Michigan starts Martial law today

Some stupid shit Dem politician is going to make our life decisions for us? I predict 'fuck you' level civil disobedience.

I am hearing this stuff is happening in a majority of American States, not just one State, if it was just one State you would not have a problem but this is a carefully coordinated set of measures across multiple American States and the measures are nearly exactly the same....now that IS a problem.

Do you deny this Dem governor in Michigan is a full on retard?

I am telling you to WAKE UP it's NOT just Michigan, no they are not retards they KNOW what they are doing, it's not a retard thing it's an evil thing. Americans have to wake up to what is happening, the warning signs are in front of you.

Yup. It's that whole frog in boiling water thing.

Those who are Christians we should pray for each other and pray that those who are asleep will wake up, we are entering a very troubled time in this world....but we WILL prevail.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

You are a Sheeple, do you think they are going to give you a seat at The Head Table for being a Sheeple and a Cheeerleader for this type of Tyranny? They won't, but keep thinking that they will, keep being a Drone.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

You are a Sheeple, do you think they are going to give you a seat at The Head Table for being a Sheeple and a Cheeerleader for this type of Tyranny? They won't, but keep thinking that they will, keep being a Drone.

Rye comes off as the type who will snitch to the overloads for extra bread and TP. Dudes is a Kool-Aid Drinker.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

Here we go you SHEEP, give ANYONE a LOGICAL reason WHY COVID-19 should PREVENT peoples from buying seeds to grow their OWN FOOD. Go on, as you are obviously a SHEEP with an IQ of 240 or whatever ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) you SHOULD be able to give everyone a logical reason why buying seeds to grow your own food is banned:


Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?
Yep, going to far.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.
People aren't abiding by the social distancing.
None of their business, otherwise just as long as they are close friends and family visiting. If people want to take the chance, and they aren't violating strangers space or rights, then the government needs to back off. Closing the lakes down is also taking it to far. Families willfully gathering in a boat to fish is also none of their business. The only thing the government should be watching is public gatherings in parks, stores, businesses, and plants that are non-essential. 6 ' rules of distance should be suffice for just about any setting, and requiring mask is another. Stopping churches from doing their best to have services safely is also an un-exceptable infringement of government into their private affairs.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

You are a Sheeple, do you think they are going to give you a seat at The Head Table for being a Sheeple and a Cheeerleader for this type of Tyranny? They won't, but keep thinking that they will, keep being a Drone.

Rye comes off as the type who will snitch to the overloads for extra bread and TP. Dudes is a Kool-Aid Drinker.

Yes and under all Totalitarian Communist Regimes in history that type when they have served their purpose have always then ended up in mass graves, they are called Useful Idiots, they are expendable.

I mean they literally are cheerleading for more EXTREME lockdowns and more EXTREME punishments and more DESTROYING of basic human and civil rights, they should be careful what they wish for because what follows will apply to THEM also.

WHY can't peoples for example go to a park, they can still do the physical distancing. WHY the obsession with having the peoples under effective House Arrest for 23 hours a day. WTF these maniacs are putting law abiding tax payers under effective House Arrest and at the SAME time they are releasing TENS of THOUSANDS of CRIMINALS from prison with the excuse that they HAVE to release them from prison to "protect" them from COVID-19. This is basically evil that is now happening.

Oh yes I forget also in all Totalitarian Communist Regimes they also did this, they released all the criminals, the actual End Game under Stalin with that one was that they released all the murderers, rapists, paedophiles INTO the Community to terrorise the Community into behaving themselves and not opposing Stalin's Regime. Another thing from Stalin was, after the First War many in what became the Soviet Union still had MILLIONS of guns from being in the military and they had these guns in their houses, now this was a big problem to Stalin and what the Communists needed to do.

So they started to ration food, but the rations were just above Starvation levels and the peoples said "we need more food, we are starving" and so Stalin said "well HAND IN YOUR GUNS in EXCHANGE for more food" and as they were starving they did, so Stalin took ALL the MILLIONS of the peoples guns and in return stopped ALL their food and shipped them off to Gulags where they died of starvation.

Remember History ONLY repeats itself, IF you ALLOW it to.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

Here we go you SHEEP, give ANYONE a LOGICAL reason WHY COVID-19 should PREVENT peoples from buying seeds to grow their OWN FOOD. Go on, as you are obviously a SHEEP with an IQ of 240 or whatever ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) you SHOULD be able to give everyone a logical reason why buying seeds to grow your own food is banned:

View attachment 322293
The agenda (never let a good crisis go to waste), might start revealing itself bigtime as the complete idiocy continues onward.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.

Wow, you are really leaning over the fringe of the idiot fringe.

Here we go you SHEEP, give ANYONE a LOGICAL reason WHY COVID-19 should PREVENT peoples from buying seeds to grow their OWN FOOD. Go on, as you are obviously a SHEEP with an IQ of 240 or whatever ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) you SHOULD be able to give everyone a logical reason why buying seeds to grow your own food is banned:

View attachment 322293
The agenda (never let a good crisis go to waste), might start revealing itself bigtime as the complete idiocy continues onward.

Hopefully they will over reach, there are more in the population than they, they are in a minority, the question is HOW much Repression will a population take before they do something to stop it?

