Michigan starts Martial law today

I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
OMFG..........the very people passing social distancing laws while next to each other.....and he can't go............What a bunch of Morons...

LOL...........the Stupid is strong in this country.

Why don’t we do this every flu season?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we don't get over 18,000 deaths in the first month and a half of a flu season? Just a guess.

What a difference 24 hours makes.

We're over 20 thousand deaths now.

Over 2 thousand died in the last 24 hours from the virus.

The flu doesn't do that.
The final total will tell the truth when all is said and done. The contagion being different from other flu's is the problem yes, but the symptoms may not be to much different once contact is made all depending on the person that it afflicts. Yes it has a worse affect on people with compromised immune systems or underlying health issues, but it's still a corona virus even though a highly dangerous strain of it for sure. Our response has been adequate as we learned about this thing over time, and just be thankful we have the resources in America to get through this.
Slow roots of fascism growing in the nation.

Federal Reserve is robbing every working American to bail out rich people.
Really ?? Underneath those rich people are millions of American's still getting paid by their companies until this thing is over. Are those companies to not get help on that ?? An itemized statement is what every American should be issued in the mail upon where every drop of that money went. Now that's representative government, and transparency as it should be.
Slow roots of fascism growing in the nation.

Federal Reserve is robbing every working American to bail out rich people.
Really ?? Underneath those rich people are millions of American's still getting paid by their companies until this thing is over. Are those companies to not get help on that ?? An itemized statement is what every American should be issued in the mail upon where every drop of that money went. Now that's representative government, and transparency as it should be.

We are not a welfare state. It’s unconstitutional to make people stay indoors. It’s called fascism.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

You are a Sheeple, do you think they are going to give you a seat at The Head Table for being a Sheeple and a Cheeerleader for this type of Tyranny? They won't, but keep thinking that they will, keep being a Drone.

IDIOT-GRAM ^^^; Variety, logical fallacy, to wit: Ad Hominem.
Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

Wow! Michigan sure grew in population really quickly! It tripled the population of the entire US?

LOL, mea culpa: Thanks for pointing out I left out the . - Michigan has 9.877 million. I'm surprised a Seaman Recruit would find such a minor mistake, nice job.
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My wife is Catholic (from Croatia), and I am agnostic. Religion is not my thing, but I respect people's faith, including my wife's. Our kids painted eggs today, we got cakes, cookies, panettone ready for tomorrow.
You know I really, really hate it when all you atheists and others in bad faith continually and progressively impose the trappings of feigned religion on me.

People get a haircut, circumcision, and a bloody baby bath, pull wisdom teeth and perform all sorts of other bloody and vile works of bad medicine in the name of Jesus and call themselves Christians, and all I can say to that is "Damn!"
Slow roots of fascism growing in the nation.

Federal Reserve is robbing every working American to bail out rich people.
Really ?? Underneath those rich people are millions of American's still getting paid by their companies until this thing is over. Are those companies to not get help on that ?? An itemized statement is what every American should be issued in the mail upon where every drop of that money went. Now that's representative government, and transparency as it should be.

We are not a welfare state. It’s unconstitutional to make people stay indoors. It’s called fascism.

Well then, who will arrest, detain and put on trail for such a violation of COTUS. BTW, where in COTUS is the law that the mayors and governors so maliciously violated? A fascist, in most fascists governments put people in harms way, something which DJT is seeking against all medical advice.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:

You think that the Communist Regimes murdering more that 100 MILLION is FUNNY, you did the HaHa thing at a post illustrating that the Communists murdered in the 20th Century more than 100 MILLION.

What a twisted Sheep you are. You are probably a Communist yourself as you think they were so funny etc
You are right.

The American left uses the Nazi pejorative because they actually embrace communism and the nazis (another variant of the socialism virus) have always been their bitter enemies.

This is really a battle between globalists (communist) and nationalist (nazi). Both are Progressives and both are socialist totalitarian.

I support neither. I am an individualist with few laws coming from the federal Godvernment and even the state (American states)
Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

"Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 9.87 million people."

There are 987 million in Michigan? I would vote for the above post to be the funniest post EVAH.
It’s got my vote as well :laughing0301:

Mea culpa, I have now replaced a minor mistake. It's not unfortunate that such a minor error would create such a response, it has now provided more people to read my comment on Gov Newsom and his proactive response to Covid-19.

