Michigan starts Martial law today

Oh well, at least she’s a pretty tyrant.
You are banned from purchasing a car seat for your child, seeds for your vegetable garden (so you can limit grocery store visits), you can’t drive to your cabin in the woods, golf, or do yard work at your house. Let alone check on your neighbor Nextdoor.


^^^^ This is literally what every Totalitarian Communist Regime in history has done, ban the peoples from growing their own food and with farmers they also deliberately destroyed all their existing crops and their agricultural machinery. These measures were done by Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot especially and they were the ADVANCED WARNING that those who had been banned from growing their own food where on the State List to be starved to death. When the general food supply is either exhausted or deliberately held back or a system of extreme rationing is happening, the peoples will take to growing their own food to feed their family IF you cannot grow your own food and you cannot get enough food from stores to feed your family then you are going to starve. Under Totalitarian Communism of course they always have had deliberate Starvation of those who are in the way ie. those who oppose the Regime and also those who are not needed anymore ie. the elderly.

Is this going to actually happen in America? Who knows we are literally in completely insane time in this world. But banning a peoples from actually growing their own food is deeply disturbing, we've seen this film before, we know where something as diabolical as that leads to. I mean the other night it was SHOCKING to actually see images from America of MASS GRAVES, a literal MASSIVE TRENCH in AMERICA being filled with corpses, a mass grave....and now they are banning the peoples from growing their own food to feed their family.

Bad BAD VIBES about this. America do NOT go gentle into that dark night.

WTF is Donald Trump doing?! As he's your President he SHOULD be able to do SOMETHING to stop this madness. They are going to have your entire economy collapsed, you will have 40-50% unemployment, food will be rationed, you'll probably be having MASS riots during all of that and they are already putting in the measure where Americans can't even grow their OWN food....oh and remember they already have perfected HOW to dig mass graves. WTF?! Donald Trump needs to put two and two together and DO something IF he doesn't THEN you will know that TRUMP is just a Puppet and is NOT in charge of America.
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Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

So when are all these you know 200 millions Americans with their 350 millions guns and ammo ALL going to take to the streets to stop the impending Tyranny? You KNOW that is NOT happening, you KNOW Americans ARE just going to take it and yes it's sad because it means you have been Psychologically Conditioned, it means you FEAR the CONSEQUENCES of taking to the streets with your 350 millions guns and ammo, it means you FEAR what will happen to you and that's sad.
Some stupid shit Dem politician is going to make our life decisions for us? I predict 'fuck you' level civil disobedience.

I am hearing this stuff is happening in a majority of American States, not just one State, if it was just one State you would not have a problem but this is a carefully coordinated set of measures across multiple American States and the measures are nearly exactly the same....now that IS a problem.
You are banned from purchasing a car seat for your child, seeds for your vegetable garden (so you can limit grocery store visits), you can’t drive to your cabin in the woods, golf, or do yard work at your house. Let alone check on your neighbor Nextdoor.

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^^^^ This is literally what every Totalitarian Communist Regime in history has done, ban the peoples from growing their own food and with farmers they also deliberately destroyed all their existing crops and their agricultural machinery. These measures were done by Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot especially and they were the ADVANCED WARNING that those who had been banned from growing their own food where on the State List to be starved to death. When the general food supply is either exhausted or deliberately held back or a system of extreme rationing is happening, the peoples will take to growing their own food to feed their family IF you cannot grow your own food and you cannot get enough food from stores to feed your family then you are going to starve. Under Totalitarian Communism of course they always have had deliberate Starvation of those who are in the way ie. those who oppose the Regime and also those who are not needed anymore ie. the elderly.

Is this going to actually happen in America? Who knows we are literally in completely insane time in this world. But banning a peoples from actually growing their own food is deeply disturbing, we've seen this film before, we know where something as diabolical as that leads to. I mean the other night it was SHOCKING to actually see images from America of MASS GRAVES, a literal MASSIVE TRENCH in AMERICA being filled with corpses, a mass grave....and now they are banning the peoples from growing their own food to feed their family.

Bad BAD VIBES about this. America do NOT go gentle into that dark night.

WTF is Donald Trump doing?! As he's your President he SHOULD be able to do SOMETHING to stop this madness. They are going to have your entire economy collapsed, you will have 40-50% unemployment, food will be rationed, you'll probably be having MASS riots during all of that and they are already putting in the measure where Americans can't even grow their OWN food....oh and remember they already have perfected HOW to dig mass graves. WTF?! Donald Trump needs to put two and two together and DO something IF he doesn't THEN you will know that TRUMP is just a Puppet and is NOT in charge of America.
Trump should and will do something I’m sure. And the media will report every death as being his fault for taking action. Bad enough in a non election year.
Some stupid shit Dem politician is going to make our life decisions for us? I predict 'fuck you' level civil disobedience.

