Michigan starts Martial law today

We got Daylight Savings Time, because the powers that be went Biblically anti-religious, and thought to change times and seasons
So something good came out of it (Daylight Savings Time)

Seriously, what Daniel is talking about is the Great Whore (Catholicism)who changes SABBATH to SUNday

AND replaced GOD'S Holy Days with pagan holiday such as Christmas (Brumalia) and Easter (Ishtar)
Oh well, at least she’s a pretty tyrant.

Waiting to see post-Trump version. she's gonna hit the wall harder than Pelosi.

She was always brainwashed airhead, but she used to be kinda cute, though...

where in COTUS is the law that the mayors and governors so maliciously violated?
Such petty tyrants, mayors and state dictators have been installed in office precisely to rule every detail of our lives which may inadvertently left unattended by the Feds, as if the Feds weren't bad enough already on their own.
A fascist, in most fascists governments put people in harms way, something which DJT is seeking against all medical advice.
It's high time to get that gun-banning medical advice out of court and shoot all the doctors.

Another member of the idiot fringe. I do wonder if and when they need a first-responder what they might do.

It's getting harder and harder to distinguish these leftist "freedom-lovers" from sociopaths.
Fucking bitch.

What gives her the right to do this.

Answer: Nothing.

Some one please show me where martial law was implemented.

Well what would you like to call it? It's all about the psychology of words, isn't it. That is why the US has not declared war since 1941, but have been involved in many since. Kind of like how Obama defied the War Powers Act by not notifying Congress about his war in Libya, and they glibly said he did not have to because it was not really a war. LOL.

Here are people in Cincinnati Ohio who defied the order to stay home and were arrested.

They possibly face felony charges.

I don't care what you call it, but using the term martial law is inaccurate.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.


I can’t believe Congress shuts down the government and steals $2 trillion from our citizens and they don’t even take a pay cut?

It’s fucking tyranny. If you like it just because you hate Trump, you are really dumb.

If you voted for the Orange sack of shit in the first place, you're staggeringly stupid and have no foundation to determine the intelligence level of anyone else.

So you are good with Congress stealing $2 trillion and imposing martial law? Why?

What martial law?
Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

Wow! Michigan sure grew in population really quickly! It tripled the population of the entire US?

LOL, mea culpa: Thanks for pointing out I left out the . - Michigan has 9.877 million. I'm surprised a Seaman Recruit would find such a minor mistake, nice job.

Yeah, well you can suck this semen recruit.
Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

Wow! Michigan sure grew in population really quickly! It tripled the population of the entire US?

LOL, mea culpa: Thanks for pointing out I left out the . - Michigan has 9.877 million. I'm surprised a Seaman Recruit would find such a minor mistake, nice job.

Yeah, well you can suck this semen recruit.

Sorry, not my cup of tea, I'm sure you can find another guy to play with.
So, my wife ordered some miscellaneous items from Kohl's, and told me to pick it up. They suppose to bring it out to the car, once you call them that you arrived. I got there, and they said "per Governor order, fire marshal shut them down". What difference does it make if they bring it out of the store and toss it in my trunk, or if UPS deliver it to my doorstep?

Grocery stores are open, since people have to eat, right? Well, if COVID-19 is supposedly so contagious and deadly, everyone getting food supplies at the stores should be testing positive for it and/or dropping dead from it, why aren't they?

When the Government says "practice social distancing so you don't get the virus" but doesn't do it themselves to a point where they all gather together on a small stage in a small room filled with people to give press conferences or to hold meetings together around a table. It might be a sign for everyone to start questioning the Government and the threat of the virus.

Have you noticed how other countries leadership is getting COVID-19 (Iran, UK, China, etc) and changing meeting or gathering habits but the US Federal and State governments seems completely fine and not changing a thing? The double standard is huge, this is a "emperor has no clothes" moment.

The people telling you to stay in your homes forever in fear and to not socialize with anyone anywhere are not afraid of the virus itself and are doing the exact opposite of what they are telling you to do. Fuckers.
According to Michigan's bimbo Governor Executive Order 2020-35, which addresses education, I notice that under section about "Suspension of in-person K-12 instruction for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year", there is a note that says "applies to all public, nonpublic, and boarding schools in the state."

However, Michigan law defines home schools as nonpublic schools, therefore with her executive order she is outlawing homeschooling, and bars parents from directly teaching their children at home. WTF? I am, as a parent, primarily responsible for raising and educating my children, that is my duty, and also my constitutional right.

Speaking of the Constitution of Michigan, leadership of public education is assigned to the State Board of Education, not the governor, and this bimbo's EO usurps the authority of the State Board of Education over public schools. She overstepped her authority by ordering public schools to operate in a certain manner, and to mandate educational credits.

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?

There were freaks blocking Sparrow Hosp. protesting Gov Whitmer. I wonder how many people will die due to republican freaks. They started women for tramp in MI since the Dem. women won the Gov, the AG and the SOS. They are the losers, and they can't stand it.
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One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Mi has an international airport and Ohio shut down first and they don't have a dense population.
Today, the question is how bluntly the case, known as Jacobson v. Massachusetts, might be wielded to justify curbing individual liberties without caveat.
In the first decision of its kind during the coronavirus crisis, the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals relied wholly on the 1905 case to permit Texas to include abortion clinics in its ban on non-essential medical services and surgeries. The panel, ruling by a 2-1 vote, rejected arguments regarding the right to abortion ingrained by the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade and subsequent rulings.

"Jacobson instructs that all constitutional rights may be reasonably restricted to combat a public health emergency," wrote Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan for the majority.

If its ok for republicans its certaintly ok for Democrats.
Governor Bimbo Whitmer prohibited big box retailers from in-person sale of seeds because according to her, that is non-essential. In late March Governor Bimbo Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from corona virus. She also called on Home Depot and Lowes to shut down to close certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries. Then Governor Bimbo Whitmer also banned travel between homes for Michigan residents.

And now Gov. Whitmer said her orders are okay because… it’s snowing.


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