Does the Western world have this hysteria for the flu that kills MILLIONS around the world EVERY YEAR? Do we have these EXTREME Repressive measures for that, are peoples told they are banned from buying seeds to grow their own food and banned from sitting on a seat ALONE in a park? No they are not, this is HOW you know there is a sinister ulterior motive for this COVID-19 Repression, this is how you know there IS an Agenda and it's NOT going to be a good Agenda for the population of the planet.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Although Michigan has Shithole cities like Detroit and Flint, Ohio has its own Shithole cities of Cleveland, Cincinnati, Akron, Dayton, Toledo, Columbus, that are just a liberal. I don't think its relatively liberalism of the 2 states
Gretchen is beloved by the MSM. That should tell us a lot about both.

She is an AWFUL governor in an emergency. She hasn't got a clue what she is doing, and Trump told the nation. All he got for his grief was told by the media that he was being a bully. She won't get her ass out here and lead.

This chickenshit chicky is more afraid of the propaganda meant for the plebes on TEE VEE than Howard Hughes . . . :mad:

I don't think she understands that SHE is an essential employee. :heehee:
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My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.


My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

No Sunni Man is not wrong, UNLIKE you you Brainwashed Sheep. Baaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaa.

Here we are Mister Sheep Beale, WHAT is this below? Oh yes it's a Communist mass grave:


^^^^ This:


Here's another Communist mass grave:


Google: NKVD mass graves and click Images and you will get more OR I don't know perhaps American Google Censors this stuff so you can ALL instead continue to obsess and masturbate about Nazi's WHILE IGNORING the 60 MILLIONS that Stalin had murdered in the Soviet Union....should I start posting some corpses from Mao's Great Leap Forward?

How about PRIESTS and NUNS dug up from their GRAVES and paraded on the streets of Spain by the filthy Commie Devils, you know Mister Beale the filthy Commie Devils that YOU probably would IGNORE to instead obsess and masturbate about posting shit about Nazi's who are SO MUCH MORE SEXUALLY AROUSING for you to LOOK AT.

Corpses of Priest and Nuns dug up from their GRAVES by filthy Communist Devils in Spain:



^^^^ Google: corpses of priests and nuns spanish civil war and go to Images.

Do STUPID IGNORANT Americans like YOU Mister Beale EVEN KNOW about HALF of this stuff? No, IF you did you would instead of like a Brainwashed Puppet posting endless SHIT about Nazi's you would post for a CHANGE about the Communist Devils.
I did fail to leave out age related data between Ohio and Michigan.

In terms of population 60 years old or older in 2017:

Ohio: 2,718,923

Michigan: 2,34,292.

So there you have it. Ohio has more people over 60 and older, as well as more people in general than Michigan, yet Michigan is getting lit up with deaths and cases compared to Ohio.


Your numbers are screwed up. Try it again.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:

Yes I'm a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist and I look great in black :smoke:

IGNORE NAZI'S. For a change focus on Bolshevism, the Bolsheviks, the Marxists, the Trotskyites, the Neo-Marxists, the Neo-Trotskyites. WHY? Because at this time it is IMPORTANT because THEY are WITH US NOW, put this weird American Sexual Fantasy of getting whipped and fucked by Nazi's to one side to FOCUS on what is IMPORTANT.

Hint: WHY is it okay with the MSM for someone to go onto the television or radio and say:

"I'm a Communist. Mao did some good things."

WHY does that type of person NOT get Doxxed and trashed? Now think carefully MisterBeale.
My next door neighbor is from Michigan and thinks Gov. Half-Whit is a lefty looney tune. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
You're not wrong. . .

View attachment 322310

Americans need to start posting pictures of Soviet Communists for a change, there are THOUSANDS of pictures of for example the NKVD and we ARE talking about Stalin like orders here. Get off the fucking Nazi obsession that America has been Brainwashed with and instead begin LEARNING about what the Regime in the Soviet Union from the 1920's-1953 was like. The Nazi thing is getting old, the record is broken. Change it. Learn about COMMUNISM. Americans really are pathetic with your weird obsession with Nazi's and your TOTAL IGNORING of the Bolsheviks and ALL Communist Regimes while you all babble away and probably at the same time are masturbating thinking of Nazi's. You also are Sheep.

There was more stupid ignorant comments in another thread, some idiot gibbering about the Gestapo, when IF he had NOT been so incredibly IGNORANT he WOULD have been posting about the Stasi, the Stasi NOT Gestapo. Brainwashed fucking SHEEP. No hope for you unless you learn to MAKE distinctions.

PERHAPS if your MSM and Hollyweird were not in the control of The Usual Suspects you would have had THOUSANDS of Documentaries and THOUSANDS of films about the evil that is Communism instead of all that Nazi Porn they vomit out in America for you to masturbate to and obsess about.

View attachment 322315

View attachment 322314
Who gives a shit?

They were both fucking evil, and they were both funded and supported by the same international banking and corporate global psychopaths.


What are you. . . a fucking fascist? :dunno:

You think that the Communist Regimes murdering more that 100 MILLION is FUNNY, you did the HaHa thing at a post illustrating that the Communists murdered in the 20th Century more than 100 MILLION.

What a twisted Sheep you are. You are probably a Communist yourself as you think they were so funny etc
Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

Wow! Michigan sure grew in population really quickly! It tripled the population of the entire US?

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