Michigan starts Martial law today

I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?
What a drama queen thread! Read the link expecting to see armed troops patrolling the streets and just found some governor trying to further limit travel and force more people to quit moving around and freely associating during an epidemic, (further spreading disease) in the state with third highest coronavirus problem, with over 1281 already dead and close to 23,000 people infected. The article said, people were mostly going along with the distancing already in place. I've seen a US city where the governor did not declare martial law, but did move a brigade of National Guard in during a strike, to take over police and fire functions, issue dusk to dawn curfew and put a Cavalry Troop armed to the teeth on the street to quell violence. There is no martial law in Michigan.
Fuck off..........If I want to go see my neighbor I'll go see my neighbor.......

Try to enforce it DUMB ASS.........lets see what happens.........I know that way down here......All the Fucks are already given for that.......

You people have lost your Freaking minds.
You fuck off, dipshit. You waiting on autopsy results to find out if you had close exposure to Michigan's coronavirus infection? I am.

Now people in Michigan are not allowed to go into other peoples houses starting today. Are they going too far?
What a drama queen thread! Read the link expecting to see armed troops patrolling the streets and just found some governor trying to further limit travel and force more people to quit moving around and freely associating during an epidemic, (further spreading disease) in the state with third highest coronavirus problem, with over 1281 already dead and close to 23,000 people infected. The article said, people were mostly going along with the distancing already in place. I've seen a US city where the governor did not declare martial law, but did move a brigade of National Guard in during a strike, to take over police and fire functions, issue dusk to dawn curfew and put a Cavalry Troop armed to the teeth on the street to quell violence. There is no martial law in Michigan.
Fuck off..........If I want to go see my neighbor I'll go see my neighbor.......

Try to enforce it DUMB ASS.........lets see what happens.........I know that way down here......All the Fucks are already given for that.......

You people have lost your Freaking minds.
You fuck off, dipshit. You waiting on autopsy results to find out if you had close exposure to Michigan's coronavirus infection? I am.
Sorry for your lose.............but this shit is BS...............this virus will spread and kill more........Just like 1957 and 1968..........

The world didn't shut down then............I refuse........Live Free or Die........this is INSANITY.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Tens of millions of Americans are walking around with preexisting medical conditions, diabetes or mild emphysema for example, without knowing about it.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Tens of millions of Americans are walking around with preexisting medical conditions, diabetes or mild emphysema for example, without knowing about it.

And they survive flu season. How do you know they will die? Specifically,how do you know?
The anti christ governor proclaimed this today huh?

So no Easter dinner in Michigan tomorrow

And no more church.

Like living in the former USSR where if they caught a church gathering they would shoot them all, yet they persisted anyway.
A lot of these states are getting really stupid here. Banning people from buying certain "non essential" items when they are in a store, but determining that booze, beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets are "essential".

IMHO, broads like Whitmer are just little Eichmanns, imitating the dictatorial habits of the late German liberal leader
Who's doing that and what are they banning?

Read the link..

Once upon a time the left condoned the red states and there blue laws, heck you couldn't buy a toys or anything on a Sunday from a big box store just food and baby diapers.
What link?
I did fail to leave out age related data between Ohio and Michigan.

In terms of population 60 years old or older in 2017:

Ohio: 2,718,923

Michigan: 2,34,292.

So there you have it. Ohio has more people over 60 and older, as well as more people in general than Michigan, yet Michigan is getting lit up with deaths and cases compared to Ohio.

That is...a very interesting chart.

All I can think of is...does Michigan have more travel to/from China?

That is a possibility, however, how do you get data on travel?
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.
Or, the Michigan governor wants to hurt the public until Trump is out of office.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Tens of millions of Americans are walking around with preexisting medical conditions, diabetes or mild emphysema for example, without knowing about it.

And they survive flu season. How do you know they will die? Specifically,how do you know?
No one can predict exactly who will live or die, but statistics and math indicate those who have preexisting conditions have a greater risk of death when they have COVID-19. You are willing to gamble their lives, I am not.
I've noticed both parties around the US in local and city govts have turned into authoritarian dictators. Ruling by decree. This is unconstitutional but the sheep seem to want to be ruled. This will end badly. I won't be surprised when they start welding people in their houses circa wuhan, weeks ago.

Look at the happy Brownshirt thugs keeping 6 feet apart in Michigan!

And the idiots don’t have a clue how stupid they look in that pic.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
OMFG..........the very people passing social distancing laws while next to each other.....and he can't go............What a bunch of Morons...

LOL...........the Stupid is strong in this country.
Martial law might have saved Detroit but that’s for another topic.

Detroit is getting slammed and considering blacks seem to suffer worse from Covid and the population level in Detroit is mostly black nearing a million people, compared to a large Ohio city like Cleveland with half that number of people, Detroit may be the one city that is causing this spike yet the entire state is being treated the same.

And this is what drives me insane about the Left. They think what works in Ohio will work in Michigan, or even what works in most of Michigan may not work in all of Michigan.

Stop treating us all like one herd of cattle!
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
OMFG..........the very people passing social distancing laws while next to each other.....and he can't go............What a bunch of Morons...

LOL...........the Stupid is strong in this country.

Why don’t we do this every flu season?
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
OMFG..........the very people passing social distancing laws while next to each other.....and he can't go............What a bunch of Morons...

LOL...........the Stupid is strong in this country.

Why don’t we do this every flu season?
Not an election year I guess.

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