For the Record, Michigan has a population of 9.87 million.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

Here we go you SHEEP, give ANYONE a LOGICAL reason WHY COVID-19 should PREVENT peoples from buying seeds to grow their OWN FOOD. Go on, as you are obviously a SHEEP with an IQ of 240 or whatever ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) you SHOULD be able to give everyone a logical reason why buying seeds to grow your own food is banned:

View attachment 322293

You're nuts. Providing more proof you are on the fringe of the idiot fringe. There is nothing assiduous in any of your comments. Grow up.
My wife is Catholic (from Croatia), and I am agnostic. Religion is not my thing, but I respect people's faith, including my wife's. Our kids painted eggs today, we got cakes, cookies, panettone ready for tomorrow.
You know I really, really hate it when all you atheists and others in bad faith continually and progressively impose the trappings of feigned religion on me.

People get a haircut, circumcision, and a bloody baby bath, pull wisdom teeth and perform all sorts of other bloody and vile works of bad medicine in the name of Jesus and call themselves Christians, and all I can say to that is "Damn!"

First of, I am not an atheist, learn the difference.
Second, what exactly I am imposing on you?
Slow roots of fascism growing in the nation.

Federal Reserve is robbing every working American to bail out rich people.
Really ?? Underneath those rich people are millions of American's still getting paid by their companies until this thing is over. Are those companies to not get help on that ?? An itemized statement is what every American should be issued in the mail upon where every drop of that money went. Now that's representative government, and transparency as it should be.

We are not a welfare state. It’s unconstitutional to make people stay indoors. It’s called fascism.
Did I say anything about me agreeing with making people stay in doors ????? Look, if you are trying to pick some kind of fight, then you are messing with the wrong one.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:

You think that the Communist Regimes murdering more that 100 MILLION is FUNNY, you did the HaHa thing at a post illustrating that the Communists murdered in the 20th Century more than 100 MILLION.

What a twisted Sheep you are. You are probably a Communist yourself as you think they were so funny etc
You are right.

The American left uses the Nazi pejorative because they actually embrace communism and the nazis (another variant of the socialism virus) have always been their bitter enemies.

This is really a battle between globalists (communist) and nationalist (nazi). Both are Progressives and both are socialist totalitarian.

I support neither. I am an individualist with few laws coming from the federal Godvernment and even the state (American states)

For American left, who is predominantly socialist today, everyone who is not submitting to their thoughts and "values" is a Nazi, and that's exactly what Nazis were doing to start with.

For them, Reagan was a Nazi.


For them Bush was a Nazi too.


Even McCain was a Nazi until he became nevertrumper.


They're using very Nazi methods of intimidation and force while accusing others of Nazism.
Slow roots of fascism growing in the nation.

Federal Reserve is robbing every working American to bail out rich people.
Really ?? Underneath those rich people are millions of American's still getting paid by their companies until this thing is over. Are those companies to not get help on that ?? An itemized statement is what every American should be issued in the mail upon where every drop of that money went. Now that's representative government, and transparency as it should be.

We are not a welfare state. It’s unconstitutional to make people stay indoors. It’s called fascism.
Did I say anything about me agreeing with making people stay in doors ????? Look, if you are trying to pick some kind of fight, then you are messing with the wrong one.

Just venting. Enjoy your day.
where in COTUS is the law that the mayors and governors so maliciously violated?
Such petty tyrants, mayors and state dictators have been installed in office precisely to rule every detail of our lives which may inadvertently left unattended by the Feds, as if the Feds weren't bad enough already on their own.
A fascist, in most fascists governments put people in harms way, something which DJT is seeking against all medical advice.
It's high time to get that gun-banning medical advice out of court and shoot all the doctors.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:

You think that the Communist Regimes murdering more that 100 MILLION is FUNNY, you did the HaHa thing at a post illustrating that the Communists murdered in the 20th Century more than 100 MILLION.

What a twisted Sheep you are. You are probably a Communist yourself as you think they were so funny etc
You are right.

The American left uses the Nazi pejorative because they actually embrace communism and the nazis (another variant of the socialism virus) have always been their bitter enemies.

This is really a battle between globalists (communist) and nationalist (nazi). Both are Progressives and both are socialist totalitarian.

