Michigan starts Martial law today

Trump supposedly didn’t react soon enough, but now we overreact with this ridiculous spending bill.
I put it in the context of a lawsuit being settled in a corporation like "round up" for example, where as a judge ordered million's to be paid in the suit. Ok, so what happens next is the afflicted will maybe get $2500 dollars (if they're lucky), when the final bell sounds. When dealing with a nation this large, money doesn't go very far in a bill like that. Those are numbers that we can't even understand, but that the top deals with always. Probably wasn't enough is what I'm tinking.
Trump supposedly didn’t react soon enough, but now we overreact with this ridiculous spending bill.
I put it in the context of a lawsuit being settled in a corporation like "round up" for example, where as a judge ordered million's to be paid in the suit. Ok, so what happens next is the afflicted will maybe get $2500 dollars (if they're lucky), when the final bell sounds. When dealing with a nation this large, money doesn't go very far in a bill like that. Those are numbers that we can't even understand, but that the top deals with always. Probably wasn't enough is what I'm tinking.

And Congress wants more? It’s insane.

$2 trillion?

Biggest scam ever.

Like TSA, it’s proven that TSA does not work, yet we just accept it thanks to Bin Ladin.
It’s amazing to me that not one member of Congress is on record as voting for the bill. What the fuck?

And they are getting paid as well all are forced to shut down the economy.

Just Congress jumping at the opportunity to pay off the ruling class.
more like this

It’s amazing to me that not one member of Congress is on record as voting for the bill. What the fuck?

And they are getting paid as well all are forced to shut down the economy.

Just Congress jumping at the opportunity to pay off the ruling class.
That's why government watchdog groups needs to step up their game in this country.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.

One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.


I can’t believe Congress shuts down the government and steals $2 trillion from our citizens and they don’t even take a pay cut?

It’s fucking tyranny. If you like it just because you hate Trump, you are really dumb.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.
People aren't abiding by the social distancing.

Ahhhhh, your inner authoritarian is showing itself.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.
People aren't abiding by the social distancing.

Ahhhhh, your inner authoritarian is showing itself.
Your inner "make shit up because you don't have a real response" is showing itself.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.


I can’t believe Congress shuts down the government and steals $2 trillion from our citizens and they don’t even take a pay cut?

It’s fucking tyranny. If you like it just because you hate Trump, you are really dumb.

If you voted for the Orange sack of shit in the first place, you're staggeringly stupid and have no foundation to determine the intelligence level of anyone else.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.


I can’t believe Congress shuts down the government and steals $2 trillion from our citizens and they don’t even take a pay cut?

It’s fucking tyranny. If you like it just because you hate Trump, you are really dumb.

If you voted for the Orange sack of shit in the first place, you're staggeringly stupid and have no foundation to determine the intelligence level of anyone else.

So you are good with Congress stealing $2 trillion and imposing martial law? Why?
Some stupid shit Dem politician is going to make our life decisions for us? I predict 'fuck you' level civil disobedience.

I am hearing this stuff is happening in a majority of American States, not just one State, if it was just one State you would not have a problem but this is a carefully coordinated set of measures across multiple American States and the measures are nearly exactly the same....now that IS a problem.

Do you deny this Dem governor in Michigan is a full on retard?

I am telling you to WAKE UP it's NOT just Michigan, no they are not retards they KNOW what they are doing, it's not a retard thing it's an evil thing. Americans have to wake up to what is happening, the warning signs are in front of you.

Relax we are Americans, when we bark our politicians shit themselves.
I can’t believe government is forcing businesses to close over the flu. It’s so ridiculous. If you support it, you are really stupid.
Stupid is still thinking COVID-19 is just the flu.

Stupid is thinking it’s not. We started with 2.2 million deaths. Now we are down to 60k. What is a bad flu season?

So stupid. Only those with health issues need to be concerned.

We need to open the economy
Stupid would be you comparing a year's worth of flu cases to a short period of COVID-19, basically a few months.
OMFG..........the very people passing social distancing laws while next to each other.....and he can't go............What a bunch of Morons...

LOL...........the Stupid is strong in this country.

Why don’t we do this every flu season?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because we don't get over 18,000 deaths in the first month and a half of a flu season? Just a guess.

What a difference 24 hours makes.

We're over 20 thousand deaths now.

Over 2 thousand died in the last 24 hours from the virus.

The flu doesn't do that.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.

Can't put anyone into jail, because they would be trampled by those that the ??????? are letting out of jail. Unbelievable that prisoners are being let out of jail for fear that they might get covid-19. So let criminals out of jail basically giving the message that crime is no big deal these days ??
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.


I can’t believe Congress shuts down the government and steals $2 trillion from our citizens and they don’t even take a pay cut?

It’s fucking tyranny. If you like it just because you hate Trump, you are really dumb.

If you voted for the Orange sack of shit in the first place, you're staggeringly stupid and have no foundation to determine the intelligence level of anyone else.

So you are good with Congress stealing $2 trillion and imposing martial law? Why?
Uh covid-19 ?? Now the question is "did covid-19 warrant this response in the beginning"?? If it did then somehow it's got to be paid for. Now the amount allocated for it might be in question, and making sure the money gets used right is another thing needed monitoring heavily.
One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.
People aren't abiding by the social distancing.

One of the reasons Michigan has begun Martial Law is because the Covid cases are off the charts. But why?

Let's compare Michigan to surrounding states to try and understand.

Population levels:..............................….Covid cases............….Covid deaths

Michigan: 9,883,640..............................21,504.....................….1,076

Ohio: 11,747,694.................................….5,512...........................213

Both populations seem to be about the same, so what is going on here?

It has nothing to do with race

Ohio.......................................81% white.................12.3% black...………… 2.1% Asian

Michigan..............................79% white..................….14% black............…..2.4% Asian

Nope, no real substantive differences there either.

So what in the flying hell is going on?

Note that both states started to implement the same policies at about the same time. So why does shutting down the economy work in Ohio but not Michigan? It then brings into question as to what exactly what effectiveness these policies had to begin with.

Maybe there is a high percentage of religious folks there who hate the idea of a government telling citizens what to do. Perhaps they believe god is in control and knows better than any government how to respond to this new plague. Remember: In a state of emergency, even mouth breathers will get mad and rebel in their own ways.
This is more about the war on Christians in that statement and others then the Virus. The real issue is what the authoritarian police do. There are an endless amount of people who do not mind their own business. What we type here, is not policy. And it does not mean what we will act like in the real world. But for some, it is. Unfortunately we are near the point where you can not even pontificate in your own home. Knowing that for most of us it is chest beating. But for a growing amount it is insubordination to the state. And they will take you up on it.

I am wondering if the Trump stimulus will pay for their fines, cuz it's not like they have a job to pay it.

Everyone else they are letting out of prison cuz of Covid.


I can’t believe Congress shuts down the government and steals $2 trillion from our citizens and they don’t even take a pay cut?

It’s fucking tyranny. If you like it just because you hate Trump, you are really dumb.

If you voted for the Orange sack of shit in the first place, you're staggeringly stupid and have no foundation to determine the intelligence level of anyone else.

So you are good with Congress stealing $2 trillion and imposing martial law? Why?
Uh covid-19 ?? Now the question is "did covid-19 warrant this response in the beginning"?? If it did then somehow it's got to be paid for. Now the amount allocated for it might be in question, and making sure the money gets used right is another thing needed monitoring heavily.

Biggest wealth transfer in history went off without a vote. It’s not who we are.
Slow roots of fascism growing in the nation.

Federal Reserve is robbing every working American to bail out rich people.

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