I am hearing this stuff is happening in a majority of American States, not just one State, if it was just one State you would not have a problem but this is a carefully coordinated set of measures across multiple American States and the measures are nearly exactly the same....now that IS a problem.

Do you deny this Dem governor in Michigan is a full on retard?
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

I am getting VERY concerned about what I hear and read is now happening in America, it is DEEPLY ALARMING on ALL levels. I can tell you it is SHOCKING.
You are banned from purchasing a car seat for your child, seeds for your vegetable garden (so you can limit grocery store visits), you can’t drive to your cabin in the woods, golf, or do yard work at your house. Let alone check on your neighbor Nextdoor.

I would do it anyway and let the stupid bitch arrest me. I have no doubt there woul be a great many lawyers who would tak my case and put it on he news. She is done. I doubt she will be reelected after this.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

I am getting VERY concerned about what I hear and read is now happening in America, it is DEEPLY ALARMING on ALL levels. I can tell you it is SHOCKING.
I saw this coming on day one and posted about it. My feelings were confirmed when the Left took the opposite position.
You are banned from purchasing a car seat for your child, seeds for your vegetable garden (so you can limit grocery store visits), you can’t drive to your cabin in the woods, golf, or do yard work at your house. Let alone check on your neighbor Nextdoor.

I would do it anyway and let the stupid bitch arrest me. I have no doubt there woul be a great many lawyers who would tak my case and put it on he news. She is done. I doubt she will be reelected after this.
Stores will not sell it to you.
Some stupid shit Dem politician is going to make our life decisions for us? I predict 'fuck you' level civil disobedience.

I am hearing this stuff is happening in a majority of American States, not just one State, if it was just one State you would not have a problem but this is a carefully coordinated set of measures across multiple American States and the measures are nearly exactly the same....now that IS a problem.

Do you deny this Dem governor in Michigan is a full on retard?

I am telling you to WAKE UP it's NOT just Michigan, no they are not retards they KNOW what they are doing, it's not a retard thing it's an evil thing. Americans have to wake up to what is happening, the warning signs are in front of you.

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?

Hell no. And your effort to protect trump with this attack on a Democrat potential VP is despicable. Putting people in harms way is stupid, of course people like you don't give a shit about stopping this virus as long as trump continues his hate and fear, racist and misogynistic agenda.
Who would have guessed that state governors and local governments would be more oppressive than Commie General Secretary Chi (spelled Xi) or whatever his name is. And the cops go along with it, and American citizens take it. Very sad. What is the point of having separate states if they all have the same exact oppressive policies? As citizens we need to appeal to President Trump to get our Constitutional rights back that were taken by the states.

I am getting VERY concerned about what I hear and read is now happening in America, it is DEEPLY ALARMING on ALL levels. I can tell you it is SHOCKING.
I saw this coming on day one and posted about it. My feelings were confirmed when the Left took the opposite position.

I saw all of this also and so did others, you know why you and I and they all saw it coming? Because we know what times we are entering as a world now, we were foretold of it in words from a very long time ago, we were forewarned and we are AWAKE, so many peoples are ASLEEP, but also we are foretold of a time soon when something they cannot ignore happens and THEN they WAKE UP and that will be the last chance for waking up.
Some stupid shit Dem politician is going to make our life decisions for us? I predict 'fuck you' level civil disobedience.

I am hearing this stuff is happening in a majority of American States, not just one State, if it was just one State you would not have a problem but this is a carefully coordinated set of measures across multiple American States and the measures are nearly exactly the same....now that IS a problem.

Do you deny this Dem governor in Michigan is a full on retard?

I am telling you to WAKE UP it's NOT just Michigan, no they are not retards they KNOW what they are doing, it's not a retard thing it's an evil thing. Americans have to wake up to what is happening, the warning signs are in front of you.

Yup. It's that whole frog in boiling water thing.
Hey dumbshits, CA has 40 million people and less infected people than Michigan with 987 million people. Gov. Newsom was on top of the issue, unfortunately for those in most of the rest of the country who believed trump and now suffer the consequences.

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?

Hell no. And your effort to protect trump with this attack on a Democrat potential VP is despicable. Putting people in harms way is stupid, of course people like you don't give a shit about stopping this virus as long as trump continues his hate and fear, racist and misogynistic agenda.
Putting people in harms way? Like driving to the store?

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?

Hell no. And your effort to protect trump with this attack on a Democrat potential VP is despicable. Putting people in harms way is stupid, of course people like you don't give a shit about stopping this virus as long as trump continues his hate and fear, racist and misogynistic agenda.

That chick aint getting anywhere near the White House. All she would do for Biden is sink his campaign faster and cost him a state he needs.

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