I support neither. I am an individualist with few laws coming from the federal Godvernment and even the state (American states)

For American left, who is predominantly socialist today, everyone who is not submitting to their thoughts and "values" is a Nazi, and that's exactly what Nazis were doing to start with.

For them, Reagan was a Nazi.

View attachment 322575

For them Bush was a Nazi too.

View attachment 322576

Even McCain was a Nazi until he became nevertrumper.

View attachment 322579

They're using very Nazi methods of intimidation and force while accusing others of Nazism.
Mostly true, but you have to understand WHY the communists (Democrats) hate the "nazis".

Anyone who favors a strong NATION is a "nationalist" and therefore a "nazi."

Communists are, first and foremost, GLOBALISTS.

Yes they employ National SOCIALIST tactics, but THEY are not nazis. They are COMMUNISTS.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:

You think that the Communist Regimes murdering more that 100 MILLION is FUNNY, you did the HaHa thing at a post illustrating that the Communists murdered in the 20th Century more than 100 MILLION.

What a twisted Sheep you are. You are probably a Communist yourself as you think they were so funny etc
You are right.

The American left uses the Nazi pejorative because they actually embrace communism and the nazis (another variant of the socialism virus) have always been their bitter enemies.

This is really a battle between globalists (communist) and nationalist (nazi). Both are Progressives and both are socialist totalitarian.

I support neither. I am an individualist with few laws coming from the federal Godvernment and even the state (American states)

For American left, who is predominantly socialist today, everyone who is not submitting to their thoughts and "values" is a Nazi, and that's exactly what Nazis were doing to start with.

For them, Reagan was a Nazi.

View attachment 322575

For them Bush was a Nazi too.

View attachment 322576

Even McCain was a Nazi until he became nevertrumper.

View attachment 322579

They're using very Nazi methods of intimidation and force while accusing others of Nazism.
Mostly true, but you have to understand WHY the communists (Democrats) hate the "nazis".

Anyone who favors a strong NATION is a "nationalist" and therefore a "nazi."

Communists are, first and foremost, GLOBALISTS.

Yes they employ National SOCIALIST tactics, but THEY are not nazis. They are COMMUNISTS.

Nazis got their name from "National Socialist German Worker Party".

Everything bad associated with the "nazi" is not from "National", it comes from "Socialist" part.
where in COTUS is the law that the mayors and governors so maliciously violated?
Such petty tyrants, mayors and state dictators have been installed in office precisely to rule every detail of our lives which may inadvertently left unattended by the Feds, as if the Feds weren't bad enough already on their own.
A fascist, in most fascists governments put people in harms way, something which DJT is seeking against all medical advice.
It's high time to get that gun-banning medical advice out of court and shoot all the doctors.

Another member of the idiot fringe. I do wonder if and when they need a first-responder what they might do.
Mostly true, but you have to understand WHY the communists (Democrats) hate the "nazis".
Communists or communalissts are always congregating around City Hall, and favor a strong local government.
Anyone who favors a strong NATION is a "nationalist" and therefore a "nazi."
These are the Feds, and they want a strong, well-funded federal government in the U.S. and you've got the BIA and the NEA and the 1% for the arts, and you might get a Native American impression of "nation" or "nationalism", etc. but it's only a show they put on as an example of what they hate.
Communists are, first and foremost, GLOBALISTS.
Local petty tyrants are being SELFISH. The whole world revolves around them in their home district, parish, county, borough, township, etc. --- but they do coordinate most viciously with others of the same mind throughout the world.
Yes they employ National SOCIALIST tactics, but THEY are not nazis. They are COMMUNISTS.
The distinction was a little bit overdone in WWII. Some of the Ashkenazi Jews from Russia on the Communist side turned around and betrayed us to the Nazis over time. The commies weren't that much better than the Nazis anyways with their gulag labor camps instead of concentration camps.

We got Daylight Savings Time, because the powers that be went Biblically anti-religious, and thought to change times and seasons.

Strong local governments only serve as an instrument of oppression by strong national governments under the jurisdiction of international "peacekeeping" missions.

Tyranny does not oppose tyranny: the people on their own initiative, without a ballot box, must fight off excessive and intrusive government at all levels simultaneously: the cops are working evenings, graveyard and morning shifts to oppress us and harass us day and night, and "eat out our substance" as it were.

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