Michigan starts Martial law today

Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

"Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people."

There are 987 million in Michigan? I would vote for the above post to be the funniest post EVAH.

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?
Fuck yeah they are going too far,this virus was invented by the government as a way to divide and conquer,I saw this coming years ago,it’s all a depopulation agenda by the government,they invented this virus so we can be slaves to them,it’s the same story as 9/11carried about by them so we live in fear and give up our rights so we can go back to the way it was before,they will say they have a vaccine for us but it will just the opposite,it will slowly kill us off,the people who don’t take it they will throw in jail, think I Am loony.?
okay for the ones who think that,why are they violating our civil libertys and have us in a police state.? Wake the fuck up people.we have been s a police state for decades now and the elite have just begun it accelerating it with martial law.the people who don’t take the vaccine will go to jail,they will have to kill me before I take the vaccine and let them take me to jail
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Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

"Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people."

There are 987 million in Michigan? I would vote for the above post to be the funniest post EVAH.
It’s got my vote as well :laughing0301:
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

She is a fucking moron.

Some of them are not going to give up the powers they have given themselves ditto the police, this has already gone to their heads, this is potentially a very dangerous situation.

It scares me that this person thinks this solves the problem at all.

She's got to let them out some time.

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?
Fuck yeah they are going too far,this virus was invented by the government as a way to divide and conquer,I saw this coming years ago,it’s all a depopulation agenda by the government,they invented this virus so we can be slaves to them,it’s the same story as 9/11carried about by them so we live in fear and give up our rights so we can go back to the way it was before,they will say they have a vaccine for us but it will just the opposite,it will slowly kill us off,the people who don’t take it they will throw in jail, think I Am loony.?
okay for the ones who think that,why are they violating our civil libertys and have us in a police state.? Wake the fuck up people.we have been splice state for decades now and the elite have just begun round up time with martial law.the people who don’t take the vaccine will go to jail,they will have to kill me before I take the vaccine and let them take me to jail

Some of this might happen and some of this might not happen BUT it is VERY important that everyone questions the motives, this because the reaction to COVID-19 in many cases is completely extreme. They have one third of the world on lockdown, they did NOT do this for SARS, so why are they doing it for COVID-19? As I comment everyone should have a right to ask questions.
What a twisted Sheep you are. You are probably a Communist yourself as you think they were so funny etc

One of the things that liberals don't realize is that a large number of the victims of communists were also communists and liberals. Trotsky was a lib, but still took a traditional ice pick to the head. Yezhov and Beria among others, were ultraliberals who suffered the wrath of the liberal overlords. Emilio Rebenga, was one of Castro's top generals and a highly place communist, but was driven out of Cuba by Castro, and fled to Florida where he was whacked by Al Pacino.

My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

She is a fucking moron.

Some of them are not going to give up the powers they have given themselves ditto the police, this has already gone to their heads, this is potentially a very dangerous situation.

It scares me that this person thinks this solves the problem at all.

She's got to let them out some time.

Who is going to stop them, they are literally out of control. The majority of these outrageous measures strip law-abiding peoples of ALL their Civil Rights and Human Rights, telling them they are banned from buying seeds is especially disturbing. It's not just Michigan it seems half of America's States are now in the same situation with these Totalitarian Dictates.

The other night I saw images of a MASS GRAVE in New York being filled with coffins, it was basically the MOST SHOCKING thing I have EVER seen in my life. To see such a horror image happening in America.

Trump HAS to do SOMETHING to STOP this. Also Trump MUST win in November because IF he loses they will take over and if they take over America the WORLD is fucked because they will use the American Military and it's weapons to attempt to force us into this same Repression and this WILL mean war, this WILL mean a Third War because collectively we will have to fight back.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
OMFG..........the very people passing social distancing laws while next to each other.....and he can't go............What a bunch of Morons...

LOL...........the Stupid is strong in this country.

Why don’t we do this every flu season?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we don't get over 18,000 deaths in the first month and a half of a flu season? Just a guess.

We might if we used the same loose cause of death standards being used for CV.

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