Michigan starts Martial law today

Here is the article that Spartyman references in his tweet video;

As evidence that she is an ineffective Governor;

So. . . she just waits for them to call, staying at home, petting her dog, declaring the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy "essential workforce" personal.


Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?

Hell no. And your effort to protect trump with this attack on a Democrat potential VP is despicable. Putting people in harms way is stupid, of course people like you don't give a shit about stopping this virus as long as trump continues his hate and fear, racist and misogynistic agenda.
If Adolph Hitler was alive today and spoke out against Trump you would cheer hitler and call him a great hero.
Your ignorance is very telling. No one should support a tyrant you dumb son of a bitch, regardless of what political party they belong to.
You don't give up your freedoms and rights for safety because the threat will pass along with your rights.
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.
It's a good time to be a 10ther

One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.
It's a good time to be a 10ther


between ordering that the malaria pills not be prescribed and this Brownshirt order; I cannot begin to see how the Dems think they are taking Michigan back


Yeah, they're refusing the citizens the freedom to order anti malaria pills. Im baffled....but not really.

Well, she wanted to stick it to Trump when he said that drug shows promising results, and threatened doctors with fines if they prescribe it. However, she pulled back that order after FDA approved it.

They don't want anyone having that drug, they want EVERYONE to get the Bill Gates vaccine which they say the ENTIRE WORLD will have to be in lockdown for another 12-18 months until Bill Gates has his vaccine. Then when you have the forced vaccine you will have an Immunity Passport this will allow you to go out to work and have SOME freedom but you still will have to NOT have a Social Life EVER AGAIN. They are literally pushing this exact narrative:

View attachment 322341
View attachment 322342

Ezekiel Emanuel: We Cannot Return to Normal Until There's a Vaccine

Microsoft is a founding partner of ID2020 also. No coincidence that gates stepped down from microsoft recently.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

She is a fucking moron.

Some of them are not going to give up the powers they have given themselves ditto the police, this has already gone to their heads, this is potentially a very dangerous situation.

It scares me that this person thinks this solves the problem at all.

She's got to let them out some time.
What about the rumors of what China did to their citizen's in Wuhan and elsewhere ? Didn't some starve in their apartments or other hidious things in trying to control the spread ??
Fucking bitch.

What gives her the right to do this.

Answer: Nothing.

Some one please show me where martial law was implemented.

Well what would you like to call it? It's all about the psychology of words, isn't it. That is why the US has not declared war since 1941, but have been involved in many since. Kind of like how Obama defied the War Powers Act by not notifying Congress about his war in Libya, and they glibly said he did not have to because it was not really a war. LOL.

Here are people in Cincinnati Ohio who defied the order to stay home and were arrested.

They possibly face felony charges.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.

Look at the happy Brownshirt thugs keeping 6 feet apart in Michigan!

They are the elite. Viruses leave them alone
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.

Look at the happy Brownshirt thugs keeping 6 feet apart in Michigan!

They are the elite. Viruses leave them alone
I am seeing AT LEAST $15,000 in fines in that picture

state of Michigan needs to collect and make some bank

but what are the chances that Governor Half Whit leads by example :dunno:
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.

Look at the happy Brownshirt thugs keeping 6 feet apart in Michigan!

They are the elite. Viruses leave them alone
I am seeing AT LEAST $15,000 in fines in that picture

state of Michigan needs to collect and make some bank

but what are the chances that Governor Half Whit leads by example :dunno:
And the tard left wonders why we dont take this as seriously as they want us to.
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.

Look at the happy Brownshirt thugs keeping 6 feet apart in Michigan!

They are the elite. Viruses leave them alone
I am seeing AT LEAST $15,000 in fines in that picture

state of Michigan needs to collect and make some bank

but what are the chances that Governor Half Whit leads by example :dunno:
And the tard left wonders why we dont take this as seriously as they want us to.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, "this thing has been full of the picking of winners and losers". So yes you wonder why people don't take it seriously, true dat. :)
Trump supposedly didn’t react soon enough, but now we overreact with this ridiculous spending bill.
Trump didn’t dictate well, that’s for sure.

$2 trillion is $60,000 per family.

Congress is so corrupt. Why are they only paying out $1200?
Well to be fair, not all goes to family per-sae. It was a bill for many things pertaining to the crisis, and yes for things not pertaining to the crisis as well right ?
Trump didn’t dictate well, that’s for sure.

$2 trillion is $60,000 per family.

Congress is so corrupt. Why are they only paying out $1200?
Well to be fair, not all goes to family per-sae. It was a bill for many things pertaining to the crisis, and yes for things not pertaining to the crisis as well right ?

Yes. And I notice Congress didn’t take a pay cut. The bill is ridiculous.

And no one actually voted for it. Such a scam.

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