immunity that would end it entirely.
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Oh well, at least she’s a pretty tyrant.

Waiting to see post-Trump version. she's gonna hit the wall harder than Pelosi.

She was always brainwashed airhead, but she used to be kinda cute, though...

View attachment 322638

She might be VP.
And then your president!

Gretchen will never be elected even to dog catcher after this.
There is no excuse or legal basis for martial law.
The legislature is not prevented from being in session.
The governor is breaking the law and is causing unnecessary deaths.

That seems like a pretty stupid post because tens of millions of small businesses are being forced into bankruptcy and their lives destroyed.
To compare this to the Cheesecake Factory, which has NOT been shut down, is just a lie.

Well being from Michigan I can tell you a majority of the stupid mf's do not own a business, ever owned a business and several haven't had a job in years. You took the post wrong it meant they had been preparing for a period of time they would be underground and out of sight but they can't handle a lock down for a few weeks. It's true these guys stock up on ammo, food and other nessities.

Okay, but you also still have to be aware of how harmful this Lock Down is.
I now have to spend half my time waiting in lines to get into building supplies businesses, and my renters can't pay up. The banks can't foreclose right now, but I have to pay them anyway out of my own pocket, because the moratorium on foreclosing can't go on. The entire situation is not sustainable.
And there is no reason for it, because the Lock Down is not saving lives.
Slowing the curve does not reduce the area under, but actually increases it by delaying herd immunity that would end it entirely.

I'm very aware of how harmful and understand landlord's have obligations and renter's are not paying at this time. I'd like to know just how many of the Michigan protesters are really from Michigan? Can't remember the guys name at this moment Robert something that was in the face of the MSP but he is a white supremacist's from California and also with the proud boys. If residents of a state want to protest let them loose, states don't these kind of people to agitate.
Oh well, at least she’s a pretty tyrant.

Waiting to see post-Trump version. she's gonna hit the wall harder than Pelosi.

She was always brainwashed airhead, but she used to be kinda cute, though...

View attachment 322638

She might be VP.
And then your president!

Gretchen will never be elected even to dog catcher after this.
There is no excuse or legal basis for martial law.
The legislature is not prevented from being in session.
The governor is breaking the law and is causing unnecessary deaths.
My point was, shes campaigning for the #2 spot in a Senile Joe administration KNOWING the #2 person would become president since Senile Joe clearly wont make it to the end of his term.
So umm..2020 graduation parties are off, amirite?
That bitch ain't going anywhere but to hell.
If it weren't for them type of fellers you make fun of, you'd be speaking German or Japanese right now (oh wait, maybe you're disappointed bout that) ?

Sitting back in your liberal leftist Utopia in which those types of characters had fought and died for you to do safely here, and thus enabling you to do what you do, (and then you talking smack against their kind daily), is as pathetic as it gets.

That seems like a pretty stupid post because tens of millions of small businesses are being forced into bankruptcy and their lives destroyed.
To compare this to the Cheesecake Factory, which has NOT been shut down, is just a lie.

Well being from Michigan I can tell you a majority of the stupid mf's do not own a business, ever owned a business and several haven't had a job in years. You took the post wrong it meant they had been preparing for a period of time they would be underground and out of sight but they can't handle a lock down for a few weeks. It's true these guys stock up on ammo, food and other nessities.

Okay, but you also still have to be aware of how harmful this Lock Down is.
I now have to spend half my time waiting in lines to get into building supplies businesses, and my renters can't pay up. The banks can't foreclose right now, but I have to pay them anyway out of my own pocket, because the moratorium on foreclosing can't go on. The entire situation is not sustainable.
And there is no reason for it, because the Lock Down is not saving lives.
Slowing the curve does not reduce the area under, but actually increases it by delaying herd immunity that would end it entirely.

I'm very aware of how harmful and understand landlord's have obligations and renter's are not paying at this time. I'd like to know just how many of the Michigan protesters are really from Michigan? Can't remember the guys name at this moment Robert something that was in the face of the MSP but he is a white supremacist's from California and also with the proud boys. If residents of a state want to protest let them loose, states don't these kind of people to agitate.

I see your point, but out of state protesters may be necessary because the lock down campaign is being created, funded, and pushed from out of state.
Seems to me the only reason for the lock down is to be able to sell expensive vaccinations, when they become available.
I can foresee a time when you will not be allowed to travel unless you show your vaccination papers.
And it makes no sense because COVID-19 is not dangerous for the young and healthy.
And they are the only ones we need in order to get herd immunity for all of us.
This also likely will go away in a few years, just like Spanish flu did.
When H1N1 came back in 2009, it was far less fatal.
That is because all viruses are most lethal the first time we make contact with them.
So within 2 years, COVID-19 likely will not even be worth bothering about.

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